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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:4人阅读

本文译者:Alexander Gao 引用、转载请说明出处。

Yii PHP框架 版本2 ¶

  1. 安装

此为 Yii 2的核心框架代码.

此仓库是 https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2下的子项目,请对主仓库提交问题报告、拉取请求。关于许可信息请查阅 LICENSE 文档。

安装 ¶

推荐通过 composer 来安装Yii框架.


composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.0.0"composer require yiisoft/yii2


"yiisoft/yii2": "~2.0.0",

到composer.json 的require section中。


YiiYii 是服务公共框架功能的助手类。
yii\BaseYiiBaseYii 是Yii框架的核心助手类。
yii\base\ActionAction 是所有控制器动作类的基类。
yii\base\ActionEventActionEvent 用于表示一个动作事件的事件参数。
yii\base\ActionFilterActionFilter 是动作过滤器的基类。
yii\base\ApplicationApplication 是所有应用类的基类。
yii\base\ArrayAccessTraitArrayAccessTrait 为 IteratorAggregate, ArrayAccess 和Countable 提供实现。
yii\base\ArrayableArrayable is the interface that should be implemented by classes who want to support customizable representation of their instances.
yii\base\ArrayableTraitArrayableTrait 提供了一个 yii\base\Arrayable 接口的公共实现。
yii\base\BehaviorBehavior 是所有行为类的基类。
yii\base\BootstrapInterfaceBootstrapInterface is the interface that should be implemented by classes who want to participate in the Application Bootstrap process.
yii\base\ComponentComponent is the base class that implements the property, event and behavior features.
yii\base\ConfigurableConfigurable is the interface that should be implemented by classes who support configuring its properties through the last parameter to its constructor.
yii\base\ControllerController 是包含控制器逻辑的类的基类。
yii\base\DynamicModelDynamicModel 是一个主要用于特定数据验证的模型类。
yii\base\ErrorExceptionErrorException 表示一个PHP错误。
yii\base\ErrorHandlerErrorHandler 处理未捕获的php错误和异常。
yii\base\EventEvent 是所有事件类的基类。
yii\base\ExitExceptionExitException 表示一个应用程序的正常终止。
yii\base\InlineActionInlineAction 表示一个被定义为控制器方法的动作。
yii\base\InvalidCallExceptionInvalidCallException 表示一个因使用错误方式调用方法而引发的异常。
yii\base\InvalidConfigExceptionInvalidConfigException 表示由错误的对象配置而引发的异常。
yii\base\InvalidParamExceptionInvalidParamException 表示由传入到方法的无效函数而引发的异常。
yii\base\InvalidRouteExceptionInvalidRouteException 表示因无效路由引发的异常。.
yii\base\InvalidValueExceptionInvalidValueException 表示因函数返回意外类型的值而引发的异常。
yii\base\ModelModel 是数据模型的基类。
yii\base\ModelEventModelEvent 表示了一个 yii\base\Model events 需要的参数。
yii\base\ModuleModule 是模块和应用程序类的基类。
yii\base\NotSupportedExceptionNotSupportedException 表示一个因访问不支持的功能而引发的异常。
yii\base\ObjectObject is the base class that implements the property feature.
yii\base\RequestRequest 表示一个被 yii\base\Application 处理的请求对象。
yii\base\ResponseResponse represents the response of an yii\base\Application to a yii\base\Request.
yii\base\SecuritySecurity provides a set of methods to handle common security-related tasks.
yii\base\ThemeTheme 表示应用程序的主题。
yii\base\UnknownClassExceptionUnknownClassException 表示因使用未知的类引发的异常。
yii\base\UnknownMethodExceptionUnknownMethodException represents an Exception caused by accessing an unknown object method.
yii\base\UnknownPropertyExceptionUnknownPropertyException represents an Exception caused by accessing unknown object properties.
yii\base\UserExceptionUserException 是将要显示给终端用户的异常的基类。
yii\base\ViewView 代表MVC模式下的视图对象。
yii\base\ViewContextInterfaceViewContextInterface is the interface that should implemented by classes who want to support relative view names.
yii\base\ViewEventViewEvent 表示被 yii\base\View 组件触发的事件。
yii\base\WidgetWidget 是插件类的基类。
yii\behaviors\AttributeBehaviorAttributeBehavior automatically assigns a specified value to one or multiple attributes of an ActiveRecord object when certain events happen.
yii\behaviors\BlameableBehaviorBlameableBehavior automatically fills the specified attributes with the current user ID.
yii\behaviors\SluggableBehaviorSluggableBehavior automatically fills the specified attribute with a value that can be used a slug in a URL.
yii\behaviors\TimestampBehaviorTimestampBehavior automatically fills the specified attributes with the current timestamp.
yii\caching\ApcCacheApcCache provides APC caching in terms of an Application component.
yii\caching\ArrayCacheArrayCache provides caching for the current request only by storing the values in an array.
yii\caching\CacheCache is the base class for cache classes supporting different cache storage implementations.
yii\caching\ChainedDependencyChainedDependency represents a dependency which is composed of a list of other dependencies.
yii\caching\DbCacheDbCache implements a cache Application component by storing cached data in a database.
yii\caching\DbDependencyDbDependency represents a dependency based on the query result of a SQL statement.
yii\caching\DependencyDependency is the base class for cache dependency classes.
yii\caching\DummyCacheDummyCache is a placeholder cache component.
yii\caching\ExpressionDependencyExpressionDependency represents a dependency based on the result of a PHP expression.
yii\caching\FileCacheFileCache implements a cache component using files.
yii\caching\FileDependencyFileDependency represents a dependency based on a file's last modification time.
yii\caching\MemCacheMemCache implements a cache Application component based on memcache and memcached.
yii\caching\MemCacheServerMemCacheServer represents the configuration data for a single memcache or memcached server.
yii\caching\TagDependencyTagDependency associates a cached data item with one or multiple $tags.
yii\caching\WinCacheWinCache provides Windows Cache caching in terms of an Application component.
yii\caching\XCacheXCache provides XCache caching in terms of an Application component.
yii\caching\ZendDataCacheZendDataCache provides Zend data caching in terms of an Application component.
yii\captcha\CaptchaCaptcha 显示一个验证码图片和接收用户输入的验证码的输入框。
yii\captcha\CaptchaActionCaptchaAction 显示一个验证码图片。
yii\captcha\CaptchaAssetThis asset bundle provides the javascript files needed for the yii\captcha\Captcha widget.
yii\captcha\CaptchaValidatorCaptchaValidator validates that the attribute value is the same as the verification code displayed in the CAPTCHA.
yii\console\ApplicationApplication represents a console Application.
yii\console\ControllerController is the base class of console command classes.
yii\console\ErrorHandlerErrorHandler handles uncaught PHP errors and Exceptions.
yii\console\ExceptionException represents an Exception caused by incorrect usage of a console command.
yii\console\MarkdownA Markdown parser that enhances markdown for reading in console environments.
yii\console\RequestThe console Request represents the environment information for a console Application.
yii\console\ResponseThe console Response represents the result of a console Application.
yii\console\controllers\AssetControllerAllows you to combine and compress your JavaScript and CSS files.
yii\console\controllers\BaseMigrateControllerBaseMigrateController is base class for migrate controllers.
yii\console\controllers\FixtureControllerManages fixture data loading and unloading.
yii\console\controllers\MessageControllerExtracts messages to be translated from source files.
yii\console\controllers\MigrateControllerManages Application migrations.
yii\data\ActiveDataProviderActiveDataProvider implements a data provider based on yii\db\Query and yii\db\ActiveQuery.
yii\data\ArrayDataProviderArrayDataProvider implements a data provider based on a data array.
yii\data\BaseDataProviderBaseDataProvider provides a base class that implements the yii\data\DataProviderInterface.
yii\data\DataProviderInterfaceDataProviderInterface is the interface that must be implemented by data provider classes.
yii\data\PaginationPagination represents information relevant to pagination of data items.
yii\data\SortSort represents information relevant to sorting.
yii\data\SqlDataProviderSqlDataProvider implements a data provider based on a plain SQL statement.
yii\db\ActiveQueryActiveQuery represents a DB query associated with an Active Record class.
yii\db\ActiveQueryInterfaceActiveQueryInterface defines the common interface to be implemented by active record query classes.
yii\db\ActiveQueryTraitActiveQueryTrait implements the common methods and properties for active record query classes.
yii\db\ActiveRecordActiveRecord is the base class for classes representing relational data in terms of objects.
yii\db\ActiveRelationTraitActiveRelationTrait implements the common methods and properties for active record relational queries.
yii\db\AfterSaveEventAfterSaveEvent represents the information available in yii\db\ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_INSERT and yii\db\ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_UPDATE.
yii\db\BaseActiveRecordActiveRecord is the base class for classes representing relational data in terms of objects.
yii\db\BatchQueryResultBatchQueryResult represents a batch query from which you can retrieve data in batches.
yii\db\ColumnSchemaColumnSchema class describes the metadata of a column in a database table.
yii\db\ColumnSchemaBuilderColumnSchemaBuilder helps to define database schema types using a PHP interface.
yii\db\CommandCommand represents a SQL statement to be executed against a database.
yii\db\ConnectionConnection represents a connection to a database via PDO.
yii\db\DataReaderDataReader represents a forward-only stream of rows from a query result set.
yii\db\ExceptionException represents an Exception that is caused by some DB-related operations.
yii\db\ExpressionExpression represents a DB expression that does not need escaping or quoting.
yii\db\IntegrityExceptionException represents an Exception that is caused by violation of DB constraints.
yii\db\MigrationMigration is the base class for representing a database migration.
yii\db\MigrationInterfaceThe MigrationInterface defines the minimum set of methods to be implemented by a database migration.
yii\db\QueryQuery represents a SELECT SQL statement in a way that is independent of DBMS.
yii\db\QueryBuilderQueryBuilder builds a SELECT SQL statement based on the specification given as a yii\db\Query object.
yii\db\QueryInterfaceThe QueryInterface defines the minimum set of methods to be implemented by a database query.
yii\db\QueryTraitThe BaseQuery trait represents the minimum method set of a database Query.
yii\db\SchemaSchema is the base class for concrete DBMS-specific schema classes.
yii\db\SchemaBuilderTraitSchemaBuilderTrait contains shortcut methods to create instances of yii\db\ColumnSchemaBuilder.
yii\db\TableSchemaTableSchema represents the metadata of a database table.
yii\db\TransactionTransaction 表示一个数据库事务。
yii\db\cubrid\QueryBuilderQueryBuilder is the query builder for CUBRID databases (version 9.3.x and higher).
yii\db\cubrid\SchemaSchema is the class for retrieving metadata from a CUBRID database (version 9.3.x and higher).
yii\db\mssql\PDOThis is an extension of the default PDO class of MSSQL and DBLIB drivers.
yii\db\mssql\QueryBuilderQueryBuilder is the query builder for MS SQL Server databases (version 2008 and above).
yii\db\mssql\SchemaSchema is the class for retrieving metadata from a MS SQL Server databases (version 2008 and above).
yii\db\mssql\SqlsrvPDOThis is an extension of the default PDO class of SQLSRV driver.
yii\db\mssql\TableSchemaTableSchema represents the metadata of a database table.
yii\db\mysql\QueryBuilderQueryBuilder 是MySQL数据库的查询构建器。
yii\db\mysql\SchemaSchema is the class for retrieving metadata from a MySQL database (version 4.1.x and 5.x).
yii\db\oci\ColumnSchemaBuilderColumnSchemaBuilder is the schema builder for Oracle databases.
yii\db\oci\QueryBuilderQueryBuilder is the query builder for Oracle databases.
yii\db\oci\SchemaSchema is the class for retrieving metadata from an Oracle database
yii\db\pgsql\QueryBuilderQueryBuilder is the query builder for PostgreSQL databases.
yii\db\pgsql\SchemaSchema is the class for retrieving metadata from a PostgreSQL database (version 9.x and above).
yii\db\sqlite\QueryBuilderQueryBuilder is the query builder for SQLite databases.
yii\db\sqlite\SchemaSchema is the class for retrieving metadata from a SQLite (2/3) database.
yii\di\ContainerContainer implements a dependency injection container.
yii\di\InstanceInstance represents a reference to a named object in a dependency injection (DI) container or a service locator.
yii\di\ServiceLocatorServiceLocator 实现了一个服务定位器。
yii\filters\AccessControlAccessControl provides simple access control based on a set of rules.
yii\filters\AccessRuleThis class represents an access rule defined by the yii\filters\AccessControl action filter
yii\filters\ContentNegotiatorContentNegotiator supports response format negotiation and Application language negotiation.
yii\filters\CorsCors filter implements Cross Origin Resource Sharing.
yii\filters\HttpCacheHttpCache implements client-side caching by utilizing the Last-Modified and Etag HTTP headers.
yii\filters\PageCachePageCache implements server-side caching of whole pages.
yii\filters\RateLimitInterfaceRateLimitInterface is the interface that may be implemented by an identity object to enforce rate limiting.
yii\filters\RateLimiterRateLimiter implements a rate limiting algorithm based on the leaky bucket algorithm.
yii\filters\VerbFilterVerbFilter is an action filter that filters by HTTP request methods.
yii\filters\auth\AuthInterfaceAuthInterface is the interface that should be implemented by auth method classes.
yii\filters\auth\AuthMethodAuthMethod is a base class implementing the yii\filters\auth\AuthInterface interface.
yii\filters\auth\CompositeAuthCompositeAuth is an action filter that supports multiple authentication methods at the same time.
yii\filters\auth\HttpBasicAuthHttpBasicAuth is an action filter that supports the HTTP Basic authentication method.
yii\filters\auth\HttpBearerAuthHttpBearerAuth is an action filter that supports the authentication method based on HTTP Bearer token.
yii\filters\auth\QueryParamAuthQueryParamAuth is an action filter that supports the authentication based on the access token passed through a query parameter.
yii\grid\ActionColumnActionColumn is a column for the yii\grid\GridView widget that displays buttons for viewing and manipulating the items.
yii\grid\CheckboxColumnCheckboxColumn displays a column of checkboxes in a grid view.
yii\grid\ColumnColumn is the base class of all yii\grid\GridView column classes.
yii\grid\DataColumnDataColumn is the default column type for the yii\grid\GridView widget.
yii\grid\GridViewThe GridView widget is used to display data in a grid.
yii\grid\GridViewAssetThis asset bundle provides the javascript files for the yii\grid\GridView widget.
yii\grid\SerialColumnSerialColumn displays a column of row numbers (1-based).
yii\helpers\ArrayHelperArrayHelper provides additional array functionality that you can use in your Application.
yii\helpers\BaseArrayHelperBaseArrayHelper provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\ArrayHelper.
yii\helpers\BaseConsoleBaseConsole provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\Console.
yii\helpers\BaseFileHelperBaseFileHelper provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\FileHelper.
yii\helpers\BaseFormatConverterBaseFormatConverter provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\FormatConverter.
yii\helpers\BaseHtmlBaseHtml provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\Html.
yii\helpers\BaseHtmlPurifierBaseHtmlPurifier provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\HtmlPurifier.
yii\helpers\BaseInflectorBaseInflector provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\Inflector.
yii\helpers\BaseJsonBaseJson provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\Json.
yii\helpers\BaseMarkdownBaseMarkdown provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\Markdown.
yii\helpers\BaseStringHelperBaseStringHelper provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\StringHelper.
yii\helpers\BaseUrlBaseUrl provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\Url.
yii\helpers\BaseVarDumperBaseVarDumper provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\VarDumper.
yii\helpers\ConsoleConsole helper provides useful methods for command line related tasks such as getting input or formatting and coloring output.
yii\helpers\FileHelperFile system helper
yii\helpers\FormatConverterFormatConverter provides functionality to convert between different formatting pattern formats.
yii\helpers\HtmlHtml provides a set of static methods for generating commonly used HTML tags.
yii\helpers\HtmlPurifierHtmlPurifier provides an ability to clean up HTML from any harmful code.
yii\helpers\InflectorInflector pluralizes and singularizes English nouns. It also contains some other useful methods.
yii\helpers\JsonJson is a helper class providing JSON data encoding and decoding.
yii\helpers\MarkdownMarkdown provides an ability to transform markdown into HTML.
yii\helpers\UrlUrl provides a set of static methods for managing URLs.
yii\helpers\VarDumperVarDumper is intended to replace the buggy PHP function var_dump and print_r.
yii\i18n\DbMessageSourceDbMessageSource extends yii\i18n\MessageSource and represents a message source that stores translated messages in database.
yii\i18n\FormatterFormatter provides a set of commonly used data formatting methods.
yii\i18n\GettextFileGettextFile is the base class for representing a Gettext message file.
yii\i18n\GettextMessageSourceGettextMessageSource represents a message source that is based on GNU Gettext.
yii\i18n\GettextMoFileGettextMoFile represents an MO Gettext message file.
yii\i18n\GettextPoFileGettextPoFile represents a PO Gettext message file.
yii\i18n\I18NI18N provides features related with internationalization (I18N) and localization (L10N).
yii\i18n\MessageFormatterMessageFormatter allows formatting messages via ICU message format
yii\i18n\MessageSourceMessageSource is the base class for message translation repository classes.
yii\i18n\MissingTranslationEventMissingTranslationEvent represents the parameter for the yii\i18n\MessageSource::EVENT_MISSING_TRANSLATION event.
yii\i18n\PhpMessageSourcePhpMessageSource represents a message source that stores translated messages in PHP scripts.
yii\log\DbTargetDbTarget stores log messages in a database table.
yii\log\DispatcherDispatcher manages a set of log targets.
yii\log\EmailTargetEmailTarget sends selected log messages to the specified email addresses.
yii\log\FileTargetFileTarget records log messages in a file.
yii\log\LoggerLogger records logged messages in memory and sends them to different targets if $dispatcher is set.
yii\log\SyslogTargetSyslogTarget writes log to syslog.
yii\log\TargetTarget is the base class for all log target classes.
yii\mail\BaseMailerBaseMailer serves as a base class that implements the basic functions required by yii\mail\MailerInterface.
yii\mail\BaseMessageBaseMessage serves as a base class that implements the send() method required by yii\mail\MessageInterface.
yii\mail\MailEventMailEvent represents the event parameter used for events triggered by yii\mail\BaseMailer.
yii\mail\MailerInterfaceMailerInterface is the interface that should be implemented by mailer classes.
yii\mail\MessageInterfaceMessageInterface is the interface that should be implemented by mail message classes.
yii\mutex\DbMutexDbMutex is the base class for classes, which relies on database while implementing mutex "lock" mechanism.
yii\mutex\FileMutexFileMutex implements mutex "lock" mechanism via local file system files.
yii\mutex\MutexMutex component allows mutual execution of the concurrent processes, preventing "race conditions".
yii\mutex\MysqlMutexMysqlMutex implements mutex "lock" mechanism via MySQL locks.
yii\rbac\AssignmentAssignment represents an assignment of a role to a user.
yii\rbac\BaseManagerBaseManager is a base class implementing yii\rbac\ManagerInterface for RBAC management.
yii\rbac\DbManagerDbManager represents an authorization manager that stores authorization information in database.
yii\rbac\PhpManagerPhpManager represents an authorization manager that stores authorization information in terms of a PHP script file.
yii\rbac\RuleRule represents a business constraint that may be associated with a role, permission or assignment.
yii\rest\ActionAction is the base class for action classes that implement RESTful API.
yii\rest\ActiveControllerActiveController implements a common set of actions for supporting RESTful access to ActiveRecord.
yii\rest\ControllerController is the base class for RESTful API controller classes.
yii\rest\CreateActionCreateAction implements the API endpoint for creating a new model from the given data.
yii\rest\DeleteActionDeleteAction implements the API endpoint for deleting a model.
yii\rest\OptionsActionOptionsAction responds to the OPTIONS request by sending back an Allow header.
yii\rest\SerializerSerializer converts resource objects and collections into array representation.
yii\rest\UpdateActionUpdateAction implements the API endpoint for updating a model.
yii\rest\UrlRuleUrlRule is provided to simplify the creation of URL rules for RESTful API support.
yii\rest\ViewActionViewAction implements the API endpoint for returning the detailed information about a model.
yii\test\ActiveFixtureActiveFixture represents a fixture backed up by a ActiveRecord class or a database table.
yii\test\ArrayFixtureArrayFixture represents arbitrary fixture that can be loaded from PHP files.
yii\test\BaseActiveFixtureBaseActiveFixture is the base class for fixture classes that support accessing fixture data as ActiveRecord objects.
yii\test\DbFixtureDbFixture is the base class for DB-related fixtures.
yii\test\FixtureFixture represents a fixed state of a test environment.
yii\test\FixtureTraitFixtureTrait provides functionalities for loading, unloading and accessing fixtures for a test case.
yii\test\InitDbFixtureInitDbFixture represents the initial state needed for DB-related tests.
yii\validators\BooleanValidatorBooleanValidator checks if the attribute value is a boolean value.
yii\validators\CompareValidatorCompareValidator compares the specified attribute value with another value.
yii\validators\DateValidatorDateValidator verifies if the attribute represents a date, time or datetime in a proper $format.
yii\validators\DefaultValueValidatorDefaultValueValidator sets the attribute to be the specified default value.
yii\validators\EachValidatorEachValidator validates an array by checking each of its elements against an embedded validation rule.
yii\validators\EmailValidatorEmailValidator validates that the attribute value is a valid email address.
yii\validators\ExistValidatorExistValidator validates that the attribute value exists in a table.
yii\validators\FileValidatorFileValidator verifies if an attribute is receiving a valid uploaded file.
yii\validators\FilterValidatorFilterValidator converts the attribute value according to a filter.
yii\validators\ImageValidatorImageValidator verifies if an attribute is receiving a valid image.
yii\validators\InlineValidatorInlineValidator represents a validator which is defined as a method in the object being validated.
yii\validators\NumberValidatorNumberValidator validates that the attribute value is a number.
yii\validators\PunycodeAssetThis asset bundle provides the javascript files needed for the yii\validators\EmailValidators client validation.
yii\validators\RangeValidatorRangeValidator validates that the attribute value is among a list of values.
yii\validators\RegularExpressionValidatorRegularExpressionValidator validates that the attribute value matches the specified $pattern.
yii\validators\requiredValidatorrequiredValidator 验证指定属性不是空或null。
yii\validators\SafeValidatorSafeValidator serves as a dummy validator whose main purpose is to mark the attributes to be safe for massive assignment.
yii\validators\StringValidatorStringValidator 验证属性值符合一定长度。
yii\validators\UniqueValidatorUniqueValidator 验证属性值在指定数据库表中是唯一的。
yii\validators\UrlValidatorUrlValidator 验证属性值是否为有效的http或https URL。
yii\validators\ValidatorValidator 是所有验证器类的基类。
yii\web\AssetBundleAssetBundle 表示一组资源文件的集合, 如 CSS, JS, images.
yii\web\AssetConverterAssetConverter supports conversion of several popular script formats into JS or CSS scripts.
yii\web\AssetConverterInterfaceThe AssetConverterInterface must be implemented by asset converter classes.
yii\web\AssetManagerAssetManager manages asset bundle configuration and loading.
yii\web\BadRequestHttpExceptionBadRequestHttpException represents a "Bad Request" HTTP Exception with status code 400.
yii\web\CacheSessionCacheSession implements a Session component using cache as storage medium.
yii\web\CompositeUrlRuleCompositeUrlRule is the base class for URL rule classes that consist of multiple simpler rules.
yii\web\ConflictHttpExceptionConflictHttpException represents a "Conflict" HTTP Exception with status code 409
yii\web\ControllerController is the base class of web controllers.
yii\web\CookieCookie 表示一个cookie关联的信息,如 $name, $value, $domain, 等等.
yii\web\CookieCollectionCookieCollection 保持当前请求中的cookies可用。
yii\web\DbSessionDbSession extends yii\web\Session by using database as Session data storage.
yii\web\ErrorActionErrorAction 使用指定视图显示应用程序错误。
yii\web\ErrorHandlerErrorHandler 处理未捕获的错误和异常。
yii\web\ForbiddenHttpExceptionForbiddenHttpException represents a "Forbidden" HTTP Exception with status code 403.
yii\web\GoneHttpExceptionGoneHttpException represents a "Gone" HTTP Exception with status code 410
yii\web\GroupUrlRuleGroupUrlRule represents a collection of URL rules sharing the same prefix in their patterns and routes.
yii\web\HeaderCollectionHeaderCollection is used by yii\web\Response to maintain the currently registered HTTP headers.
yii\web\HtmlResponseFormatterHtmlResponseFormatter formats the given data into an HTML response content.
yii\web\HttpExceptionHttpException represents an Exception caused by an improper request of the end-user.
yii\web\IdentityInterfaceIdentityInterface is the interface that should be implemented by a class providing identity information.
yii\web\JqueryAssetThis asset bundle provides the jquery javascript library
yii\web\JsExpressionJsExpression marks a string as a JavaScript expression.
yii\web\JSONParserParses a raw HTTP request using yii\helpers\Json::decode()
yii\web\JsonResponseFormatterJsonResponseFormatter formats the given data into a JSON or JSONP response content.
yii\web\LinkLink represents a link object as defined in JSON Hypermedia API Language.
yii\web\LinkableLinkable is the interface that should be implemented by classes that typically represent locatable resources.
yii\web\MethodNotAllowedHttpExceptionMethodNotAllowedHttpException represents a "Method Not Allowed" HTTP Exception with status code 405.
yii\web\MultiFieldSessionMultiFieldSession is the base class for Session storage implementations with multi-field data storage support.
yii\web\NotAcceptableHttpExceptionNotAcceptableHttpException represents a "Not Acceptable" HTTP Exception with status code 406
yii\web\NotFoundHttpExceptionNotFoundHttpException represents a "Not Found" HTTP Exception with status code 404.
yii\web\RequestThe web Request class represents an HTTP request
yii\web\RequestParserInterfaceInterface for classes that parse the raw request body into a parameters array.
yii\web\ResponseThe web Response class represents an HTTP response
yii\web\ResponseFormatterInterfaceResponseFormatterInterface specifies the interface needed to format a response before it is sent out.
yii\web\ServerErrorHttpExceptionServerErrorHttpException represents an "Internal Server Error" HTTP Exception with status code 500.
yii\web\SessionSession provides Session data management and the related configurations.
yii\web\SessionIteratorSessionIterator implements an Iterator for traversing Session variables managed by yii\web\Session.
yii\web\TooManyRequestsHttpExceptionTooManyRequestsHttpException represents a "Too Many Requests" HTTP Exception with status code 429
yii\web\UnauthorizedHttpExceptionUnauthorizedHttpException represents an "Unauthorized" HTTP Exception with status code 401
yii\web\UnprocessableEntityHttpExceptionUnprocessableEntityHttpException represents an "Unprocessable Entity" HTTP Exception with status code 422.
yii\web\UnsupportedMediaTypeHttpExceptionUnsupportedMediaTypeHttpException represents an "Unsupported Media Type" HTTP Exception with status code 415
yii\web\UploadedFileUploadedFile represents the information for an uploaded file.
yii\web\UrlManagerUrlManager handles HTTP request parsing and creation of URLs based on a set of rules.
yii\web\UrlRuleUrlRule represents a rule used by yii\web\UrlManager for parsing and generating URLs.
yii\web\UrlRuleInterfaceUrlRuleInterface is the interface that should be implemented URL rule classes.
yii\web\UserUser is the class for the "user" Application component that manages the user authentication status.
yii\web\UserEventThis event class is used for Events triggered by the yii\web\User class.
yii\web\ViewView represents a view object in the MVC pattern.
yii\web\ViewActionViewAction represents an action that displays a view according to a user-specified parameter.
yii\web\XmlResponseFormatterXmlResponseFormatter formats the given data into an XML response content.
yii\web\YiiAssetThis asset bundle provides the base javascript files for the Yii Framework.
yii\widgets\ActiveFieldActiveField represents a form input field within an yii\widgets\ActiveForm.
yii\widgets\ActiveFormActiveForm is a widget that builds an interactive HTML form for one or multiple data models.
yii\widgets\BaseListViewBaseListView is a base class for widgets displaying data from data provider such as ListView and GridView.
yii\widgets\BlockBlock records all output between begin() and end() calls and stores it in yii\base\View::$blocks.
yii\widgets\BreadcrumbsBreadcrumbs displays a list of links indicating the position of the current page in the whole site hierarchy.
yii\widgets\ContentDecoratorContentDecorator records all output between begin() and end() calls, passes it to the given view file as $content and then echoes rendering result.
yii\widgets\DetailViewDetailView displays the detail of a single data $model.
yii\widgets\FragmentCacheFragmentCache is used by yii\base\View to provide caching of page fragments.
yii\widgets\InputWidgetInputWidget is the base class for widgets that collect user inputs.
yii\widgets\LinkPagerLinkPager displays a list of hyperlinks that lead to different pages of target.
yii\widgets\LinkSorterLinkSorter renders a list of sort links for the given sort definition.
yii\widgets\ListViewThe ListView widget is used to display data from data provider. Each data model is rendered using the view specified.
yii\widgets\MaskedInputMaskedInput generates a masked text input.
yii\widgets\MaskedInputAssetThe asset bundle for the yii\widgets\MaskedInput widget.
yii\widgets\MenuMenu displays a multi-level menu using nested HTML lists.
yii\widgets\PjaxPjax is a widget integrating the pjax jQuery plugin.
yii\widgets\PjaxAssetThis asset bundle provides the javascript files required by yii\widgets\Pjax widget.
yii\widgets\SpacelessSpaceless widget removes whitespace characters between HTML tags. Whitespaces within HTML tags or in a plain text are always left untouched.

以上就介绍了Yii PHP框架 版本2,包括了require,Exception,Bootstrap,JSONP,PHP框架方面的内容,希望对PHP教程有兴趣的朋友有所帮助。
