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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:4人阅读



  • Documentation
  • API Reference
  • Laracasts
  • Laravel News

Laravel 5

Released on 4th February, 2015

  • Laravel 5 Fundamentals - Laracasts
  • New Features in Laravel 5 - Laracasts and Matt Stauffer's blog
  • Release Notes - Laravel.com and Laravel News
  • Upgrade Guide - Laravel.com and Matt Stauffer
  • Learn Laravel 5 From Scratch - Laracasts
  • Learn Laravel 5 in Spanish duilio.me


Released on 14th April, 2015

  • Introduction (Laracasts)
  • Documentation

Code Snippets

  • Laravel Cheat Sheet
  • Laravel Tricks
  • Laravel Recipies
  • Laravel Snippets


  • Packagist
  • Laravel Collective
  • Packalyst
  • Cartalyst
  • Spatie

Popular Packages

This is a list of well-documented, tested packages that are frequently used in Laravel projects. If you're looking for an exhaustive list of PHP packages, then check out the Package Repositories mentioned above.

Developer Tools
  • IDE Helper - Generates a helper file for IDE auto-completion
  • Laravel 5 Extended Generators - Extends built-in file generators
  • Laravel API/Scaffold/CRUD Generator - Generator for APIs, CRUD scaffolds etc.
Debugging & Profiling
  • Clockwork - Integrates Clockwork Chrome extension for debugging and profiling apps
  • Debug Bar - Integrates PHP Debug Bar with Laravel
  • Laravel 5 Log Viewer - Log viewer
Authentication & Authorisation
  • Entrust - Role-based Permissions
  • JWT Auth - JSON Web Token authentication for APIs
  • Laravel Permission Associate users with roles and permissions
  • Defender Roles & Permissions for Laravel 5
  • OAuth2 Server Laravel - OAuth 2.0 authorization server and resource server
  • Laravel Roles - Roles And Permissions For Laravel 5
  • Sentinel - Framework agnostic authentication & authorization system
  • Socialite - OAuth authentication with Facebook, Google, Twitter etc.
  • Socialite Providers - 70+ social authentication providers for Socialite
  • Bootstrapper - Set of classes to create Bootstrap 3 markup
  • Datatable - Server-side and client-side integration for jQuery Datatables plugin - This package is for DataTables 1.9! It is NOT compatible with 1.10+!
  • Eloquent Sluggable - Create slugs for Eloquent models
  • HTML - Official HTML and Form Builders for Laravel
  • Intervention Image - Image handling library for creating, editing and composing images
  • Laravel Breadcrumbs - Create and manage breadcrumbs
  • Laravel Datatable - jQuery DataTables API for Laravel 4|5
  • Laravel Dot Env Generator - Generate .env.gen file based on the project source code
  • Laravel Excel - Import and export Excel and CSV files
  • Laravel Hashids - Generate unique, non-sequential ids using Hashids
  • Laravel Markdown - CommonMark markdown parser
  • Laravel MediaLibrary - Associate files with Eloquent models
  • Laravel Messenger - User messaging system
  • Laravel Responsecache - Speed up a Laravel app by caching the entire response
  • Laravel Snappy - HTML to PDF generator using wkhtmltopdf
  • Laravel Stapler - ORM-based file upload manager
  • Laravel Tail - The missing tail command for Laravel 5
  • Laravel Stats Tracker - Gather information from requests to identify and store
  • Listify - Add sorting/ordering capabilities to any Eloquent model
  • noCAPTCHA - Helper for Google's new noCAPTCHA (reCAPTCHA)
  • Revisionable - Create a revision history for Eloquent models
  • SEOTools - SEOTools - SEO Tools for Laravel and Lumen
  • Setting - Persistent configuration settings that are stored in JSON files
  • Teamwork - User to team associations with an invite system
  • Validating - Trait for validating Eloquent models
Working with Javascript
  • Laroute - Generate Laravel route URLs from JavaScript
  • PHP Vars to JavaScript Transformer - Pass server-side string/array/collection/whatever to JavaScript
Database, Migrations & Seeding
  • Backup Manager - Backup and restore databases from S3, Dropbox, SFTP etc.
  • Baum - Nested Sets pattern implementation
  • ClosureTable - Closure table pattern implementation
  • iSeed - Generate a new seed file from an existing database table
  • Laravel Backup - A package to backup your Laravel 5 app
  • Laravel Doctrine - Doctrine 2 ORM implementation for Laravel
  • Laravel MongoDB - Eloquent model and query builder with support for MongoDB
  • Migrations Generator - Generate migrations from an existing database
  • Tenanti - Multi-tenant database schema manager
  • Algolia Search - Integrates the Algolia Search API to the Laravel Eloquent ORM
  • Elasticquent - Elasticsearch for Eloquent models
  • Laravel Search - Unified API for Elasticsearch, Algolia, and ZendSearch
  • SearchIndex - Store and retrieve objects from Algolia or Elasticsearch
  • Searchable - Trait that adds a simple search function to Eloquent models
  • ApiGuard - Allow API authentication with API keys
  • Dingo API - Multi-purpose toolkit for developing RESTful APIs
  • Laravel CORS - Add CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers support
Tasks, Commands and Scheduling
  • Dispatcher - Scheduler for Artisan commands
  • Elixr - Node(NPM) package to run Gulp tasks that watch files, run tests, minify CSS, concatenate scripts etc.
  • Envoy - SSH Task Runner
  • Cashier - Subscription billing with Stripe
  • Omnipay for Laravel - Integrate the Omnipay PHP library
  • Intervention Image Cache - Caching extension for the Intervention Image Class
  • Laravel HTMLMin - Blade/HTML/CSS/javascript minifier
  • Language Files - Validation, Pagination and Reminders language lines in 37 languages
  • Laravel Localization - Add i18n support via routes
  • Laravel Translatable - Retrieve and store translatable Eloquent model instances
  • Laravel Translator - Translate Eloquent models into multiple languages
  • Laravel Date - A library to help you work with dates in multiple languages, based on Carbon.
Third-party Service Integration
  • Laravel Algolia - Algolia API bridge
  • Laravel Analytics - An opinionated Laravel 5 package to retrieve pageviews and other data from Google Analytics
  • Laravel DigitalOcean - DigitalOceanV2 bridge
  • Laravel Dropbox - Dropbox bridge
  • Laravel Facebook - Facebook API bridge
  • Laravel GitHub - PHP GitHub API bridge
  • Laravel GitLab - GitLab API bridge
  • Laravel Googletagmanager - Easily setup and send data to Google Tag Manager
  • Laravel Instagram - Instagram API bridge
  • Laravel Newsletter - Send newsletters with Mailchimp
  • Laravel Parse - PHP Parse SDK bridge
  • Laravel Pusher - Pusher API bridge
  • Laravel Pushwoosh - Pushwoosh API bridge
  • Laravel Vimeo - Vimeo API bridge

Development Setup

  • Homestead - Official Vagrant box for Laravel
    • Getting Started with Laravel Homestead
    • Installation on OSx and Linux
    • Installation on Windows
  • Install Laravel with Composer
    • Windows
    • Mac OSX or Linux

Application Hosting

  • Forge - Provision optimized PHP servers on Linode, DigitalOcean etc.
    • Server Management with Forge (Laracasts)
    • Getting your first site up and running in Laravel Forge (Matt Stauffer)
    • ForgeRecipes
  • FortRabbit (Video)
  • PagodaBox (Documentation)
  • Heroku (Tutorial)
  • IBM BlueMix (Tutorial)

Application Deployment

  • Envoyer - Zero down-time Deployer for PHP & Laravel projects
    • Deployments with Envoyer (Laracasts)
  • Rocketeer - Task runner and deployment package

Articles, Tutorials, Blogs etc.

  • Tuts+
  • SitePoint
  • Christopher Pitt
  • Culttt
  • Scotch
  • Fideloper
  • Maxoffsky
  • KodeInfo
  • CodeForest
  • Taylor Otwell
  • Digital Ocean
  • RTFM
  • Matt Stauffer
  • Creative Punch
  • Ryan Tablada
  • Mohammad Gufran
  • Adam Engebretson
  • CodeHeaps
  • Laravel India
  • Sheikh Heera
  • Vegi Bit
  • WSnippets
  • Ed Zynda
  • Kirk Bushell
  • Andrews Ang
  • DeveloPHP
  • Jason Lewis
  • Eric Barnes
  • Jens Segers
  • Neon Tsunami
  • Amitav Roy
  • Into Laravel
  • Stidges
  • Scott Wilcox
  • Clivern
  • Code Gains
  • Stillat
  • Easy Laravel Book Blog
  • Bosnadev
  • Blog do Vluzrmos (PT-BR)
  • CodeTutorial
  • Ryan Chenkie
  • Laravelista
  • Laravel Tips
  • Codingo Tuts
  • Antonio Carlos Ribeiro
  • Laravel Coding
  • Styde (ES)
  • Laravel Daily
  • Freek Van der Herten
  • Alfred Nutile

Video Tutorials

  • Laracasts
  • PHP Academy
  • Fallendown2005
  • Userscape
  • Treehouse
  • Anthony Vipond
  • Design Code Blade
  • Format C:
  • Brandon Boswell
  • Jason Chaney
  • David Mosher
  • Maarten (muukrls)
  • Yavor Kirov
  • Lynda
  • Tuts+
  • Novica Vukobratovic
  • Duilio Palacios


  • Laracon US
  • Laracon EU
  • ArtisanConf
  • Laracon EU 2015
  • Laracon EU 2014
  • Laracon US 2014
  • Laracon EU 2013
  • Laracon US 2013


  • Laravel: Code Bright
  • Laravel: From Apprentice To Artisan
  • Laravel 4 Cookbook
  • Laravel Testing Decoded
  • Implementing Laravel
  • Getting Stuff Done with Laravel 4
  • Laravel Application Development Blueprints
  • Build APIs You Won't Hate
  • Integrating Front end Components with Web Applications
  • Laravel Design Patterns and Best Practices
  • Step by Step Real World Application with Laravel 4
  • Learning Laravel 4 Application Development
  • Getting Started with Laravel 4
  • Laravel Application Development Cookbook
  • Building Web Applications Using Parse REST API
  • Laravel - My First Framework
  • Easy Laravel 5
  • Laravel 5 Essentials
  • Easy E-Commerce Using Laravel and Stripe
  • Laravel 5.1 Beauty
  • Design Patterns with PHP and Laravel
  • Laravel 5 Learn Easy
  • Mastering Laravel
  • How to Build Real-Time Laravel Apps with Pusher

Codebases for Reference

  • 92Five
  • Bootstrap CMS
  • Cachet
  • Deployer
  • Invoice Ninja
  • Laravel 5 Boilerplate
  • Laravel Tricks
  • Laravel.IO
  • October
  • Paperwork
  • PHPHub
  • PyroCMS
  • StyleCI
  • TypiCMS
  • Wardrobe
  • Flarum
  • Lavalite


  • Laravel News (archive)
  • Laravel Weekly


  • Laravel.io Forum (Old Forum Archive)
  • Laracasts Forum (Old Forum Archive)
  • Laravel Podcast
  • Larachat Slack (Signup)
  • Gitter
  • IRC Channel
  • StackOverflow
  • Twitter
  • Google+
  • Reddit
  • Quora
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
Local User Groups
  • Laravel Russia (VK group)
  • Laravel France
  • Laravel Myanmar
  • Laravel Indonesia (Facebook group)
  • Laravel Brasil (Facebook group)
  • Laravel Turkey (Facebook group)
  • Laravel Nigeria (Facebook group)
  • Laravel China
  • Laravel Taiwan (Facebook group)
  • Laravel Spanish
  • Laravel Korea (Facebook group)
  • Laravel Morocco
  • Laravel Japan (Facebook group)
  • All Meetups
  • London Meetup
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina Meetup
  • Morocco Meetup


  • LaraJobs
  • Laravel Gurus
  • With Laravel

Hosted Development Tools

  • Laragen - View generator
  • Laravel Schema Designer - Create, export and share database schemas
  • Laravel Database Designer - Graphical tool to create database schemas


  • Larasites - Collection of projects built with Laravel
  • Built with Laravel - Collection of open source projects built with Laravel
  • CodeCanyon - Paid scripts and plugins
  • Laramap - Interactive map of Laravel developers
来自: https://github.com/chiraggude/awesome-laravel
