当前位置:Gxlcms > PHP教程 > php的面向对象


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:5人阅读



    public function __set($name,$value){
        if(($name="attribute") && ($value>=0) && ($value<=100)){


class A{
    public $attribute="default value";
    private function operation1(){
        echo "operation1 called 
"; } protected function operation2(){ echo "operation2 called
"; } public function operation3(){ echo "operation3 called
"; } function operation(){ echo "Something
"; echo "The value of \$attribute is ". $this->attribute."
"; } } //类的继承、重载 class B extends A{ public $attribute="different value"; function __construct(){ $this->operation2(); $this->operation3(); } function operation(){ echo "Something else
"; echo "The value of \$attribute is ". $this->attribute."
"; } } //使用final关键字禁止继承和重载 class FinalA{ public $attribute="default value"; final function operation(){ echo "Something
"; echo "The value of \$attribute is".$this->attribute."
"; } } //实现接口 interface Displayable{ function display(); } class webPage implements Displayable{ function display(){ echo "实现了接口
"; } } //使用Pre-class常量、实现静态方法 class Math{ //使用Pre-class常量 const pi=3.14159; //实现静态方法 static function squared($input){ return $input*$input; } } //延迟静态绑定 class C{ public static function who(){ echo __CLASS__; } public static function test(){ static::who(); } } class D extends C{ public static function who(){ echo __CLASS__; } } //使用抽象类 abstract class E{ abstract function operationX($param1,$param2); } //使用__call()重载方法 class Overload{ public function __call($method,$p){ if($method=="display"){ if(is_object($p[0])){ $this->displayObject($p[0]); }elseif(is_array($p[0])){ $this->displayArray($p[0]); }else{ $this->displayScalar($p[0]); } } } } //实现迭代器和迭代 class myClass{ public $a="5"; public $b="7"; public $c="9"; } //将类转换成字符串 class Printable{ public $testone; public $testtwo; public function __toString(){ return(var_export($this,TRUE)); } }

require_once 'classname.php';
$a=new classname();

$b=new B();
echo "
"; $b->operation(); //访问常量所属的类 echo "Math::pi=".Math::pi."
"; //访问静态方法 echo Math::squared(8)."
"; //检查类的类型和类型提示 instanceof关键字 if($b instanceof B){ echo "true
"; } function check_hint(B $someclass){ echo "right
"; } check_hint($b); //延迟静态绑定 D::test(); echo "
"; //克隆对象 $c=clone $b; //使用__call()重载方法 $ov=new Overload(); $ov->display(array(1,2,3)); $ov->display('cat'); //使用__autoload()方法 function __autoload($name){ include_once $name.".php"; } //实现迭代器和迭代 $x=new myClass(); foreach($x as $attribute){ echo $attribute."
"; } //使用Reflection(反射)API require_once ("TLA/page.inc"); $class=new ReflectionClass("Page"); echo "

