当前位置:Gxlcms > PHP教程 > 在线编辑二维码并发送到热敏打印机打印


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:134人阅读


使用到的 js 插件:


根据信息绘制二维码插件 colorPicker

用于颜色选择,js绑定事件更改二维码(svg)的颜色 canvg

用于将svg格式的二维码转换成 html5 的 canvas ,之后使用 toDataURL 方法生成二维码图片的 base64 编码数据 ,通过 Ajax 发送给后端 热敏打印机打印二维码


  1. /**
  2. * class jpg, gif, png =========> BMP
  3. *
  4. * { Description :-
  5. * class that resize and convert jpg, gif or png to bmp
  6. * }
  7. * for more info contact with me (mahabub1212@yahoo.com)
  8. * you can modify or use or redistribute this class.
  9. */
  10. class ToBmp{
  11. // new image width
  12. var $new_width;
  13. // new image height
  14. var $new_height;
  15. // image resources
  16. var $image_resource;
  17. function image_info($source_image){
  18. $img_info = getimagesize($source_image);
  19. switch ($img_info['mime']){
  20. case "image/jpeg": { $this->image_resource = imagecreatefromjpeg ($source_image); break; }
  21. case "image/gif": { $this->image_resource = imagecreatefromgif ($source_image); break; }
  22. case "image/png": { $this->image_resource = imagecreatefrompng ($source_image); break; }
  23. default: {die("图片错误");}
  24. }
  25. }
  26. public function imagebmp($file_path = ''){
  27. if(!$this->image_resource) die("图片错误");
  28. $picture_width = imagesx($this->image_resource);
  29. $picture_height = imagesy($this->image_resource);
  30. if(!imageistruecolor($this->image_resource)){
  31. $tmp_img_reource = imagecreatetruecolor($picture_width,$picture_height);
  32. imagecopy($tmp_img_reource,$this->image_resource, 0, 0, 0, 0, $picture_width, $picture_height);
  33. imagedestroy($this->image_resource);
  34. $this->image_resource = $tmp_img_reource;
  35. }
  36. if((int) $this->new_width >0 && (int) $this->new_height > 0){
  37. $image_resized = imagecreatetruecolor($this->new_width, $this->new_height);
  38. imagecopyresampled($image_resized,$this->image_resource,0,0,0,0,$this->new_width,$this->new_height,$picture_width,$picture_height);
  39. imagedestroy($this->image_resource);
  40. $this->image_resource = $image_resized;
  41. }
  42. $result = '';
  43. $biBPLine = ((int) $this->new_width >0 &&(int)$this->new_height > 0) ? $this->new_width * 3 : $picture_width * 3;
  44. $biStride = ($biBPLine + 3) & ~3;
  45. $biSizeImage = ((int) $this->new_width >0 &&(int)$this->new_height > 0) ? $biStride * $this->new_height : $biStride * $picture_height;
  46. $bfOffBits = 54;
  47. $bfSize = $bfOffBits + $biSizeImage;
  48. $result .= substr('BM', 0, 2);
  49. $result .= pack ('VvvV', $bfSize, 0, 0, $bfOffBits);
  50. $result .= ((int) $this->new_width >0 &&(int)$this->new_height > 0) ? pack ('VVVvvVVVVVV', 40, $this->new_width, $this->new_height, 1, 24, 0, $biSizeImage, 0, 0, 0, 0) : pack ('VVVvvVVVVVV', 40, $picture_width, $picture_height, 1, 24, 0, $biSizeImage, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  51. $numpad = $biStride - $biBPLine;
  52. $h = ((int) $this->new_width >0 &&(int)$this->new_height > 0) ? $this->new_height : $picture_height;
  53. $w = ((int) $this->new_width >0 &&(int)$this->new_height > 0) ? $this->new_width : $picture_width;
  54. for ($y = $h - 1; $y >= 0; --$y) {
  55. for ($x = 0; $x < $w; ++$x) {
  56. $col = imagecolorat ($this->image_resource, $x, $y);
  57. $result .= substr(pack ('V', $col), 0, 3);
  58. }
  59. for ($i = 0; $i < $numpad; ++$i) {
  60. $result .= pack ('C', 0);
  61. }
  62. }
  63. if($file_path == ''){
  64. header("Content-type: image/bmp");
  65. echo $result;
  66. } else {
  67. $fp = fopen($file_path,"wb");
  68. fwrite($fp,$result);
  69. fclose($fp);
  70. //=============
  71. }
  72. return ;
  73. }
  74. }


  1. $ToBMP = new ToBmp();
  2. $ToBMP->image_info($path_to_img);
  3. $ToBMP->new_width = 255;
  4. $ToBMP->new_height = 255;
  5. $output_path = realpath(PATH.'test.bmp');
  6. $ToBMP->imagebmp($output_path);



合并RGB(三字节合并为一字节)后二值化像素点(得到 1bit ,即该点是黑或白。之所以要二值化是因为我的热敏打印机打印黑白不打印彩色)。

每 8bit 拼接成1字节后用 '\xx' 的16进制形式表示。数据根据打印机给的接口发送给打印机就可以打印了。



  1. $content = file_get_contents($path_to_img);
  2. $content = unpack("H*", $content); //获得图片数据的16进制表示


‘\xFE’ 表示的是4个字符

“\xFE” 表示的是1个字符(即该16进制数字对应的ascii码字符)

单引号的可使用 chr('0xFE') 进行转换

