php按照指定长度截取字符串的代码,如果字符串超出了指定的长度,会用...替换,不过这段代码不支持中英文的区分 - //if a string is longer than the defined length,
- //it will add 3 periods to the end of the string.
- //you can change it to what ever you want for example:
- //return substr($str,0,$len).'[
- //
- function strLength($str,$len){
- $lenght = strlen($str);
- if($lenght > $len){
- return substr($str,0,$len).'...';
- }else{
- return $str;
- }
- }
- $str = "This is a fairly long string.";
- //The fist part is the string, the second part is how long it can be
- echo strLength($str,10).'
'; - echo strLength($str,30);
- ?>