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如果管理员不让我们去加载 memcache.dll 文件,我们可以直接通过源码操作





                 |// | All rights reserved.                                                      |// |                                                                           |// | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without        |// | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions        |// | are met:                                                                  |// |                                                                           |// | 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright         |// |    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.          |// | 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright      |// |    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the    |// |    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.   |// |                                                                           |// | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR      |// | IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES |// | OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED.   |// | IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT,          |// | INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT  |// | NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, |// | DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY     |// | THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT       |// | (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF  |// | THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.         |// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+// | Author: Ryan T. Dean                             |// | Heavily influenced by the Perl memcached client by Brad Fitzpatrick.      |// |   Permission granted by Brad Fitzpatrick for relicense of ported Perl     |// |   client logic under 2-clause BSD license.                                |// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+//// $TCAnet$///** * This is the PHP client for memcached - a distributed memory cache daemon. * More information is available at http://www.danga.com/memcached/ * * Usage example: * * require_once 'memcached.php'; *  * $mc = new memcached(array( *              'servers' => array('',  *                                 array('', 2), *                                 ''), *              'debug'   => false, *              'compress_threshold' => 10240, *              'persistant' => true)); * * $mc->add('key', array('some', 'array')); * $mc->replace('key', 'some random string'); * $val = $mc->get('key'); * * @author  Ryan T. Dean  * @package memcached-client * @version 0.1.2 */// {{{ requirements// }}}// {{{ constants// {{{ flags/** * Flag: indicates data is serialized */define("MEMCACHE_SERIALIZED", 1<<0);/** * Flag: indicates data is compressed */define("MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED", 1<<1);// }}}/** * Minimum savings to store data compressed */define("COMPRESSION_SAVINGS", 0.20);// }}}// {{{ class memcached/** * memcached client class implemented using (p)fsockopen() * * @author  Ryan T. Dean  * @package memcached-client */class memcached{   // {{{ properties   // {{{ public   /**    * Command statistics    *    * @var     array    * @access  public    */   var $stats;      // }}}   // {{{ private   /**    * Cached Sockets that are connected    *    * @var     array    * @access  private    */   var $_cache_sock;      /**    * Current debug status; 0 - none to 9 - profiling    *    * @var     boolean    * @access  private    */   var $_debug;      /**    * Dead hosts, assoc array, 'host'=>'unixtime when ok to check again'    *    * @var     array    * @access  private    */   var $_host_dead;      /**    * Is compression available?    *    * @var     boolean    * @access  private    */   var $_have_zlib;      /**    * Do we want to use compression?    *    * @var     boolean    * @access  private    */   var $_compress_enable;      /**    * At how many bytes should we compress?    *    * @var     interger    * @access  private    */   var $_compress_threshold;      /**    * Are we using persistant links?    *    * @var     boolean    * @access  private    */   var $_persistant;      /**    * If only using one server; contains ip:port to connect to    *    * @var     string    * @access  private    */   var $_single_sock;      /**    * Array containing ip:port or array(ip:port, weight)    *    * @var     array    * @access  private    */   var $_servers;      /**    * Our bit buckets    *    * @var     array    * @access  private    */   var $_buckets;      /**    * Total # of bit buckets we have    *    * @var     interger    * @access  private    */   var $_bucketcount;      /**    * # of total servers we have    *    * @var     interger    * @access  private    */   var $_active;   // }}}   // }}}   // {{{ methods   // {{{ public functions   // {{{ memcached()   /**    * Memcache initializer    *    * @param   array    $args    Associative array of settings    *    * @return  mixed    * @access  public    */   function memcached ($args)   {      $this->set_servers($args['servers']);      $this->_debug = $args['debug'];      $this->stats = array();      $this->_compress_threshold = $args['compress_threshold'];      $this->_persistant = isset($args['persistant']) ? $args['persistant'] : false;      $this->_compress_enable = true;      $this->_have_zlib = function_exists("gzcompress");            $this->_cache_sock = array();      $this->_host_dead = array();   }   // }}}   // {{{ add()   /**    * Adds a key/value to the memcache server if one isn't already set with     * that key    *    * @param   string   $key     Key to set with data    * @param   mixed    $val     Value to store    * @param   interger $exp     (optional) Time to expire data at    *    * @return  boolean    * @access  public    */   function add ($key, $val, $exp = 0)   {      return $this->_set('add', $key, $val, $exp);   }   // }}}   // {{{ decr()   /**    * Decriment a value stored on the memcache server    *    * @param   string   $key     Key to decriment    * @param   interger $amt     (optional) Amount to decriment    *    * @return  mixed    FALSE on failure, value on success    * @access  public    */   function decr ($key, $amt=1)   {      return $this->_incrdecr('decr', $key, $amt);   }   // }}}   // {{{ delete()   /**    * Deletes a key from the server, optionally after $time    *    * @param   string   $key     Key to delete    * @param   interger $time    (optional) How long to wait before deleting    *    * @return  boolean  TRUE on success, FALSE on failure    * @access  public    */   function delete ($key, $time = 0)   {      if (!$this->_active)         return false;               $sock = $this->get_sock($key);      if (!is_resource($sock))         return false;            $key = is_array($key) ? $key[1] : $key;            $this->stats['delete']++;      $cmd = "delete $key $time\r\n";      if(!fwrite($sock, $cmd, strlen($cmd)))      {         $this->_dead_sock($sock);         return false;      }      $res = trim(fgets($sock));            if ($this->_debug)         printf("MemCache: delete %s (%s)\n", $key, $res);            if ($res == "DELETED")         return true;      return false;   }   // }}}   // {{{ disconnect_all()   /**    * Disconnects all connected sockets    *    * @access  public    */   function disconnect_all ()   {      foreach ($this->_cache_sock as $sock)         fclose($sock);      $this->_cache_sock = array();   }   // }}}   // {{{ enable_compress()   /**    * Enable / Disable compression    *    * @param   boolean  $enable  TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable    *    * @access  public    */   function enable_compress ($enable)   {      $this->_compress_enable = $enable;   }   // }}}   // {{{ forget_dead_hosts()   /**    * Forget about all of the dead hosts    *    * @access  public    */   function forget_dead_hosts ()   {      $this->_host_dead = array();   }   // }}}   // {{{ get()   /**    * Retrieves the value associated with the key from the memcache server    *    * @param  string   $key     Key to retrieve    *    * @return  mixed    * @access  public    */   function get ($key)   {      if (!$this->_active)         return false;               $sock = $this->get_sock($key);            if (!is_resource($sock))         return false;               $this->stats['get']++;            $cmd = "get $key\r\n";      if (!fwrite($sock, $cmd, strlen($cmd)))      {         $this->_dead_sock($sock);         return false;      }            $val = array();      $this->_load_items($sock, $val);            if ($this->_debug)         foreach ($val as $k => $v)            printf("MemCache: sock %s got %s => %s\r\n", $sock, $k, $v);            return $val[$key];   }   // }}}   // {{{ get_multi()   /**    * Get multiple keys from the server(s)    *    * @param   array    $keys    Keys to retrieve    *    * @return  array    * @access  public	*  get('key1')   keys=array('key1','key2');    */   function get_multi ($keys)   {      if (!$this->_active)         return false;               $this->stats['get_multi']++;            foreach ($keys as $key)      {         $sock = $this->get_sock($key);         if (!is_resource($sock)) continue;         $key = is_array($key) ? $key[1] : $key;         if (!isset($sock_keys[$sock]))         {            $sock_keys[$sock] = array();            $socks[] = $sock;         }         $sock_keys[$sock][] = $key;      }            // Send out the requests      foreach ($socks as $sock)      {         $cmd = "get";         foreach ($sock_keys[$sock] as $key)         {            $cmd .= " ". $key;         }         $cmd .= "\r\n";                  if (fwrite($sock, $cmd, strlen($cmd)))         {            $gather[] = $sock;         } else         {            $this->_dead_sock($sock);         }      }            // Parse responses      $val = array();      foreach ($gather as $sock)      {         $this->_load_items($sock, $val);      }            if ($this->_debug)         foreach ($val as $k => $v)            printf("MemCache: got %s => %s\r\n", $k, $v);                  return $val;   }   // }}}   // {{{ incr()   /**    * Increments $key (optionally) by $amt    *    * @param   string   $key     Key to increment    * @param   interger $amt     (optional) amount to increment    *    * @return  interger New key value?    * @access  public    */   function incr ($key, $amt=1)   {      return $this->_incrdecr('incr', $key, $amt);   }   // }}}   // {{{ replace()   /**    * Overwrites an existing value for key; only works if key is already set    *    * @param   string   $key     Key to set value as    * @param   mixed    $value   Value to store    * @param   interger $exp     (optional) Experiation time    *    * @return  boolean    * @access  public    */   function replace ($key, $value, $exp=0)   {      return $this->_set('replace', $key, $value, $exp);   }   // }}}   // {{{ run_command()   /**    * Passes through $cmd to the memcache server connected by $sock; returns     * output as an array (null array if no output)    *    * NOTE: due to a possible bug in how PHP reads while using fgets(), each    *       line may not be terminated by a \r\n.  More specifically, my testing    *       has shown that, on FreeBSD at least, each line is terminated only    *       with a \n.  This is with the PHP flag auto_detect_line_endings set    *       to falase (the default).    *    * @param   resource $sock    Socket to send command on    * @param   string   $cmd     Command to run    *    * @return  array    Output array    * @access  public    */   function run_command ($sock, $cmd)   {      if (!is_resource($sock))         return array();            if (!fwrite($sock, $cmd, strlen($cmd)))         return array();               while (true)      {         $res = fgets($sock);         $ret[] = $res;         if (preg_match('/^END/', $res))            break;         if (strlen($res) == 0)            break;      }      return $ret;   }   // }}}   // {{{ set()   /**    * Unconditionally sets a key to a given value in the memcache.  Returns true    * if set successfully.    *    * @param   string   $key     Key to set value as    * @param   mixed    $value   Value to set    * @param   interger $exp     (optional) Experiation time    *    * @return  boolean  TRUE on success    * @access  public    */   function set ($key, $value, $exp=0)   {      return $this->_set('set', $key, $value, $exp);   }   // }}}   // {{{ set_compress_threshold()   /**    * Sets the compression threshold    *    * @param   interger $thresh  Threshold to compress if larger than    *    * @access  public    */   function set_compress_threshold ($thresh)   {      $this->_compress_threshold = $thresh;   }   // }}}   // {{{ set_debug()   /**    * Sets the debug flag    *    * @param   boolean  $dbg     TRUE for debugging, FALSE otherwise    *    * @access  public    *    * @see     memcahced::memcached    */   function set_debug ($dbg)   {      $this->_debug = $dbg;   }   // }}}   // {{{ set_servers()   /**    * Sets the server list to distribute key gets and puts between    *    * @param   array    $list    Array of servers to connect to    *    * @access  public    *    * @see     memcached::memcached()    */   function set_servers ($list)   {      $this->_servers = $list;      $this->_active = count($list);      $this->_buckets = null;      $this->_bucketcount = 0;            $this->_single_sock = null;      if ($this->_active == 1)         $this->_single_sock = $this->_servers[0];   }   // }}}   // }}}   // {{{ private methods   // {{{ _close_sock()   /**    * Close the specified socket    *    * @param   string   $sock    Socket to close    *    * @access  private    */   function _close_sock ($sock)   {      $host = array_search($sock, $this->_cache_sock);      fclose($this->_cache_sock[$host]);      unset($this->_cache_sock[$host]);   }   // }}}   // {{{ _connect_sock()   /**    * Connects $sock to $host, timing out after $timeout    *    * @param   interger $sock    Socket to connect    * @param   string   $host    Host:IP to connect to    * @param   float    $timeout (optional) Timeout value, defaults to 0.25s    *    * @return  boolean    * @access  private    */   function _connect_sock (&$sock, $host, $timeout = 0.25)   {      list ($ip, $port) = explode(":", $host);      if ($this->_persistant == 1)      {         $sock = @pfsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);      } else      {         $sock = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);      }            if (!$sock)         return false;      return true;   }   // }}}   // {{{ _dead_sock()   /**    * Marks a host as dead until 30-40 seconds in the future    *    * @param   string   $sock    Socket to mark as dead    *    * @access  private    */   function _dead_sock ($sock)   {      $host = array_search($sock, $this->_cache_sock);      list ($ip, $port) = explode(":", $host);      $this->_host_dead[$ip] = time() + 30 + intval(rand(0, 10));      $this->_host_dead[$host] = $this->_host_dead[$ip];      unset($this->_cache_sock[$host]);   }   // }}}   // {{{ get_sock()   /**    * get_sock    *    * @param   string   $key     Key to retrieve value for;    *    * @return  mixed    resource on success, false on failure    * @access  private    */   function get_sock ($key)   {      if (!$this->_active)         return false;      if ($this->_single_sock !== null)         return $this->sock_to_host($this->_single_sock);            $hv = is_array($key) ? intval($key[0]) : $this->_hashfunc($key);            if ($this->_buckets === null)      {         foreach ($this->_servers as $v)         {            if (is_array($v))            {               for ($i=0; $i<$v[1]; $i++)                  $bu[] = $v[0];            } else            {               $bu[] = $v;            }         }         $this->_buckets = $bu;         $this->_bucketcount = count($bu);      }            $realkey = is_array($key) ? $key[1] : $key;      for ($tries = 0; $tries<20; $tries++)      {         $host = $this->_buckets[$hv % $this->_bucketcount];         $sock = $this->sock_to_host($host);         if (is_resource($sock))            return $sock;         $hv += $this->_hashfunc($tries . $realkey);      }            return false;   }   // }}}   // {{{ _hashfunc()   /**    * Creates a hash interger based on the $key    *    * @param   string   $key     Key to hash    *    * @return  interger Hash value    * @access  private    */   function _hashfunc ($key)   {      $hash = 0;      for ($i=0; $i_active)         return null;               $sock = $this->get_sock($key);      if (!is_resource($sock))         return null;               $key = is_array($key) ? $key[1] : $key;      $this->stats[$cmd]++;      if (!fwrite($sock, "$cmd $key $amt\r\n"))         return $this->_dead_sock($sock);               stream_set_timeout($sock, 1, 0);      $line = fgets($sock);      if (!preg_match('/^(\d+)/', $line, $match))         return null;      return $match[1];   }   // }}}   // {{{ _load_items()   /**    * Load items into $ret from $sock    *    * @param   resource $sock    Socket to read from    * @param   array    $ret     Returned values    *    * @access  private    */   function _load_items ($sock, &$ret)   {      while (1)      {         $decl = fgets($sock);         if ($decl == "END\r\n")         {            return true;         } elseif (preg_match('/^VALUE (\S+) (\d+) (\d+)\r\n$/', $decl, $match))         {            list($rkey, $flags, $len) = array($match[1], $match[2], $match[3]);            $bneed = $len+2;            $offset = 0;                        while ($bneed > 0)            {               $data = fread($sock, $bneed);               $n = strlen($data);               if ($n == 0)                  break;               $offset += $n;               $bneed -= $n;               $ret[$rkey] .= $data;            }                        if ($offset != $len+2)            {               // Something is borked!               if ($this->_debug)                  printf("Something is borked!  key %s expecting %d got %d length\n", $rkey, $len+2, $offset);               unset($ret[$rkey]);               $this->_close_sock($sock);               return false;            }                        $ret[$rkey] = rtrim($ret[$rkey]);            if ($this->_have_zlib && $flags & MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED)               $ret[$rkey] = gzuncompress($ret[$rkey]);            if ($flags & MEMCACHE_SERIALIZED)               $ret[$rkey] = unserialize($ret[$rkey]);         } else          {            if ($this->_debug)               print("Error parsing memcached response\n");            return 0;         }      }   }   // }}}   // {{{ _set()   /**    * Performs the requested storage operation to the memcache server    *    * @param   string   $cmd     Command to perform    * @param   string   $key     Key to act on    * @param   mixed    $val     What we need to store    * @param   interger $exp     When it should expire    *    * @return  boolean    * @access  private    */   function _set ($cmd, $key, $val, $exp)   {      if (!$this->_active)         return false;         //get_sock就是去获取到memcached服务器连接      $sock = $this->get_sock($key);      if (!is_resource($sock))         return false;               $this->stats[$cmd]++;            $flags = 0;            if (!is_scalar($val))      {         $val = serialize($val);         $flags |= MEMCACHE_SERIALIZED;         if ($this->_debug)            printf("client: serializing data as it is not scalar\n");      }            $len = strlen($val);            if ($this->_have_zlib && $this->_compress_enable &&           $this->_compress_threshold && $len >= $this->_compress_threshold)      {         $c_val = gzcompress($val, 9);         $c_len = strlen($c_val);                  if ($c_len < $len*(1 - COMPRESS_SAVINGS))         {            if ($this->_debug)               printf("client: compressing data; was %d bytes is now %d bytes\n", $len, $c_len);            $val = $c_val;            $len = $c_len;            $flags |= MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED;         }      }      if (!fwrite($sock, "$cmd $key $flags $exp $len\r\n$val\r\n"))         return $this->_dead_sock($sock);               $line = trim(fgets($sock));            if ($this->_debug)      {         if ($flags & MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED)            $val = 'compressed data';         printf("MemCache: %s %s => %s (%s)\n", $cmd, $key, $val, $line);      }      if ($line == "STORED")         return true;      return false;   }   // }}}   // {{{ sock_to_host()   /**    * Returns the socket for the host    *    * @param   string   $host    Host:IP to get socket for    *    * @return  mixed    IO Stream or false    * @access  private    */   function sock_to_host ($host)   {     	  if (isset($this->_cache_sock[$host]))         return $this->_cache_sock[$host];            $now = time();      list ($ip, $port) = explode (":", $host);      if (isset($this->_host_dead[$host]) && $this->_host_dead[$host] > $now ||          isset($this->_host_dead[$ip]) && $this->_host_dead[$ip] > $now)         return null;               if (!$this->_connect_sock($sock, $host))         return $this->_dead_sock($host);               // Do not buffer writes      stream_set_write_buffer($sock, 0);            $this->_cache_sock[$host] = $sock;            return $this->_cache_sock[$host];   }   // }}}   // }}}   // }}}}// }}}?> 


 array(''), //连接的memcacheip和端口               'debug'   => false, //是否debug               'compress_threshold' => 10240, /*最大压缩*/               'persistant' => true)); /*是否是持久连接*/   $mc->set('key1', array('some', 'array')); // $mc->replace('key', 'some random string');   $val = $mc->get('key1');	var_dump($val);	//修改	$mc->replace('key1', "北京");	$val = $mc->get('key1');	var_dump($val);	//删除	$mc->delete('key1');  $val = $mc->get('key1');	echo "删除后";	var_dump($val);
