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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:68人阅读

Enable Opcache in php.ini

[opcache]zend_extension = /usr/local/php5/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-zts-20121212/opcache.so; Determines if Zend OPCache is enabledopcache.enable=1; Determines if Zend OPCache is enabled for the CLI version of PHP;opcache.enable_cli=0; The OPcache shared memory storage size.;opcache.memory_consumption=64; The amount of memory for interned strings in Mbytes.opcache.interned_strings_buffer=16; The maximum number of keys (scripts) in the OPcache hash table.; Only numbers between 200 and 100000 are allowed.opcache.max_accelerated_files=3907; The maximum percentage of "wasted" memory until a restart is scheduled.;opcache.max_wasted_percentage=5; When this directive is enabled, the OPcache appends the current working; directory to the script key, thus eliminating possible collisions between; files with the same name (basename). Disabling the directive improves; performance, but may break existing applications.;opcache.use_cwd=1; When disabled, you must reset the OPcache manually or restart the; webserver for changes to the filesystem to take effect.opcache.validate_timestamps=0; How often (in seconds) to check file timestamps for changes to the shared; memory storage allocation. ("1" means validate once per second, but only; once per request. "0" means always validate);opcache.revalidate_freq=2; Enables or disables file search in include_path optimization;opcache.revalidate_path=0; If disabled, all PHPDoc comments are dropped from the code to reduce the; size of the optimized code.opcache.save_comments=0; If disabled, PHPDoc comments are not loaded from SHM, so "Doc Comments"; may be always stored (save_comments=1), but not loaded by applications; that don't need them anyway.;opcache.load_comments=1; If enabled, a fast shutdown sequence is used for the accelerated codeopcache.fast_shutdown=1; Allow file existence override (file_exists, etc.) performance feature.opcache.enable_file_override=1; A bitmask, where each bit enables or disables the appropriate OPcache; passes;opcache.optimization_level=0xffffffff;opcache.inherited_hack=1;opcache.dups_fix=0; The location of the OPcache blacklist file (wildcards allowed).; Each OPcache blacklist file is a text file that holds the names of files; that should not be accelerated. The file format is to add each filename; to a new line. The filename may be a full path or just a file prefix; (i.e., /var/www/x  blacklists all the files and directories in /var/www; that start with 'x'). Line starting with a ; are ignored (comments).;opcache.blacklist_filename=/home/ftpcrm/html/crm/blacklist; Allows exclusion of large files from being cached. By default all files; are cached.;opcache.max_file_size=0; Check the cache checksum each N requests.; The default value of "0" means that the checks are disabled.;opcache.consistency_checks=0; How long to wait (in seconds) for a scheduled restart to begin if the cache; is not being accessed.;opcache.force_restart_timeout=180; OPcache error_log file name. Empty string assumes "stderr".;opcache.error_log=; All OPcache errors go to the Web server log.; By default, only fatal errors (level 0) or errors (level 1) are logged.; You can also enable warnings (level 2), info messages (level 3) or; debug messages (level 4).;opcache.log_verbosity_level=1; Preferred Shared Memory back-end. Leave empty and let the system decide.;opcache.preferred_memory_model=; Protect the shared memory from unexpected writing during script execution.; Useful for internal debugging only.;opcache.protect_memory=0

Short explanation

  • opcache.save_comments
  • In case your application (or the framework it is built on) only uses annotations at development time, you can achieve even better performance by adding opcache.save_comments=0 in your PHP configuration file as well.
  • opcache.validate_timestamps
  • opcache.validate_timestamps - When this is enabled, PHP will check the file timestamp per your opcache.revalidate_freq value.When it's disabled, opcache.revaliate_freq is ignored and PHP files are NEVER checked for updated code. So, if you modify your code, the changes won't actually run until you restart or reload PHP (you force a reload with kill -SIGUSR2).Yes, this is a pain in the ass, but you should use it. Why? While you're updating or deplying code, new code files can get mixed with old ones? the results are unknown. It's unsafe as hell.OptimizationOn live systems you can set the option opcache.validate_timestamps to false to gain a speedup. This prevents the cache from looking up every opcache.revalidate_freq seconds if there is a changed PHP file. 
  • opcache.max_accelerated_files
  • opcache.max_accelerated_files - Controls how many PHP files, at most, can be held in memory at once. It's important that your project has LESS FILES than whatever you set this at. My codebase has ~6000 files, so I use the prime number 7963 for maxacceleratedfiles.You can run "find . -type f -print | grep php | wc -l" to quickly calculate the number of files in your codebase.
  • opcache.interned_strings_buffer
  • opcache.interned_strings_buffer - A pretty neat setting with like 0 documentation. PHP uses a technique called string interning to improve performance? so, for example, if you have the string "foobar" 1000 times in your code, internally PHP will store 1 immutable variable for this string and just use a pointer to it for the other 999 times you use it. Cool. This setting takes it to the next level? instead of having a pool of these immutable string for each SINGLE php-fpm process, this setting shares it across ALL of your php-fpm processes. It saves memory and improves performance, especially in big applications.The value is set in megabytes, so set it to "16" for 16MB. The default is low, 4MB.
  • opcache.fast_shutdown
  • opcache.fast_shutdown - Another interesting setting with no useful documentation. "Allows for faster shutdown". Oh okay. Like that helps me. What this actually does is provide a faster mechanism for calling the deconstructors in your code at the end of a single request to speed up the response and recycle php workers so they're ready for the next incoming request faster. Set it to 1 and turn it on.

    Viewer Opcache Gui


    1. Speed up your PHP application with Zend OpCache
    2. Best Zend OpCache Settings/Tuning/Config
    3. Opcode Cache
    4. Understanding OpCache
