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itop配置文件信息 config-itop.php

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:106人阅读

root@ITSM:/var/www/html/new_itop# vim conf/production/config-itop.php $aConfig = array(                // Configuration of the Active Directory connection                 'host'  => '192.168.**.**',                      // IP or FQDN of your domain controller                'port'  => '389',                                 // LDAP port, 398=LDAP, 636= LDAPS                'dn'            => 'OU=VB-User,DC=CORP,DC=logo',// Domain DN                'username'      => 'CN=LDAPSearch,OU=Special-User,OU=VB-User,DC=CORP,DC=logo', // username with read access                'password'      => 'logo@pass',                  // password for above                // Query to retrieve and filter the users from AD                // Example: retrieve all users from the AD Group "iTop Users"                //'ldap_query' => '(&(objectCategory=user)(memberOf=CN=iTop Users,CN=Users,DC=combodo,DC=net))',                // Example 2: retrieves ALL the users from AD                 'ldap_query' => '(&(objectCategory=user))', // Retrieve all users                // Which field to use as the iTop login samaccountname or userprincipalname ?                'login' => 'samaccountname',                //'login' => 'userprincipalname',                // Mapping between the AD groups and the iTop profiles                'profiles_mapping' => array(                        //AD Group Name => iTop Profile Name                        //'Administrators' => 'Administrator',                        'ITSM_Administrator' => 'Administrator',                        'ITSM_ChangeApprover' => 'Change Approver',                        'ITSM_ChangeImplementor' => 'Change Implementor',                        'ITSM_ChangeSupervisor' => 'Change Supervisor',                        'ITSM_ConfigurationManager' => 'Configuration Manager',                        'ITSM_DocumentAuthor' => 'Document author',                        'ITSM_PortalPowerUser' => 'Portal power user',                        'ITSM_PortalUser' => 'Portal user',                        'ITSM_ProblemManager' => 'Problem Manager',                        'ITSM_ServiceDeskAgent' => 'Service Desk Agent',                        'ITSM_ServiceManager' => 'Service Manager',                        'ITSM_SupportAgent' => 'Support Agent',                ),                // Since each iTop user must have at least one profile, assign the profile                // Below to users for which there was no match in the above mapping                'default_profile' => 'Portal user',                'default_language' => 'ZH CN', // Default language for creating new users                'default_organization' => 2, // ID of the default organization for creating new contacts                                );// End of configuration////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
