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PHP AES加密解密算法

        echo '第一种AES加密方案:
'; printf("128-bit encrypted result:\n%s\n\n",bin2hex($cipherText)); echo '
';echo '
'; } //--------第一种AES加密方案-------- ?>
转载来源:http://www.chilkatsoft.com/p/php_aes.asp http://www.cnblogs.com/adylee/archive/2007/09/14/893438.html 转载来源:http://blog.csdn.net/shushengsky/archive/2009/12/13/4961861.aspx
    $key = '1234567890123456';    
    $content = 'hello';    
    $padkey = pad2Length($key,16);    
    $cipher = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, '', MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, '');    
    $iv_size = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($cipher);    
    $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND); #IV自动生成?    
    echo '自动生成iv的长度:'.strlen($iv).'位:'.bin2hex($iv).'
'; if (mcrypt_generic_init($cipher, pad2Length($key,16), $iv) != -1) { // PHP pads with NULL bytes if $content is not a multiple of the block size.. $cipherText = mcrypt_generic($cipher,pad2Length($content,16) ); mcrypt_generic_deinit($cipher); mcrypt_module_close($cipher); // Display the result in hex. printf("128-bit encrypted result:\n%s\n\n",bin2hex($cipherText)); print("
"); } //解密 $mw = bin2hex($cipherText); $td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, '', MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, ''); if (mcrypt_generic_init($td, $padkey, $iv) != -1) { $p_t = mdecrypt_generic($td, hexToStr($mw)); mcrypt_generic_deinit($td); mcrypt_module_close($td); $p_t = trimEnd($p_t); echo '解密:'; print($p_t); print("
"); print(bin2hex($p_t)); echo '

'; } //将$text补足$padlen倍数的长度 function pad2Length($text, $padlen){ $len = strlen($text)%$padlen; $res = $text; $span = $padlen-$len; for($i=0; $i<$span; $i++){ $res .= chr($span); } return $res; } //将解密后多余的长度去掉(因为在加密的时候 补充长度满足block_size的长度) function trimEnd($text){ $len = strlen($text); $c = $text[$len-1]; if(ord($c) <$len){ for($i=$len-ord($c); $i<$len; $i++){ if($text[$i] != $c){ return $text; } } return substr($text, 0, $len-ord($c)); } return $text; } //16进制的转为2进制字符串 function hexToStr($hex) { $bin=""; for($i=0; $i
    $key = '1234567890123456';    
    $key = pad2Length($key,16);    
    $iv = 'asdff';    
    $content = 'hello';    
    $content = pad2Length($content,16);    
    $AESed =  bin2hex( mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128,$key,$content,MCRYPT_MODE_ECB,$iv) ); #加密    
    echo "128-bit encrypted result:".$AESed.'
'; $jiemi = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128,$key,hexToStr($AESed),MCRYPT_MODE_ECB,$iv); #解密 echo '解密:'; echo trimEnd($jiemi); //--------第三种AES加密方案-------- ?> #KEY长度无限制,IV长度必须是block_size的倍数 #如果是MCRYPT_MODE_ECB加密,结果与KEY有关,与IV无关 #如果是MCRYPT_MODE_CBC加密,结果与KEY有关,与IV有关

//--------第四种AES加密/解密方案 CBC模式,128-bit-------- 

* 实现AES加密
* $str : 要加密的字符串
* $keys : 加密密钥
* $iv : 加密向量
* $cipher_alg : 加密方式
function ecryptdString($str,$keys="6461772803150152",$iv="8105547186756005",$cipher_alg=MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128){
    $encrypted_string= bin2hex(mcrypt_encrypt($cipher_alg,$keys, $str, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC,$iv));
* 实现AES解密
* $str : 要解密的字符串
* $keys : 加密密钥
* $iv : 加密向量
* $cipher_alg : 加密方式
    $decrypted_string= mcrypt_decrypt($cipher_alg,$keys, pack("H*",$str),MCRYPT_MODE_CBC,$iv);
