- function createTagCloud($tags)
- {
- //I pass through an array of tags
- $i=0;
- foreach($tags as $tag)
- {
- $id = $tag['id']; //the tag id, passed through
- $name = $tag['tag']; //the tag name, also passed through in the array
- //using the mysql count command to sum up the tutorials tagged with that id
- $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalnum FROM tutorials WHERE tags LIKE '%".$id."%' AND published = 1";
- //create the resultset and return it
- $res = mysql_query($sql);
- $res = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
- //check there are results ;)
- if($res)
- {
- //build an output array, with the tag-name and the number of results
- $output[$i]['tag'] = $name;
- $output[$i]['num'] = $res['totalnum'];
- }
- $i++;
- }
- /*this is just calling another function that does a similar SQL statement, but returns how many pieces of content I have*/
- $total_tuts = $this->getNumberOfTutorials();
- //ugh, XHTML in PHP? Slap my hands - this isn't best practice, but I was obviously feeling lazy
- $html = '
'; -
- //iterate through each item in the $output array (created above)
- foreach($output as $tag)
- {
- //get the number-of-tag-occurances as a percentage of the overall number
- $ratio = (100 / $total_tuts) * $tag['num'];
- //round the number to the nearest 10
- $ratio = round($ratio,-1);
- /*append that classname onto the list-item, so if the result was 20%, it comes out as cloud-20*/
- $html.= '
- '.$tag['tag'].'
'; - }
- //close the UL
- $html.= '
'; -
- return $html;
- }
- .home-item ul.tagcloud
- {
- list-style-type:none;
- margin:0px;
- padding:0px;
- }
- /*设置li的样式*/
- .home-item ul.tagcloud li
- {
- display:inline !important;
- margin-right:15px;
- line-height:2em;
- }
- .home-item ul.tagcloud li a
- {
- display:inline;
- }
- /*标签云的效果*/
- .home-item ul.tagcloud li.cloud-10 a
- {
- font-size:110%;
- }
- .home-item ul.tagcloud li.cloud-20 a
- {
- font-size:120%;
- }
- .home-item ul.tagcloud li.cloud-30 a
- {
- font-size:130%;
- }
- /*************************************
- you get the idea, i'm skipping a few
- *************************************/
- .home-item ul.tagcloud li.cloud-90 a
- {
- font-size:190%;
- }
- .home-item ul.tagcloud li.cloud-100 a
- {
- font-size:200%;
- }