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2.邮件类 ./mailreceived/receiveMail.class.php

./mailreceived/receiveMail.class.php 文件内容如下:

server			=	$strConnect;		$this->username			=	$username;		$this->password			=	$password;		$this->email			=	$EmailAddress;	}	function connect() //Connect To the Mail Box	{		$this->marubox=@imap_open($this->server,$this->username,$this->password);				if(!$this->marubox)		{			return false;// 			echo "Error: Connecting to mail server";// 			exit;		}		return true;	}			function getHeaders($mid) // Get Header info	{		if(!$this->marubox)			return false;		$mail_header=imap_header($this->marubox,$mid);		$sender=$mail_header->from[0];		$sender_replyto=$mail_header->reply_to[0];		if(strtolower($sender->mailbox)!='mailer-daemon' && strtolower($sender->mailbox)!='postmaster')		{			$subject=$this->decode_mime($mail_header->subject);			$ccList=array();			foreach ($mail_header->cc as $k => $v)			{				$ccList[]=$v->mailbox.'@'.$v->host;			}			$toList=array();			foreach ($mail_header->to as $k => $v)			{				$toList[]=$v->mailbox.'@'.$v->host;			}			$ccList=implode(",", $ccList);			$toList=implode(",", $toList);			$mail_details=array(					'fromBy'=>strtolower($sender->mailbox).'@'.$sender->host,					'fromName'=>$this->decode_mime($sender->personal),					'ccList'=>$ccList,//strtolower($sender_replyto->mailbox).'@'.$sender_replyto->host,					'toNameOth'=>$this->decode_mime($sender_replyto->personal),					'subject'=>$subject,					'mailDate'=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$mail_header->udate),					'udate'=>$mail_header->udate,					'toList'=>$toList//strtolower($mail_header->to[0]->mailbox).'@'.$mail_header->to[0]->host// 					'to'=>strtolower($mail_header->toaddress)				);		}		return $mail_details;	}	function get_mime_type(&$structure) //Get Mime type Internal Private Use	{ 		$primary_mime_type = array("TEXT", "MULTIPART", "MESSAGE", "APPLICATION", "AUDIO", "IMAGE", "VIDEO", "OTHER"); 				if($structure->subtype && $structure->subtype!="PNG") { 			return $primary_mime_type[(int) $structure->type] . '/' . $structure->subtype; 		} 		return "TEXT/PLAIN"; 	} 	function get_part($stream, $msg_number, $mime_type, $structure = false, $part_number = false) //Get Part Of Message Internal Private Use	{ 				if(!$structure) { 			$structure = imap_fetchstructure($stream, $msg_number); 		} 		if($structure) { 			if($mime_type == $this->get_mime_type($structure))			{ 				if(!$part_number) 				{ 					$part_number = "1"; 				} 				$text = imap_fetchbody($stream, $msg_number, $part_number);								if($structure->encoding == 3)				{					return imap_base64($text);// 					if ($structure->parameters[0]->value!="utf-8")// 					{// 						return imap_base64($text);// 					}// 					else// 					{// 						return imap_base64($text);// 					}				}				else if($structure->encoding == 4)				{					return iconv('gb2312','utf8',imap_qprint($text));				}				else				{					return iconv('gb2312','utf8',$text);				}			} 			if($structure->type == 1) /* multipart */ 			{ 				while(list($index, $sub_structure) = each($structure->parts))				{ 					if($part_number)					{ 						$prefix = $part_number . '.'; 					} 					$data = $this->get_part($stream, $msg_number, $mime_type, $sub_structure, $prefix . ($index + 1)); 					if($data)					{ 						return $data; 					} 				} 			} 		}		return false; 	} 	function getTotalMails() //Get Total Number off Unread Email In Mailbox	{		if(!$this->marubox)			return false;// 		return imap_headers($this->marubox);		return imap_num_recent($this->marubox);	}		function GetAttach($mid,$path) // Get Atteced File from Mail	{		if(!$this->marubox)			return false;		$struckture = imap_fetchstructure($this->marubox,$mid);				$files=array();		if($struckture->parts)        {			foreach($struckture->parts as $key => $value)			{				$enc=$struckture->parts[$key]->encoding;								//取邮件附件				if($struckture->parts[$key]->ifdparameters)				{					//命名附件,转码					$name=$this->decode_mime($struckture->parts[$key]->dparameters[0]->value);										$extend =explode("." , $name);					$file['extension'] = $extend[count($extend)-1];					$file['pathname']  = $this->setPathName($key, $file['extension']);					$file['title']     = !empty($name) ? htmlspecialchars($name) : str_replace('.' . $file['extension'], '', $name);					$file['size']      = $struckture->parts[$key]->dparameters[1]->value;// 					$file['tmpname']   = $struckture->parts[$key]->dparameters[0]->value;					if(@$struckture->parts[$key]->disposition=="ATTACHMENT")					{						$file['type']      = 1;							}					else					{						$file['type']      = 0;					}								$files[] = $file;															$message = imap_fetchbody($this->marubox,$mid,$key+1);					if ($enc == 0)						$message = imap_8bit($message);					if ($enc == 1)						$message = imap_8bit ($message);					if ($enc == 2)						$message = imap_binary ($message);					if ($enc == 3)//图片						$message = imap_base64 ($message); 					if ($enc == 4)						$message = quoted_printable_decode($message);					if ($enc == 5)						$message = $message;					$fp=fopen($path.$file['pathname'],"w");					fwrite($fp,$message);					fclose($fp);									}				// 处理内容中包含图片的部分				if($struckture->parts[$key]->parts)				{					foreach($struckture->parts[$key]->parts as $keyb => $valueb)					{						$enc=$struckture->parts[$key]->parts[$keyb]->encoding;						if($struckture->parts[$key]->parts[$keyb]->ifdparameters)						{							//命名图片							$name=$this->decode_mime($struckture->parts[$key]->parts[$keyb]->dparameters[0]->value);							$extend =explode("." , $name);							$file['extension'] = $extend[count($extend)-1];							$file['pathname']  = $this->setPathName($key, $file['extension']);							$file['title']     = !empty($name) ? htmlspecialchars($name) : str_replace('.' . $file['extension'], '', $name);							$file['size']      = $struckture->parts[$key]->parts[$keyb]->dparameters[1]->value;// 							$file['tmpname']   = $struckture->parts[$key]->dparameters[0]->value;							$file['type']      = 0;							$files[] = $file;														$partnro = ($key+1).".".($keyb+1);														$message = imap_fetchbody($this->marubox,$mid,$partnro);							if ($enc == 0)								   $message = imap_8bit($message);							if ($enc == 1)								   $message = imap_8bit ($message);							if ($enc == 2)								   $message = imap_binary ($message);							if ($enc == 3)								   $message = imap_base64 ($message);							if ($enc == 4)								   $message = quoted_printable_decode($message);							if ($enc == 5)								   $message = $message;							$fp=fopen($path.$file['pathname'],"w");							fwrite($fp,$message);							fclose($fp);						}					}				}							}		}		//move mail to taskMailBox		$this->move_mails($mid, $this->marubox);				return $files;	}		function getBody($mid,&$path,$imageList) // Get Message Body	{		if(!$this->marubox)			return false;		$body = $this->get_part($this->marubox, $mid, "TEXT/HTML");		if ($body == "")			$body = $this->get_part($this->marubox, $mid, "TEXT/PLAIN");		if ($body == "") { 			return "";		}		//处理图片		$body=$this->embed_images($body,$path,$imageList);		return $body;	}		function embed_images(&$body,&$path,$imageList)	{		// get all img tags		preg_match_all('//', $body, $matches);		if (!isset($matches[0])) return;				foreach ($matches[0] as $img)		{			// replace image web path with local path			preg_match('/src="https://img.gxlcms.com/(.*?)"/', $img, $m);			if (!isset($m[1])) continue;			$arr = parse_url($m[1]);			if (!isset($arr['scheme']) || !isset($arr['path']))continue;			// 			if (!isset($arr['host']) || !isset($arr['path']))continue;			if ($arr['scheme']!="http")			{				$filename=explode("@", $arr['path']);				$body = str_replace($img, '', $body);			}		}		return $body;	}		function deleteMails($mid) // Delete That Mail	{		if(!$this->marubox)			return false;				imap_delete($this->marubox,$mid);	}	function close_mailbox() //Close Mail Box	{		if(!$this->marubox)			return false;		imap_close($this->marubox,CL_EXPUNGE);	}		//移动邮件到指定分组	function move_mails($msglist,$mailbox)	{		if(!$this->marubox)			return false;			imap_mail_move($this->marubox, $msglist, $mailbox);	}		function creat_mailbox($mailbox)	{		if(!$this->marubox)			return false;				//imap_renamemailbox($imap_stream, $old_mbox, $new_mbox);		imap_create($this->marubox, $mailbox);	}		/*	 * decode_mime()转换邮件标题的字符编码,处理乱码	 */	function decode_mime($str){		$str=imap_mime_header_decode($str);		return $str[0]->text;		echo "str";print_r($str);		if ($str[0]->charset!="default")		{echo "==".$str[0]->text;			return iconv($str[0]->charset,'utf8',$str[0]->text);		}		else		{			return $str[0]->text;		}	}		/**	 * Set path name of the uploaded file to be saved.	 *	 * @param  int    $fileID	 * @param  string $extension	 * @access public	 * @return string	 */	public function setPathName($fileID, $extension)	{		return date('Ym/dHis', time()) . $fileID . mt_rand(0, 10000) . '.' . $extension;	}	}?>

3.控制层 ./mailreceived/mailControl.php

./mailreceived/mailControl.php 内容如下:

now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time());				$this->setSavePath();	}		/**	 * mail Received()读取收件箱邮件	 *	 * @param	 * @access public	 * @return result	 */	public function mailReceived()	{		// Creating a object of reciveMail Class		$obj= new receivemail($this->mailAccount,$this->mailPasswd,$this->mailAddress,$this->mailServer,$this->serverType,$this->port,false);		 		//Connect to the Mail Box		$res=$obj->connect();         //If connection fails give error message and exit		if (!$res)		{			return array("msg"=>"Error: Connecting to mail server");		}		// Get Total Number of Unread Email in mail box		$tot=$obj->getTotalMails(); //Total Mails in Inbox Return integer value		if($tot < 1) { //如果信件数为0,显示信息			return array("msg"=>"No Message for ".$this->mailAccount);		}		else		{			$res=array("msg"=>"Total Mails:: $tot
"); for($i=$tot;$i>0;$i--) { $head=$obj->getHeaders($i); // Get Header Info Return Array Of Headers **Array Keys are (subject,to,toOth,toNameOth,from,fromName) //处理邮件附件 $files=$obj->GetAttach($i,$this->savePath); // 获取邮件附件,返回的邮件附件信息数组 $imageList=array(); foreach($files as $k => $file) { //type=1为附件,0为邮件内容图片 if($file['type'] == 0) { $imageList[$file['title']]=$file['pathname']; } } $body = $obj->getBody($i,$this->webPath,$imageList); $res['mail'][]=array('head'=>$head,'body'=>$body,"attachList"=>$files); // $obj->deleteMails($i); // Delete Mail from Mail box// $obj->move_mails($i,"taskMail"); } $obj->close_mailbox(); //Close Mail Box return $res; } } /** * creatBox * * @access public * @return void */ public function creatBox($boxName) { // Creating a object of reciveMail Class $obj= new receivemail($this->mailAccount,$this->mailPasswd,$this->mailAddress,$this->mailServer,$this->serverType,$this->port,false); $obj->creat_mailbox($boxName); } /** * Set save path. * * @access public * @return void */ public function setSavePath() { $savePath = "../upload/" . date('Ym/', $this->now); if(!file_exists($savePath)) { @mkdir($savePath, 0777, true); touch($savePath . 'index.html'); } $this->savePath = dirname($savePath) . '/'; } } $obj=new mailControl(); //收取邮件 $res=$obj->mailReceived(); echo "
";print_r($res);		//创建邮箱//  $obj->creatBox("readyBox");?>

4.访问地址:http://localhost/test.cn/mailreceived/mailControl.php 即可
