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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:6人阅读

首先确认会话是否自动开启还是需要通过session_start()来手动开启: ; 指定会话模块是否在请求开始时自动启动一个会话。默认为 0(不启动) ; Initialize session on request startup. ; http://php.com/session.auto-start session.auto_start = 0 客户端存储 在客户端,会话可以存储在cookie或者通过URL参数来获取。依赖于服务器的配置: ; 指定是否在客户端用 cookie 来存放会话 ID。默认为 1(启用) ; Whether to use cookies. ; http://php.com/session.use-cookies session.use_cookies = 1 ; 指定是否在客户端仅仅使用 cookie 来存放会话 ID。。启用此设定可以防止有关通过 URL 传递会话 ID 的攻击。 ; This option forces PHP to fetch and use a cookie for storing and maintaining ; the session id. We encourage this operation as it's very helpful in combatting ; session hijacking when not specifying and managing your own session id. It is ; not the end all be all of session hijacking defense, but it's a good start. ; http://php.com/session.use-only-cookies session.use_only_cookies = 1 如果确认存储在cookie中,则可以进一点配置会话存储在cookie中的各项配置,如cookie_name,cookie_lifetime,cookie_path,cookie_domain,cookie_secure,cookie_httponly ; Name of the session (used as cookie name). ; http://php.com/session.name session.name = PHPSESSID ; Lifetime in seconds of cookie or, if 0, until browser is restarted. ; http://php.com/session.cookie-lifetime session.cookie_lifetime = 0 ; The path for which the cookie is valid. ; http://php.com/session.cookie-path session.cookie_path = / ; The domain for which the cookie is valid. ; http://php.com/session.cookie-domain session.cookie_domain = ; Whether or not to add the httpOnly flag to the cookie, which makes it inaccessible to browser scripting languages such as JavaScript. ; http://php.com/session.cookie-httponly session.cookie_httponly = 服务器端存储 在服务器端,同样也可以通过多种方式来存储会话。默认会话存储在文件中,此时session.save_path为创建存储文件的路径。 ; Handler used to store/retrieve data. ; http://php.com/session.save-handler session.save_handler = files ; Argument passed to save_handler. In the case of files, this is the path ; where data files are stored. Note: Windows users have to change this ; variable in order to use PHP's session functions. ; ; The path can be defined as: ; ; session.save_path = "N;/path" ; ; where N is an integer. Instead of storing all the session files in ; /path, what this will do is use subdirectories N-levels deep, and ; store the session data in those directories. This is useful if you ; or your OS have problems with lots of files in one directory, and is ; a more efficient layout for servers that handle lots of sessions. ; ; NOTE 1: PHP will not create this directory structure automatically. ; You can use the script in the ext/session dir for that purpose. ; NOTE 2: See the section on garbage collection below if you choose to ; use subdirectories for session storage ; ; The file storage module creates files using mode 600 by default. ; You can change that by using ; ; session.save_path = "N;MODE;/path" ; ; where MODE is the octal representation of the mode. Note that this ; does not overwrite the process's umask. ; http://php.com/session.save-path ;session.save_path = "/tmp" PHP支持通过session_set_save_handler来实现会话处理器的自定义open, close, read, write, destroy, gc处理函数,常见的会话处理器包括使用内存型分配(如mm,memcache等),也可以使用数据库进行存储。由此可见,若需要会话存储与文件系统(例如用数据库PostgreSQL Session Save Handler或默认的文件存储files)协同工作的,此时有可能造成用户定制的会话处理器丢失了未存储数据的会话。若使用内存型分配存储,又需要考虑会话持久化存储问题。 接下来重点讲解memcache(d?)会话处理器。 Memcache模块提供了于memcached方便的面向过程及面向对象的接口,memcached是为了降低动态web应用 从数据库加载数据而产生的一种常驻进程缓存产品。 Memcache模块同时提供了一个session 处理器 (memcache). 更多关于memcached的信息请参见» http://www.memcached.org/. memcached是一个高性能分布式的内存对象缓存系统, 通常被用于降低数据库加载压力以提高动态web应用的响应速度。 此扩展使用了libmemcached库提供的api与memcached服务端进行交互。它同样提供了一个session处理器(memcached)。 它同时提供了一个session处理器(memcached)。 关于libmemcached的更多信息可以在» http://libmemcached.org/libMemcached.html查看。 memcache会话处理器配置: session.save_handler = memcache session.save_path = "tcp://,tcp://,tcp://,tcp://"

www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/477646.htmlTechArticle首先确认会话是否自动开启还是需要通过session_start()来手动开启: ; 指定会话模块是否在请求开始时自动启动一个会话。默认为 0(不启动)...
