- /**
- * filename: ext_page.class.php
- * @package:phpbean
- * @author :feifengxlq
- * @copyright :Copyright 2006 feifengxlq
- * @license:version 2.0
- * description: 分页类,四种分页模式
- * 2.0增加功能:支持自定义风格,自定义样式,同时支持PHP4和PHP5,
- * to see detail,please visit http://www.phpobject.net/blog/read.php?
- * example:
- * 模式四种分页模式:
- require_once('../libs/classes/page.class.php');
- $page=new page(array('total'=>1000,'perpage'=>20));
- echo 'mode:1
'.$page->show(); - echo '
mode:2 '.$page->show(2); - echo '
mode:3 '.$page->show(3); - echo '
mode:4 '.$page->show(4); - 开启AJAX:
- $ajaxpage=new page(array('total'=>1000,'perpage'=>20,'ajax'=>'ajax_page','page_name'=>'test'));
- echo 'mode:1
'.$ajaxpage->show(); - 采用继承自定义分页显示模式:
- demo:http://www.phpobject.net/blog
- */
- class page
- {
- /**
- * config ,public
- */
- var $page_name="PB_page";//page标签,用来控制url页
- var $next_page='>';//下一页
- var $pre_page='<';//上一页
- var $first_page='First';//首页
- var $last_page='Last';//尾页
- var $pre_bar='<<';//上一分页条
- var $next_bar='>>';//下一分页条
- var $format_left='[';
- var $format_right=']';
- var $is_ajax=false;//是否支持AJAX分页模式
/** - * private
- *
- */
- var $pagebarnum=10;//控制记录条的个数。
- var $totalpage=0;//总页数
- var $ajax_action_name='';//AJAX动作名
- var $nowindex=1;//当前页
- var $url="";//url地址头
- var $offset=0;
/** - * constructor构造函数
- *
- * @param array $array['total'],$array['perpage'],$array['nowindex'],$array['url'],$array['ajax']
- */
- function page($array)
- {
- if(is_array($array)){
- if(!array_key_exists('total',$array))$this->error(__FUNCTION__,'need a param of total');
- $total=intval($array['total']);
- $perpage=(array_key_exists('perpage',$array))?intval($array['perpage']):10;
- $nowindex=(array_key_exists('nowindex',$array))?intval($array['nowindex']):'';
- $url=(array_key_exists('url',$array))?$array['url']:'';
- }else{
- $total=$array;
- $perpage=10;
- $nowindex='';
- $url='';
- }
- if((!is_int($total))||($total<0))$this->error(__FUNCTION__,$total.' is not a positive integer!');
- if((!is_int($perpage))||($perpage<=0))$this->error(__FUNCTION__,$perpage.' is not a positive integer!');
- if(!empty($array['page_name']))$this->set('page_name',$array['page_name']);//设置pagename
- $this->_set_nowindex($nowindex);//设置当前页
- $this->_set_url($url);//设置链接地址
- $this->totalpage=ceil($total/$perpage);
- $this->offset=($this->nowindex-1)*$perpage;
- if(!empty($array['ajax']))$this->open_ajax($array['ajax']);//打开AJAX模式
- }
- /**
- * 设定类中指定变量名的值,如果改变量不属于这个类,将throw一个exception
- *
- * @param string $var
- * @param string $value
- */
- function set($var,$value)
- {
- if(in_array($var,get_object_vars($this)))
- $this->$var=$value;
- else {
- $this->error(__FUNCTION__,$var." does not belong to PB_Page!");
- }
} - /**
- * 打开倒AJAX模式
- *
- * @param string $action 默认ajax触发的动作。
- */
- function open_ajax($action)
- {
- $this->is_ajax=true;
- $this->ajax_action_name=$action;
- }
- /**
- * 获取显示"下一页"的代码
- *
- * @param string $style
- * @return string
- */
- function next_page($style='')
- {
- if($this->nowindex<$this->totalpage){
- return $this->_get_link($this->_get_url($this->nowindex+1),$this->next_page,$style);
- }
- return ''.$this->next_page.'';
- }
/** - * 获取显示“上一页”的代码
- *
- * @param string $style
- * @return string
- */
- function pre_page($style='')
- {
- if($this->nowindex>1){
- return $this->_get_link($this->_get_url($this->nowindex-1),$this->pre_page,$style);
- }
- return ''.$this->pre_page.'';
- }
/** - * 获取显示“首页”的代码
- *
- * @return string
- */
- function first_page($style='')
- {
- if($this->nowindex==1){
- return ''.$this->first_page.'';
- }
- return $this->_get_link($this->_get_url(1),$this->first_page,$style);
- }
/** - * 获取显示“尾页”的代码
- *
- * @return string
- */
- function last_page($style='')
- {
- if($this->nowindex==$this->totalpage){
- return ''.$this->last_page.'';
- }
- return $this->_get_link($this->_get_url($this->totalpage),$this->last_page,$style);
- }
function nowbar($style='',$nowindex_style='') - {
- $plus=ceil($this->pagebarnum/2);
- if($this->pagebarnum-$plus+$this->nowindex>$this->totalpage)$plus=($this->pagebarnum-$this->totalpage+$this->nowindex);
- $begin=$this->nowindex-$plus+1;
- $begin=($begin>=1)?$begin:1;
- $return='';
- for($i=$begin;$i<$begin+$this->pagebarnum;$i++)
- {
- if($i<=$this->totalpage){
- if($i!=$this->nowindex)
- $return.=$this->_get_text($this->_get_link($this->_get_url($i),$i,$style));
- else
- $return.=$this->_get_text(''.$i.'');
- }else{
- break;
- }
- $return.="\n";
- }
- unset($begin);
- return $return;
- }
- /**
- * 获取显示跳转按钮的代码
- *
- * @return string
- */
- function select()
- {
- $return='';
- return $return;
- }
/** - * 获取mysql 语句中limit需要的值
- *
- * @return string
- */
- function offset()
- {
- return $this->offset;
- }
/** - * 控制分页显示风格
- *
- * @param int $mode
- * @return string
- */
- function show($mode=1)
- {
- switch ($mode)
- {
- case '1':
- $this->next_page='下一页';
- $this->pre_page='上一页';
- return $this->pre_page().$this->nowbar().$this->next_page().'第'.$this->select().'页';
- break;
- case '2':
- $this->next_page='下一页';
- $this->pre_page='上一页';
- $this->first_page='首页';
- $this->last_page='尾页';
- return $this->first_page().$this->pre_page().'[第'.$this->nowindex.'页]'.$this->next_page().$this->last_page().'第'.$this->select().'页';
- break;
- case '3':
- $this->next_page='下一页';
- $this->pre_page='上一页';
- $this->first_page='首页';
- $this->last_page='尾页';
- return $this->first_page().$this->pre_page().$this->next_page().$this->last_page();
- break;
- case '4':
- $this->next_page='下一页';
- $this->pre_page='上一页';
- return $this->pre_page().$this->nowbar().$this->next_page();
- break;
- case '5':
- return $this->pre_bar().$this->pre_page().$this->nowbar().$this->next_page().$this->next_bar();
- break;
- }
} - /*------private function (私有方法)---------*/
- /** @link:http://bbs.it-home.org
- * 设置url头地址
- * @param: String $url
- * @return boolean
- */
- function _set_url($url="")
- {
- if(!empty($url)){
- //手动设置
- $this->url=$url.((stristr($url,'?'))?'&':'?').$this->page_name."=";
- }else{
- //自动获取
- if(empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])){
- $this->url=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."?".$this->page_name."=";
- }else{
- //
- if(stristr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'],$this->page_name.'=')){
- //地址存在页面参数
- $this->url=str_replace($this->page_name.'='.$this->nowindex,'',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
- $last=$this->url[strlen($this->url)-1];
- if($last=='?'||$last=='&'){
- $this->url.=$this->page_name."=";
- }else{
- $this->url.='&'.$this->page_name."=";
- }
- }else{
- //
- $this->url=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&'.$this->page_name.'=';
- }//end if
- }//end if
- }//end if
- }
/** - * 设置当前页面
- *
- */
- function _set_nowindex($nowindex)
- {
- if(empty($nowindex)){
- //系统获取
if(isset($_GET[$this->page_name])){ - $this->nowindex=intval($_GET[$this->page_name]);
- }
- }else{
- //手动设置
- $this->nowindex=intval($nowindex);
- }
- }
/** - * 为指定的页面返回地址值
- *
- * @param int $pageno
- * @return string $url
- */
- function _get_url($pageno=1)
- {
- return $this->url.$pageno;
- }
/** - * 获取分页显示文字,比如说默认情况下_get_text('1')将返回[1]
- *
- * @param String $str
- * @return string $url
- */
- function _get_text($str)
- {
- return $this->format_left.$str.$this->format_right;
- }
/** - * 获取链接地址
- */
- function _get_link($url,$text,$style=''){
- $style=(empty($style))?'':'class="'.$style.'"';
- if($this->is_ajax){
- //如果是使用AJAX模式
- return 'ajax_action_name.'(\''.$url.'\')">'.$text.'';
- }else{
- return ''.$text.'';
- }
- }
- /**
- * 出错处理方式
- */
- function error($function,$errormsg)
- {
- die('Error in file '.__FILE__.' ,Function '.$function.'() :'.$errormsg);
- }
- }
- $page=new page(array('total'=>1000,'perpage'=>20));
- echo 'mode:1
'.$page->show(); - echo '
mode:2 '.$page->show(2); - echo '
mode:3 '.$page->show(3); - echo '
mode:4 '.$page->show(4); - echo '
开始AJAX模式:'; - $ajaxpage=new page(array('total'=>1000,'perpage'=>20,'ajax'=>'ajax_page','page_name'=>'test'));
- echo 'mode:1
'.$ajaxpage->show(); - ?>