时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:18人阅读
__Home__.'config'.__Os__.'capture.site.php', 'preg' => __Home__.'config'.__Os__.'capture.preg.php', 'accompImg' => __Home__.'cache'.__Os__.'accompImg', 'overURL' => __Home__.'cache'.__Os__.'overURL' ); $_parse = new Capture( $_cfg ); $_parse->parseQuestUrl(); ?>
* @date 2013-08-10 */ class Capture { private static $_Config = array(); private static $_CapSite = NULL; private static $_CapPreg = NULL; private static $_overURL = array(); private $_mark = FALSE; private static $_markTime = 1; /** * initialize the main class: Capture * @param $_cfg array */ public function __construct( &$_cfg ) { self::$_Config = &$_cfg; self::$_CapSite = require $_cfg['site']; self::$_CapPreg = require $_cfg['preg']; foreach( self::$_CapPreg as $_key => $_value ) { self::$_CapPreg[$_key] = str_replace( '_request_site', self::$_CapSite['request_site'], $_value ); } self::import( 'file.OperateFile' ); if( file_exists( $_cfg['overURL'] ) && filesize( $_cfg['overURL'] ) > 0 ) { $_contents = OperateFile::readText( $_cfg['overURL'], filesize( $_cfg['overURL'] ) ); self::$_overURL = unserialize( $_contents ); } self::import('pivotal.Pivotal'); if( file_exists( $_cfg['accompImg'] ) && filesize( $_cfg['accompImg'] ) > 0 ) { $_contents = OperateFile::readText( $_cfg['accompImg'], filesize( $_cfg['accompImg'] ) ); Pivotal::$_accompImg = unserialize( $_contents ); } } /** * load class, follow Java pragrammer(package): import com.jUnion.Capture * @param $_class */ public static function import( $_class ) { require_once __Home__.'include'.__Os__.str_replace( '.', __Os__, $_class ).'.class.php'; } /** * create an instance of Pivotal class * @param $_source */ private function getCapInstance( &$_source ) { $this->_mark = FALSE; $_Captal = new Pivotal( self::$_Config, $_source ); $_tagA = $_Captal->parseUrl(); $this->_mark = TRUE; return $_tagA; } /** * go forward one by one * @param $_tagArr */ private function roundTagA( &$_tagArr ) { if( $_tagArr == NULL ) { return; } $_tagArrLength = count( $_tagArr ); for( $i = 0; $i < $_tagArrLength; $i ++ ) { if( is_array( $_tagArr[ $i ] ) ) { $this->roundTagA( $_tagArr[ $i ] ); } else { if( stripos( $_tagArr[$i], self::$_CapSite['domain_name'] ) === FALSE ) { continue; } if( in_array( $_tagArr[$i], self::$_overURL ) ) { continue; } self::$_overURL[] = $_tagArr[$i]; if( count( self::$_overURL ) % self::$_CapSite['serialize_url_size'] == 0 ) { OperateFile::setText( self::$_Config['overURL'], serialize( self::$_overURL ) ); } do { $_tagA = $this->getCapInstance( Http::get( $_tagArr[$i] ) ); sleep( self::$_CapSite['preform_page_time'] * self::$_markTime ); if( $this->_mark === TRUE ) { self::$_markTime = self::$_CapSite['preform_page_time']; break; } self::$_markTime *= 2; } while( true ); /* parse the main page and return next page */ $this->roundTagA( $_tagA ); } } } //www.bkjia.com public function parseQuestUrl() { self::import('http.Http'); $_round_Arr = $this->getCapInstance( Http::get( self::$_CapSite['request_url'] ) ); $this->roundTagA( $_round_Arr ); } } ?>
http://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/444554.htmlwww.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/444554.htmlTechArticle代码出处:jUnion 适用平台:Windows,Linux(Ubuntu),php-5.2.5+,Apache 功能:抓取整个站点的图片,暂无借助php的curl插件开发,后期完善 配置:...