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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:6人阅读

_ _,今天在成果不错,完成了网站的三个功能,RSS订阅,自动写网站地图,与路由的配置,好了,现在一 一记录下来. 一、路由配置 在未设定路由时,路径是这样的 [php] http://www.xiuxiandou.com/content/it/13533/硅谷传奇投资人讲述初创企业家易犯的4大错误 content =>controller,it=>method,13533=>id,硅谷传奇投资人讲述初创企业家易犯的4大错误=>title http://www.xiuxiandou.com/content/it/13533/硅谷传奇投资人讲述初创企业家易犯的4大错误 content =>controller,it=>method,13533=>id,硅谷传奇投资人讲述初创企业家易犯的4大错误=>title 设置路由后,访问路径为: [php] http://www.xiuxiandou.com/content-it-13533-硅谷传奇投资人讲述初创企业家易犯的4大错误 http://www.xiuxiandou.com/content-it-13533-硅谷传奇投资人讲述初创企业家易犯的4大错误 其它的类似,路径配置为 [php] /*sitemap使用*/ $route['content-(:any)-(:num)'] = "content/$1/$2"; /*前台页面显示路由*/ $route['content-(:any)-(:num)-(:any)'] = "content/$1/$2/$3"; /*RSS订阅路由*/ $route['feed-rss-(:any)'] = "feed/rss/$1"; /*博客路由*/ $route['blog-(:num)-(:any)'] = "blog/blogview/$1/$2"; $route['blog-blogtypes-(:any)']="blog/blogtypes/$1"; /**留言**/ $route['me'] = "indexs/me"; /**模板**/ $route["template"]="indexs/template"; /**今日更新**/ $route["indexs-(:any)"]="indexs/$1"; /*sitemap使用*/ $route['content-(:any)-(:num)'] = "content/$1/$2"; /*前台页面显示路由*/ $route['content-(:any)-(:num)-(:any)'] = "content/$1/$2/$3"; /*RSS订阅路由*/ $route['feed-rss-(:any)'] = "feed/rss/$1"; /*博客路由*/ $route['blog-(:num)-(:any)'] = "blog/blogview/$1/$2"; $route['blog-blogtypes-(:any)']="blog/blogtypes/$1"; /**留言**/ $route['me'] = "indexs/me"; /**模板**/ $route["template"]="indexs/template"; /**今日更新**/ $route["indexs-(:any)"]="indexs/$1"; 二、RSS 在libraries目录下创建Rss.php文件,主要负责生成RSS格式的数据内容 [php] load->helper('xml'); $CI->load->helper('text'); $xml_str="" .""; if(!emptyempty($in_datas)){ $xml_str.="" ."".$in_datas["feed_name"]."" ."" ."".$in_datas["feed_url"]."" ."".$in_datas["page_description"]."" ."zh-cn " ."1" ."hourly " ."Copyright (C) Xiuxiandou.com. All rights reserved." ."http://www.xiuxiandou.com"; if(!emptyempty($in_datas["xml_datas"])){ foreach($in_datas["xml_datas"] as $k => $v){ foreach($v as $xml){ $xml_str.=" " ."<![CDATA[ ".xml_convert($xml->subject)."]]> " ."".site_url("content-$k-$xml->id-".xml_convert($CI->mytool->get_title($xml->subject)))."" ."".site_url("content-$k-$xml->id-".xml_convert($CI->mytool->get_title($xml->subject)))."" ."message, 600))."]]>" ."".date('Y-m-d h:i:s',$xml->dateline)." " ."$xml->url" .""; } } } $xml_str.=""; } $xml_str.=""; return $xml_str; } } load->helper('xml'); $CI->load->helper('text'); $xml_str="" .""; if(!empty($in_datas)){ $xml_str.="" ."".$in_datas["feed_name"]."" ."" ."".$in_datas["feed_url"]."" ."".$in_datas["page_description"]."" ."zh-cn " ."1" ."hourly " ."Copyright (C) Xiuxiandou.com. All rights reserved." ."http://www.xiuxiandou.com"; if(!empty($in_datas["xml_datas"])){ foreach($in_datas["xml_datas"] as $k => $v){ foreach($v as $xml){ $xml_str.=" " ."<![CDATA[ ".xml_convert($xml->subject)."]]> " ."".site_url("content-$k-$xml->id-".xml_convert($CI->mytool->get_title($xml->subject)))."" ."".site_url("content-$k-$xml->id-".xml_convert($CI->mytool->get_title($xml->subject)))."" ."message, 600))."]]>" ."".date('Y-m-d h:i:s',$xml->dateline)." " ."$xml->url" .""; } } } $xml_str.=""; } $xml_str.=""; return $xml_str; } } 2、RSS控制类 [php] mcom_model->query_Bywhere(mymsg::BT_ITINFO,array("riqi"=>$this->mytool->get_ymd())); $game=$this->mcom_model->query_Bywhere(mymsg::BT_GAME,array("riqi"=>$this->mytool->get_ymd())); $blog=$this->mcom_model->query_Bywhere(mymsg::BT_BLOG,array("riqi"=>$this->mytool->get_ymd())); $movie=$this->mcom_model->query_Bywhere(mymsg::BT_MOVIE,array("riqi"=>$this->mytool->get_ymd())); $book=$this->mcom_model->query_Bywhere(mymsg::BT_BOOK,array("riqi"=>$this->mytool->get_ymd())); $in_datas["xml_datas"]=array("it"=>$it,"game"=>$game,"blog"=>$blog,"movie"=>$movie,"book"=>$book); $this->_comm($in_datas); } public function rss(){ $this->load->helper('xml'); $this->load->helper('text'); $key= $this->uri->segment(3); $db_table= $key=="it"?"bt_itinfo":"bt_$key"; $table_exist=$this->mcom_model->table_exists($db_table); if($table_exist){ $in_datas["xml_datas"]=array($key=>$this->mcom_model->query_Bywhere($db_table,array("riqi"=>$this->mytool->get_ymd()))); $this->_comm($in_datas); }else{ show_404(); } } private function _comm($in_datas){ $in_datas['feed_name'] = "休闲豆 RSS"; $in_datas['feed_url'] = base_url()."free"; $in_datas['page_description'] = '休闲豆,IT资讯,IT电子书,游戏种子,电影BT RSS'; $in_datas['creator_email'] = '1963612630@qq.com'; $in_datas['page_language']="zh-zn"; $out_datas["xml"]=$this->rss->write_rss($in_datas); header("Content-Type: text/xml"); $this->load->view("rss",$out_datas); } } mcom_model->query_Bywhere(mymsg::BT_ITINFO,array("riqi"=>$this->mytool->get_ymd())); $game=$this->mcom_model->query_Bywhere(mymsg::BT_GAME,array("riqi"=>$this->mytool->get_ymd())); $blog=$this->mcom_model->query_Bywhere(mymsg::BT_BLOG,array("riqi"=>$this->mytool->get_ymd())); $movie=$this->mcom_model->query_Bywhere(mymsg::BT_MOVIE,array("riqi"=>$this->mytool->get_ymd())); $book=$this->mcom_model->query_Bywhere(mymsg::BT_BOOK,array("riqi"=>$this->mytool->get_ymd())); $in_datas["xml_datas"]=array("it"=>$it,"game"=>$game,"blog"=>$blog,"movie"=>$movie,"book"=>$book); $this->_comm($in_datas); } public function rss(){ $this->load->helper('xml'); $this->load->helper('text'); $key= $this->uri->segment(3); $db_table= $key=="it"?"bt_itinfo":"bt_$key"; $table_exist=$this->mcom_model->table_exists($db_table); if($table_exist){ $in_datas["xml_datas"]=array($key=>$this->mcom_model->query_Bywhere($db_table,array("riqi"=>$this->mytool->get_ymd()))); $this->_comm($in_datas); }else{ show_404(); } } private function _comm($in_datas){ $in_datas['feed_name'] = "休闲豆 RSS"; $in_datas['feed_url'] = base_url()."free"; $in_datas['page_description'] = '休闲豆,IT资讯,IT电子书,游戏种子,电影BT RSS'; $in_datas['creator_email'] = '1963612630@qq.com'; $in_datas['page_language']="zh-zn"; $out_datas["xml"]=$this->rss->write_rss($in_datas); header("Content-Type: text/xml"); $this->load->view("rss",$out_datas); } } 运行 [html] 生成结果如下 [php] 休闲豆 RSS http://www.xiuxiandou.com/free 休闲豆,IT资讯,IT电子书,游戏种子,电影BT RSS zh-cn 1 hourly Copyright (C) Xiuxiandou.com. All rights reserved. http://www.xiuxiandou.com <![CDATA[ 硅谷传奇投资人讲述初创企业家易犯的4大错误 ]]> http://www.xiuxiandou.com/content-it-13533-硅谷传奇投资人讲述初创企业家易犯的4大错误 http://www.xiuxiandou.com/content-it-13533-硅谷传奇投资人讲述初创企业家易犯的4大错误


Qualys 创始人兼 CEO 菲利普`科尔图特

  北京时间 2 月 25 日消息,据国外媒体报道,美国云计算安全公司… ]]> 2013-02-25 09:18:49 http://news.cnblogs.com/n/172129/ .... 休闲豆 RSS http://www.xiuxiandou.com/free 休闲豆,IT资讯,IT电子书,游戏种子,电影BT RSS zh-cn 1 hourly Copyright (C) Xiuxiandou.com. All rights reserved. http://www.xiuxiandou.com <![CDATA[ 硅谷传奇投资人讲述初创企业家易犯的4大错误 ]]> http://www.xiuxiandou.com/content-it-13533-硅谷传奇投资人讲述初创企业家易犯的4大错误 http://www.xiuxiandou.com/content-it-13533-硅谷传奇投资人讲述初创企业家易犯的4大错误


Qualys 创始人兼 CEO 菲利普`科尔图特

  北京时间 2 月 25 日消息,据国外媒体报道,美国云计算安全公司… ]]> 2013-02-25 09:18:49 http://news.cnblogs.com/n/172129/ .... 3、网站地图 网站地图主要根据sitemaps.xml协议拼写的XML,协议地址:http://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.html 1、加载libraries目录下的sitemaps.php类,内容如下 [php] * @version 0.7 * @access public * @package sitemaps */ class Sitemaps { var $items = array(); function Sitemaps() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->config->load('sitemaps'); } /** * Adds a new item to the urlset * * @param array $new_item * @access public */ function add_item($new_item) { $this->items[] = $new_item; } /** * Adds an array of items to the urlset * * @param array $new_items array of items * @access public */ function add_item_array($new_items) { $this->items = array_merge($this->items, $new_items); } /** * Generates the sitemap XML data * * @param string $file_name (optional) if file name is supplied the XML data is saved in it otherwise returned as a string * @param bool $gzip (optional) compress sitemap, overwrites config item 'sitemaps_gzip' * @access public * @return string */ function build($file_name = null, $gzip = NULL) { $CI =& get_instance(); $map = $CI->config->item('sitemaps_header') . "\n"; foreach($this->items as $item) { $item['loc'] = htmlentities($item['loc'], ENT_QUOTES); $map .= "\t\n\t\t" . $item['loc'] . "\n"; $attributes = array("lastmod", "changefreq", "priority"); foreach($attributes AS $attr) { if(isset($item[$attr])) { $map .= "\t\t<$attr>" . $item[$attr] . "\n"; } } $map .= "\t\n\n"; } unset($this->items); $map .= $CI->config->item('sitemaps_footer'); if( ! is_null($file_name)) { $fh = fopen($file_name, 'a');//w fwrite($fh, $map); fclose($fh); if($CI->config->item('sitemaps_filesize_error') && filesize($file_name) > 1024 * 1024 * 30) { show_error('Your sitemap is bigger than 10MB, most search engines will not accept it.'); } if($gzip OR (is_null($gzip) && $CI->config->item('sitemaps_gzip'))) { $gzdata = gzencode($map, 9); $file_gzip = str_replace("{file_name}", $file_name, $CI->config->item('sitemaps_gzip_path')); $fp = fopen($file_gzip, "a");//w fwrite($fp, $gzdata); fclose($fp); // Delete the uncompressed sitemap unlink($file_name); return $file_gzip; } return $file_name; } else { return $map; } } /** * Generate a sitemap index file pointing to other sitemaps you previously built * * @param array $urls array of urls, each being an array with at least a loc index * @param string $file_name (optional) if file name is supplied the XML data is saved in it otherwise returned as a string * @param bool $gzip (optional) compress sitemap, overwrites config item 'sitemaps_gzip' * @access public * @return string */ function build_index($urls, $file_name = null, $gzip = null) { $CI =& get_instance(); $index = $CI->config->item('sitemaps_index_header') . "\n"; foreach($urls as $url) { $url['loc'] = htmlentities($url['loc'], ENT_QUOTES); $index .= "\t\n\t\t" . $url['loc'] . "\n"; if(isset($url['lastmod'])) { $index .= "\t\t" . $url['lastmod'] . "\n"; } $index .= "\t\n\n"; } $index .= $CI->config->item('sitemaps_index_footer'); if( ! is_null($file_name)) { $fh = fopen($file_name, 'w'); fwrite($fh, $index); fclose($fh); if($CI->config->item('sitemaps_filesize_error') && filesize($file_name) > 1024 * 1024 * 10) { show_error('Your sitemap index is bigger than 10MB, most search engines will not accept it.'); } if($gzip OR (is_null($gzip) && $CI->config->item('sitemaps_index_gzip'))) { $gzdata = gzencode($index, 9); $file_gzip = str_replace("{file_name}", $file_name, $CI->config->item('sitemaps_index_gzip_path')); $fp = fopen($file_gzip, "w"); fwrite($fp, $gzdata); fclose($fp); // Delete the uncompressed sitemap index unlink($file_name); return $file_gzip; } return $file_name; } else { return $index; } } /** * Notify search engines of your updates sitemap * * @param string $url_xml absolute URL of your sitemap, use Codeigniter's site_url() * @param array $search_engines array of search engines to ping, see config file for notes * @access public * @return array HTTP reponse codes */ function ping($url_xml, $search_engines = NULL) { $CI =& get_instance(); if(is_null($search_engines)) { $search_engines = $CI->config->item('sitemaps_search_engines'); } $statuses = array(); foreach($search_engines AS $engine) { $status = 0; if($fp = @fsockopen($engine['host'], 80)) { $engine['url'] = emptyempty($engine['url']) ? "/ping?sitemap=" : $engine['url']; $req = 'GET ' . $engine['url'] . urlencode($url_xml) . " HTTP/1.1\r\n" . "Host: " . $engine['host'] . "\r\n" . $CI->config->item('sitemaps_user_agent') . "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; fwrite($fp, $req); while( ! feof($fp)) { if(@preg_match('~^HTTP/\d\.\d (\d+)~i', fgets($fp, 128), $m)) { $status = intval($m[1]); break; } } fclose($fp); } $statuses[] = array("host" => $engine['host'], "status" => $status, "request" => $req); } if($CI->config->item('sitemaps_log_http_responses') OR $CI->config->item('sitemaps_debug')) { foreach($statuses AS $reponse) { $message = "Sitemaps: " . $reponse['host'] . " responded with HTTP status " . $reponse['status']; if($CI->config->item('sitemaps_log_http_responses')) { $level = $reponse['status'] == 200 ? 'debug' : 'error'; log_message($level, $message); } if($CI->config->item('sitemaps_debug')) { echo "

" . $message . " after request:

" . $reponse['request'] .  "
\n\n"; } } } return $statuses; } } * @version 0.7 * @access public * @package sitemaps */ class Sitemaps { var $items = array(); function Sitemaps() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->config->load('sitemaps'); } /** * Adds a new item to the urlset * * @param array $new_item * @access public */ function add_item($new_item) { $this->items[] = $new_item; } /** * Adds an array of items to the urlset * * @param array $new_items array of items * @access public */ function add_item_array($new_items) { $this->items = array_merge($this->items, $new_items); } /** * Generates the sitemap XML data * * @param string $file_name (optional) if file name is supplied the XML data is saved in it otherwise returned as a string * @param bool $gzip (optional) compress sitemap, overwrites config item 'sitemaps_gzip' * @access public * @return string */ function build($file_name = null, $gzip = NULL) { $CI =& get_instance(); $map = $CI->config->item('sitemaps_header') . "\n"; foreach($this->items as $item) { $item['loc'] = htmlentities($item['loc'], ENT_QUOTES); $map .= "\t\n\t\t" . $item['loc'] . "\n"; $attributes = array("lastmod", "changefreq", "priority"); foreach($attributes AS $attr) { if(isset($item[$attr])) { $map .= "\t\t<$attr>" . $item[$attr] . "\n"; } } $map .= "\t\n\n"; } unset($this->items); $map .= $CI->config->item('sitemaps_footer'); if( ! is_null($file_name)) { $fh = fopen($file_name, 'a');//w fwrite($fh, $map); fclose($fh); if($CI->config->item('sitemaps_filesize_error') && filesize($file_name) > 1024 * 1024 * 30) { show_error('Your sitemap is bigger than 10MB, most search engines will not accept it.'); } if($gzip OR (is_null($gzip) && $CI->config->item('sitemaps_gzip'))) { $gzdata = gzencode($map, 9); $file_gzip = str_replace("{file_name}", $file_name, $CI->config->item('sitemaps_gzip_path')); $fp = fopen($file_gzip, "a");//w fwrite($fp, $gzdata); fclose($fp); // Delete the uncompressed sitemap unlink($file_name); return $file_gzip; } return $file_name; } else { return $map; } } /** * Generate a sitemap index file pointing to other sitemaps you previously built * * @param array $urls array of urls, each being an array with at least a loc index * @param string $file_name (optional) if file name is supplied the XML data is saved in it otherwise returned as a string * @param bool $gzip (optional) compress sitemap, overwrites config item 'sitemaps_gzip' * @access public * @return string */ function build_index($urls, $file_name = null, $gzip = null) { $CI =& get_instance(); $index = $CI->config->item('sitemaps_index_header') . "\n"; foreach($urls as $url) { $url['loc'] = htmlentities($url['loc'], ENT_QUOTES); $index .= "\t\n\t\t" . $url['loc'] . "\n"; if(isset($url['lastmod'])) { $index .= "\t\t" . $url['lastmod'] . "\n"; } $index .= "\t\n\n"; } $index .= $CI->config->item('sitemaps_index_footer'); if( ! is_null($file_name)) { $fh = fopen($file_name, 'w'); fwrite($fh, $index); fclose($fh); if($CI->config->item('sitemaps_filesize_error') && filesize($file_name) > 1024 * 1024 * 10) { show_error('Your sitemap index is bigger than 10MB, most search engines will not accept it.'); } if($gzip OR (is_null($gzip) && $CI->config->item('sitemaps_index_gzip'))) { $gzdata = gzencode($index, 9); $file_gzip = str_replace("{file_name}", $file_name, $CI->config->item('sitemaps_index_gzip_path')); $fp = fopen($file_gzip, "w"); fwrite($fp, $gzdata); fclose($fp); // Delete the uncompressed sitemap index unlink($file_name); return $file_gzip; } return $file_name; } else { return $index; } } /** * Notify search engines of your updates sitemap * * @param string $url_xml absolute URL of your sitemap, use Codeigniter's site_url() * @param array $search_engines array of search engines to ping, see config file for notes * @access public * @return array HTTP reponse codes */ function ping($url_xml, $search_engines = NULL) { $CI =& get_instance(); if(is_null($search_engines)) { $search_engines = $CI->config->item('sitemaps_search_engines'); } $statuses = array(); foreach($search_engines AS $engine) { $status = 0; if($fp = @fsockopen($engine['host'], 80)) { $engine['url'] = empty($engine['url']) ? "/ping?sitemap=" : $engine['url']; $req = 'GET ' . $engine['url'] . urlencode($url_xml) . " HTTP/1.1\r\n" . "Host: " . $engine['host'] . "\r\n" . $CI->config->item('sitemaps_user_agent') . "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; fwrite($fp, $req); while( ! feof($fp)) { if(@preg_match
