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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:6人阅读

php 中文汉字验证码生成程序 这款关于php 中文汉字验证码生成程序其实很简单的,生成中文汉字验证码需要字体来支持了,下面我们用的arial.ttf来支持生成,否则生成中文图片验证码会出乱码的。

php教程 中文汉字验证码生成程序
这款关于php 中文汉字验证码生成程序其实很简单的,生成中文汉字验证码需要字体来支持了,下面我们用的arial.ttf来支持生成,否则生成中文图片验证码会出乱码的。

class securecode
private static $instance=null;
private $code = '';
private $fontfile;
private $validate;
private $image;
private $specialadd = 'special string for securecode';
private $codeexpire=86400;
private $codecookiename='secure_code';

* 构造方法
private function securecode()
$this->fontfile = dirname( __file__ ) . '/arial.ttf';

private function __construct()

public static function getinstance()
if (self::$instance==null)
self::$instance=new self();

return self::$instance;

* 指定字体文件所在路径,默认为当前文件夹下arial.ttf文件
* @param $fontfile 文件路径
* @return void
function loadfont($fontfile)
$this->fontfile = $fontfile;

* 图片输出方法,在执行本方法前程序不应该有任何形式的输出
* @return void;
function stroke()
imagegif( $this->validate );
imagedestroy( $this->validate );
imagedestroy( $this->image );

* 图片保存方法
* @param $filename 保存路径
* @return void
function save($filename)
imagegif( $this->validate , $filename );
imagedestroy( $this->validate );
imagedestroy( $this->image );

* 验证码验证方法
* @param $input 要验证的字符串,即用户的输入内容
* @return boolean 验证结果
function verify($input)
if (empty($code)||$code!=$targetcode)
$result= false;
setcookie ( $this->codecookiename, '', - 1 );
return $result;

* 图片创建方法
* @return void;
function createimage()

$size = 30;
$width = 90;
$height = 35;
$degrees = array (
rand( 0 , 30 ), rand( 0 , 30 ), rand( 0 , 30 ), rand( 0 , 30 )

for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i)
if (rand() % 2);
else $degrees[$i] = -$degrees[$i];

$this->image = imagecreatetruecolor( $size , $size );
$this->validate = imagecreatetruecolor( $width , $height );
$back = imagecolorallocate( $this->image , 255 , 255 , 255 );
$border = imagecolorallocate( $this->image , 0 , 0 , 0 );
imagefilledrectangle( $this->validate , 0 , 0 , $width , $height , $back );

for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i)
$temp = self::rgbtohsv( rand( 0 , 250 ) , rand( 0 , 150 ) , rand( 0 , 250 ) );

if ($temp[2] > 60) $temp[2] = 60;

$temp = self::hsvtorgb( $temp[0] , $temp[1] , $temp[2] );
$textcolor[$i] = imagecolorallocate( $this->image , $temp[0] , $temp[1] , $temp[2] );

for ($i = 0; $i < 200; ++$i)
$randpixelcolor = imagecolorallocate( $this->validate , rand( 0 , 255 ) , rand( 0 , 255 ) , rand( 0 , 255 ) );
imagesetpixel( $this->validate , rand( 1 , 87 ) , rand( 1 , 35 ) , $randpixelcolor );

$temp = self::rgbtohsv( rand( 220 , 255 ) , rand( 220 , 255 ) , rand( 220 , 255 ) );

if ($temp[2] < 200) $temp[2] = 255;

$temp = self::hsvtorgb( $temp[0] , $temp[1] , $temp[2] );
$randlinecolor = imagecolorallocate( $this->image , $temp[0] , $temp[1] , $temp[2] );

self::imagelinethick( $this->validate , $textcolor[rand( 0 , 3 )] );

imagefilledrectangle( $this->image , 0 , 0 , $size , $size , $back );
putenv( 'gdfontpath=' . realpath( '.' ) );

// name the font to be used (note the lack of the .ttf extension
imagettftext( $this->image , 15 , 0 , 8 , 20 , $textcolor[0] , $this->fontfile , $this->code[0] );

$this->image = imagerotate( $this->image , $degrees[0] , $back );
imagecolortransparent( $this->image , $back );
imagecopymerge( $this->validate , $this->image , 1 , 4 , 4 , 5 , imagesx( $this->image ) - 10 , imagesy( $this->image ) - 10 , 100 );

$this->image = imagecreatetruecolor( $size , $size );
imagefilledrectangle( $this->image , 0 , 0 , $size , $size , $back );
imagettftext( $this->image , 15 , 0 , 8 , 20 , $textcolor[1] , $this->fontfile , $this->code[1] );
$this->image = imagerotate( $this->image , $degrees[1] , $back );
imagecolortransparent( $this->image , $back );
imagecopymerge( $this->validate , $this->image , 21 , 4 , 4 , 5 , imagesx( $this->image ) - 10 , imagesy( $this->image ) - 10 , 100 );

$this->image = imagecreatetruecolor( $size , $size );
imagefilledrectangle( $this->image , 0 , 0 , $size - 1 , $size - 1 , $back );
imagettftext( $this->image , 15 , 0 , 8 , 20 , $textcolor[2] , $this->fontfile , $this->code[2] );
$this->image = imagerotate( $this->image , $degrees[2] , $back );
imagecolortransparent( $this->image , $back );
imagecopymerge( $this->validate , $this->image , 41 , 4 , 4 , 5 , imagesx( $this->image ) - 10 , imagesy( $this->image ) - 10 , 100 );

$this->image = imagecreatetruecolor( $size , $size );
imagefilledrectangle( $this->image , 0 , 0 , $size - 1 , $size - 1 , $back );
imagettftext( $this->image , 15 , 0 , 8 , 20 , $textcolor[3] , $this->fontfile , $this->code[3] );
$this->image = imagerotate( $this->image , $degrees[3] , $back );
imagecolortransparent( $this->image , $back );
imagecopymerge( $this->validate , $this->image , 61 , 4 , 4 , 5 , imagesx( $this->image ) - 10 , imagesy( $this->image ) - 10 , 100 );
imagerectangle( $this->validate , 0 , 0 , $width - 1 , $height - 1 , $border );

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www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/633019.htmlTechArticlephp 中文汉字验证码生成程序这款关于php 中文汉字验证码生成程序其实很简单的,生成中文汉字验证码需要字体来支持了,下面我们用的ar...
