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mixer 结构分析[uavcan为例]

本例是以uvacan为例, 系统运行后,设备的名称为:/dev/uavcan/esc.

MIXER的种类一共有三个:NullMixer, SimpleMixer 和MultirotorMixer.
MultirotorMixer:将输入量(ROLL,PITCH,RAW,Thrusttle)融合成一组基于 预先定义的geometry的输出量.

  1. int load_mixer_file(const char *fname, char *buf, unsigned maxlen)
  1. int ret = ioctl(dev, MIXERIOCLOADBUF, (unsigned long)buf);


  1. /** simple channel scaler */
  2. struct mixer_scaler_s {
  3. floatnegative_scale;//负向缩放, MIX文件中 O: 后面的第1个整数/10000.0f
  4. floatpositive_scale;//正向缩放, MIX文件中 O: 后面的第2个整数/10000.0f
  5. floatoffset; //偏移 , MIX文件中 O: 后面的第3个整数/10000.0f
  6. floatmin_output;//最小
输出值 , MIX文件中 O: 后面的第4个整数/10000.0f
  • floatmax_output;//最大输出值 , MIX文件中 O: 后面的第5个整数/10000.0f
  • };//该结构定义了单个控制量的结构

  • /** mixer input */
  • struct mixer_control_s {
  • uint8_tcontrol_group;/**< group from which the input reads */
  • uint8_tcontrol_index;/**< index within the control group */
  • struct mixer_scaler_s scaler;/**< scaling applied to the input before use */
  • };//定义输入量的结构

  • /** simple mixer */
  • struct mixer_simple_s {
  • uint8_tcontrol_count;/**< number of inputs */
  • struct mixer_scaler_soutput_scaler;/**< scaling for the output */
  • struct mixer_control_scontrols[0];/**< actual size of the array is set by control_count */
  • };//定义了一个控制实体的控制体,包括输入的信号数量,输入信号控制集,输出信号控制。
  • //因为一个mixer只有一个输出,可以有0到多个输入,所以control_count指明了这个mixer所需要的输入信号数量,而具体的信号都存放在数组controls[0]中。
  • //输出则由output_scaler来控制.
  • //从这些结构体的定义,可以对照起来mix文件语法的定义.

  • uavcan_main.cpp:
    1. int UavcanNode::ioctl(file *filp, int cmd, unsigned long arg)
    2. {
    3. ...
    4. case MIXERIOCLOADBUF: {
      const char *buf = (const char *)arg;
      unsigned buflen = strnlen(buf, 1024);

      if (_mixers == nullptr) {
      _mixers = new MixerGroup(control_callback, (uintptr_t)_controls);

      if (_mixers == nullptr) {
      _groups_required = 0;
      ret = -ENOMEM;

      } else {

      ret = _mixers->load_from_buf(buf, buflen);//这里开始解析数据

      if (ret != 0) {
      warnx("mixer load failed with %d", ret);
      delete _mixers;
      _mixers = nullptr;
      _groups_required = 0;
      ret = -EINVAL;

      } else {


    5. }

    1. int MixerGroup::load_from_buf(const char *buf, unsigned &buflen)
    2. {
    3. int ret = -1;
    4. const char *end = buf + buflen;

    5. /*
    6. * Loop until either we have emptied the buffer, or we have failed to
    7. * allocate something when we expected to.
    8. */
    9. while (buflen > 0) {
    10. Mixer *m = nullptr;
    11. const char *p = end - buflen;
    12. unsigned resid = buflen;

    13. /*
    14. * Use the next character as a hint to decide which mixer class to construct.
    15. */
    16. switch (*p) {//首先看该行的第一个字母,来确定数据的类别.
    17. case 'Z':
    18. m = NullMixer::from_text(p, resid);
    19. break;

    20. case 'M':
    21. m = SimpleMixer::from_text(_control_cb, _cb_handle, p, resid);
    22. break;

    23. case 'R':
    24. m = MultirotorMixer::from_text(_control_cb, _cb_handle, p, resid);
    25. break;

    26. default:
    27. /* it's probably junk or whitespace, skip a byte and retry */
    28. buflen--;
    29. continue;
    30. }

    31. /*
    32. * If we constructed something, add it to the group.
    33. */
    34. if (m != nullptr) {
    35. add_mixer(m);

    36. /* we constructed something */
    37. ret = 0;

    38. /* only adjust buflen if parsing was successful */
    39. buflen = resid;
    40. debug("SUCCESS - buflen: %d", buflen);

    41. } else {

    42. /*
    43. * There is data in the buffer that we expected to parse, but it didn't,
    44. * so give up for now.
    45. */
    46. break;
    47. }
    48. }

    49. /* nothing more in the buffer for us now */
    50. return ret;
    51. }

    下面这个函数用来 处理 M: 开头的定义, 格式规定该字符后面只能有一个数字,用来指明input信号源的数量,即S类型数量的数量,联系到结构体的定义,则为 struct mixer_control_s 的数量.
    1. SimpleMixer *
    2. SimpleMixer::from_text(Mixer::ControlCallback control_cb, uintptr_t cb_handle, const char *buf, unsigned &buflen)
    3. {
    4. SimpleMixer *sm = nullptr;
    5. mixer_simple_s *mixinfo = nullptr;
    6. unsigned inputs;
    7. int used;
    8. const char *end = buf + buflen;

    9. /* get the base info for the mixer */
    10. if (sscanf(buf, "M: %u%n", &inputs, &used) != 1) {
    11. debug("simple parse failed on '%s'", buf);
    12. goto out;
    13. }//复制M:后面第一个数值到无符号整型数据到变量inputs中,并将已经处理的字条数目赋值给used

    14. buf = skipline(buf, buflen);//让buf指定下一行

    15. if (buf == nullptr) {
    16. debug("no line ending, line is incomplete");
    17. goto out;
    18. }

    19. mixinfo = (mixer_simple_s *)malloc(MIXER_SIMPLE_SIZE(inputs));
    20. //M:后面的数字为struct mixer_control_s 结构的数量.MIXER_SIMPLE_SIZE的字义为sizeof(mixer_simple_s) + inputs*sizeof(mixer_control_s),
    21. //即一个完整的mixer_simple_s的定义,controls[0]一共有inputs个.

    22. if (mixinfo == nullptr) {
    23. debug("could not allocate memory for mixer info");
    24. goto out;
    25. }

    26. mixinfo->control_count = inputs;//input 信号的数量

    27. if (parse_output_scaler(end - buflen, buflen, mixinfo->output_scaler)) {
    28. debug("simple mixer parser failed parsing out scaler tag, ret: '%s'", buf);
    29. goto out;
    30. }//该函数解析

    1. int SimpleMixer::parse_output_scaler(const char *buf, unsigned &buflen, mixer_scaler_s &scaler)
    2. {
    3. int ret;
    4. int s[5];
    5. int n = -1;

    6. buf = findtag(buf, buflen, 'O');//寻找"O:"这样的控制符,返回指针指向
    1. if ((buf == nullptr) || (buflen < 12)) {
    2. debug("output parser failed finding tag, ret: '%s'", buf);
    3. return -1;
    4. }//12,表示O:这行的定义至少有12个字符(O:和五个1位长的整数),例如最短的定义为: O: 0 0 0 0 0

    5. if ((ret = sscanf(buf, "O: %d %d %d %d %d %n",//O:后面必须有5个整数,且整数间用至少一个空格分开,此处是取出O:后面的5个整数值.
    6. &s[0], &s[1], &s[2], &s[3], &s[4], &n)) != 5) {
    7. debug("out scaler parse failed on '%s' (got %d, consumed %d)", buf, ret, n);
    8. return -1;
    9. }

    10. buf = skipline(buf, buflen);

    11. if (buf == nullptr) {
    12. debug("no line ending, line is incomplete");
    13. return -1;
    14. }
    15. //从下面的赋值操作可以得出 O:后面5个数值的字义.,分别为 [negative_scale] [positive_scale] [offset] [min_output] [max_output]
    16. //并且每个这都做了除10000的操作,所以MIX格式定义中说这些值都是被放大10000倍后的数值.
    17. scaler.negative_scale= s[0] / 10000.0f;
    18. scaler.positive_scale= s[1] / 10000.0f;
    19. scaler.offset= s[2] / 10000.0f;
    20. scaler.min_output= s[3] / 10000.0f;
    21. scaler.max_output= s[4] / 10000.0f;

    22. return 0;
    23. }

    //上面解析了MIXER的输出量,下面开始解析输入量,因为我们已经读取了输入信号的数量("M: n"中n定义的数值),所以要循环n次.
  • //首先记住parse_control_scaler函数输入的参数
  • for (unsigned i = 0; i < inputs; i++) {
  • if (parse_control_scaler(end - buflen, buflen,
  • mixinfo->controls[i].scaler,
  • mixinfo->controls[i].control_group,
  • mixinfo->controls[i].control_index)) {
  • debug("simple mixer parser failed parsing ctrl scaler tag, ret: '%s'", buf);
  • goto out;
  • }

  • }

    1. int SimpleMixer::parse_control_scaler(const char *buf, unsigned &buflen, mixer_scaler_s &scaler, uint8_t &control_group,
    2. uint8_t &control_index)
    3. {
    4. unsigned u[2];
    5. int s[5];

    6. buf = findtag(buf, buflen, 'S');//找到剩余缓冲区中的第一个'S',并让buf指向该行的行首;
    7. //
    8. //16表示该S:行至少有16个字符,即至少有7个整数(因为整数间至少有1个空格分隔)
    9. if ((buf == nullptr) || (buflen < 16)) {
    10. debug("control parser failed finding tag, ret: '%s'", buf);
    11. return -1;
    12. }
    13. //读取S:后面的7个整数.
    14. if (sscanf(buf, "S: %u %u %d %d %d %d %d",
    15. &u[0], &u[1], &s[0], &s[1], &s[2], &s[3], &s[4]) != 7) {
    16. debug("control parse failed on '%s'", buf);
    17. return -1;
    18. }

    19. buf = skipline(buf, buflen);

    20. if (buf == nullptr) {
    21. debug("no line ending, line is incomplete");
    22. return -1;
    23. }

    24. //从下面的赋值可以看出MIXER文件S:定义的格式,S:后面的整数分别为
    25. // [control_group] [ontrol_index] [negative_scale] [positive_scale] [offset] [min_output] [max_output]
    26. // 可以看出,输入信号的定义比输入出信号的定义多了两个整数,用来表示当前输入信号所在的组和组内的序号. 第1和第2个整就是用来
    27. // 说明组号和组内序号.而后面5个整数的定义和输入信号的定义一样,且也要除以10000.
    28. control_group= u[0];
    29. control_index= u[1];
    30. scaler.negative_scale= s[0] / 10000.0f;
    31. scaler.positive_scale= s[1] / 10000.0f;
    32. scaler.offset= s[2] / 10000.0f;
    33. scaler.min_output= s[3] / 10000.0f;
    34. scaler.max_output= s[4] / 10000.0f;

    35. return 0;
    36. }

  • sm = new SimpleMixer(control_cb, cb_handle, mixinfo);

  • if (sm != nullptr) {
  • mixinfo = nullptr;
  • debug("loaded mixer with %d input(s)", inputs);

  • } else {
  • debug("could not allocate memory for mixer");
  • }

  • out:

  • if (mixinfo != nullptr) {
  • free(mixinfo);
  • }

  • return sm;
  • }

  • www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/1117247.htmlTechArticlemixer 结构分析[uavcan为例] mixer指令为系统的app命令,位置在Firmware/src/systemcmds/mixer目录下面,其功能是装载mix文件中的有效内容到具体的设备...
