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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:3人阅读


在image文件夹中,adapter.zep中定义了一个抽象类Adapter,其中 定义了一些对象和很多方法,包括以下

public getImage () ... public getRealpath () ...
public getWidth () Image width public getHeight () Image
height public getType () Image type Driver dependent
public getMime () Image mime type
public resize ([unknown $width], [unknown $height],
[unknown $master]) Resize the image to the given size
public liquidRescale (unknown $width, unknown $height,
[unknown $deltaX], [unknown $rigidity]) This method scales the images
using liquid rescaling method. Only support Imagick
public crop (unknown $width, unknown $height, [unknown $offsetX],
[unknown $offsetY]) Crop an image to the given size
public rotate (unknown $degrees) Rotate the image by a given
amount public flip (unknown $direction) Flip the image along the
horizontal or vertical axis public sharpen (unknown $amount)
Sharpen the image by a given amount
public reflection (unknown $height, [unknown $opacity],
[unknown $fadeIn]) Add a reflection to an image
public watermark (unknown $watermark, [unknown $offsetX],
[unknown $offsetY], [unknown $opacity]) Add a watermark to an image
with the specified opacity public text (unknown $text,
[unknown $offsetX], [unknown $offsetY], [unknown $opacity],
[unknown $color], [unknown $size], [unknown $fontfile]) Add a text to
an image with a specified opacity public mask (unknown $watermark)
Composite one image onto another
public background (unknown $color, [unknown $opacity]) Set the
background color of an image public blur (unknown $radius) Blur
image public pixelate (unknown $amount) Pixelate image
public save ([unknown $file], [unknown $quality]) Save the image
public render ([unknown $ext], [unknown $quality]) Render the
image and return the binary string



在adapter文件夹中,有两个文件分别 定义了两个子类以及许多方法。


public static check () Checks if Imagick is enabled
public __construct (unknown $file, [unknown $width],
[unknown $height]) \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Imagick constructor
protected _resize (unknown $width, unknown $height) Execute a
protected _liquidRescale (unknown $width, unknown $height, unknown $deltaX, unknown $rigidity)
This method scales the images using liquid rescaling method. Only
support Imagick
protected _crop (unknown $width, unknown $height, unknown $offsetX, unknown $offsetY)
Execute a crop. protected _rotate (unknown $degrees) Execute a
rotation. protected _flip (unknown $direction) Execute a flip.
protected _sharpen (unknown $amount) Execute a sharpen.
protected _reflection (unknown $height, unknown $opacity, unknown $fadeIn)
Execute a reflection.
protected _watermark (unknown $image, unknown $offsetX, unknown $offsetY, unknown $opacity)
Execute a watermarking.
protected _text (unknown $text, unknown $offsetX, unknown $offsetY, unknown $opacity, unknown $r, unknown $g,unknown $b, unknown $size, unknown $fontfile)
Execute a text protected _mask (unknown $image) Composite one
image onto another
protected _background (unknown $r, unknown $g, unknown $b, unknown $opacity) Execute a background. protected _blur (unknown $radius) Blur image
protected _pixelate (unknown $amount) Pixelate image
protected _save (unknown $file, unknown $quality) Execute a save.
protected _render (unknown $extension, unknown $quality) Execute a
render. public __destruct () Destroys the loaded image to free up
resources. public getInternalImInstance () Get instance
public setResourceLimit (unknown $type, unknown $limit) Sets the
limit for a particular resource in megabytes
public getImage () inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter ...
public getRealpath () inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter ...
public getWidth () inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter Image
width public getHeight () inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter
Image height public getType () inherited
from Phalcon\Image\Adapter Image type Driver dependent
public getMime () inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter Image mime
type public resize ([unknown $width], [unknown $height],
[unknown $master]) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter Resize the
image to the given size
public liquidRescale (unknown $width, unknown $height,
[unknown $deltaX], [unknown $rigidity]) inherited
fromPhalcon\Image\Adapter This method scales the images using liquid
rescaling method. Only support Imagick
public crop (unknown $width, unknown $height, [unknown $offsetX],
[unknown $offsetY]) inherited fromPhalcon\Image\Adapter Crop an image
to the given size public rotate (unknown $degrees) inherited
from Phalcon\Image\Adapter Rotate the image by a given amount
public flip (unknown $direction) inherited
from Phalcon\Image\Adapter Flip the image along the horizontal or
vertical axis public sharpen (unknown $amount) inherited
from Phalcon\Image\Adapter Sharpen the image by a given amount
public reflection (unknown $height, [unknown $opacity],
[unknown $fadeIn]) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter Add a
reflection to an image public watermark (unknown $watermark,
[unknown $offsetX], [unknown $offsetY], [unknown $opacity]) inherited
from Phalcon\Image\Adapter Add a watermark to an image with the
specified opacity public text (unknown $text, [unknown $offsetX],
[unknown $offsetY], [unknown $opacity], [unknown $color],
[unknown $size], [unknown $fontfile]) inherited
from Phalcon\Image\Adapter Add a text to an image with a specified
opacity public mask (unknown $watermark) inherited
from Phalcon\Image\Adapter Composite one image onto another
public background (unknown $color, [unknown $opacity]) inherited
from Phalcon\Image\Adapter Set the background color of an image
public blur (unknown $radius) inherited from Phalcon\Image\Adapter
Blur image public pixelate (unknown $amount) inherited
from Phalcon\Image\Adapter Pixelate image
public save ([unknown $file], [unknown $quality]) inherited
from Phalcon\Image\Adapter Save the image
public render ([unknown $ext], [unknown $quality]) inherited
from Phalcon\Image\Adapter Render the image and return the binary


final private Exception __clone () inherited from Exception Clone
the exception public __construct ([string $message], [int $code],
[Exception $previous]) inherited from Exception Exception constructor
final public string getMessage () inherited from Exception Gets
the Exception message final public int getCode () inherited
from Exception Gets the Exception code
final public string getFile () inherited from Exception Gets the
file in which the exception occurred
final public int getLine () inherited from Exception Gets the line
in which the exception occurred
final public array getTrace () inherited from Exception Gets the
stack trace final public Exception getPrevious () inherited
from Exception Returns previous Exception
final public Exception getTraceAsString () inherited
from Exception Gets the stack trace as a string
public string __toString () inherited from Exception String
representation of the exception


