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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:16人阅读

本文原链接来自我的博客,地址: Laravel Composer Package 开发实战 toastr-for-laravel5

在Laravel的文档中有Package Development,对于入门开发人员来说还是比较抽象,因为开发一个包需要了解 Service Providers,Service Providers 和 Facade 已经够抽象的了对刚接触Laravel的开发人员来说,所以我来写一个简单的Laravel 包开发的实例教程吧。

toastr.js是一个很方便的通知效果,最近刚发布了laravel 5.2,所以就来开发一个toastr for laravel 5的包吧,主要用toastr结合laravel的flash session来实现页面的一次性消息提醒,其实这个在我们日常开发中页面操作提醒还是很常用到的业务。

一般的laravel 包开发过程是这样的,开发好以后打包push到gitlab,然后在packagist上提交,下面我们就来一步一步实现这个过程。

1.在新建的laravel项目中建立如下目录 packages/yuansir/toastr/src ,packages 目录和 app 目录同级。我们开发包的代码都放在这个src目录中,yuansir和toastr完全自定义。


"autoload": {        "classmap": [            "database"        ],        "psr-4": {            "App\\": "app/",            "Yuansir\\Toastr\\": "packages/yuansir/toastr/src/"        }    },


$ cd pacages/yuansir/toastr/src


$ cd pacages/yuansir/toastr/src
{    "name": "ryan/toastr-for-laravel",    "description": "toastr.js for laravel5",    "authors": [        {            "name": "Ryan",            "email": "yuansir@live.cn"        }    ],    "require": {}}

4.开始开发,新建Service Provider

php artisan make:provider ToastrServiceProvider

将生成的app/Providers/ToastrServiceProvider.php文件移动到我们的packages/yuansir/toastr/src 目录下面,并注册ToastrServiceProvider到config/app.php 的providers 中。

'providers' => [        /*         * Laravel Framework Service Providers...         */         ......        /*         * Application Service Providers...         */         ......        Yuansir\Toastr\ToastrServiceProvider::class,    ],

5.新建packages/yuansir/toastr/src/config/toastr.php 来保存toastr.js的options,options配置还蛮多的,具体可以看它的demo。



6.新建Toastr类,来实现toastr 的info,success,error,warning的相关实现,代码还是很简单的,packages/yuansir/toastr/src/Toastr.php:

session = $session;        $this->config = $config;    }    public function render()    {        $notifications = $this->session->get('toastr:notifications');        if(!$notifications) {            return '';        }        foreach ($notifications as $notification) {            $config = $this->config->get('toastr.options');            $javascript = '';            $options = [];            if($config) {                $options = array_merge($config, $notification['options']);            }            if($options) {                $javascript = 'toastr.options = ' . json_encode($options) . ';';            }            $message = str_replace("'", "\\'", $notification['message']);            $title = $notification['title'] ? str_replace("'", "\\'", $notification['title']) : null;            $javascript .= " toastr.{$notification['type']}('$message','$title');";        }        return view('Toastr::toastr', compact('javascript'));    }    /**     * Add notification     * @param $type     * @param $message     * @param null $title     * @param array $options     * @return bool     */    public function add($type, $message, $title = null, $options = [])    {        $types = ['info', 'warning', 'success', 'error'];        if(!in_array($type, $types)) {            return false;        }        $this->notifications[] = [            'type' => $type,            'title' => $title,            'message' => $message,            'options' => $options        ];        $this->session->flash('toastr:notifications', $this->notifications);    }    /**     * Add info notification     * @param $message     * @param null $title     * @param array $options     */    public function info($message, $title = null, $options = [])    {        $this->add('info', $message, $title, $options);    }    /**     * Add warning notification     * @param $message     * @param null $title     * @param array $options     */    public function warning($message, $title = null, $options = [])    {        $this->add('warning', $message, $title, $options);    }    /**     * Add success notification     * @param $message     * @param null $title     * @param array $options     */    public function success($message, $title = null, $options = [])    {        $this->add('success', $message, $title, $options);    }    /**     * Add error notification     * @param $message     * @param null $title     * @param array $options     */    public function error($message, $title = null, $options = [])    {        $this->add('error', $message, $title, $options);    }    /**     * Clear notifications     */    public function clear()    {        $this->notifications = [];    }}

7.我们看到view(‘Toastr::toastr’, compact(‘javascript’));,那么就是需要一个视图文件了,关于Toastr::toastr是什么鬼我们过会来说,新建 packages/yuansir/toastr/src/views/toastr.blade.php 视图文件:

 8.建立Facade,新建packages/yuansir/toastr/src/Facades/Toastr.php 就是引入了tastr插件,输出我们render方法中的$javascript   


loadViewsFrom(__DIR__ . '/views', 'Toastr');        $this->publishes([            __DIR__.'/views' => base_path('resources/views/vendor/toastr'),            __DIR__.'/config/toastr.php' => config_path('toastr.php'),        ]);    }    /**     * Register the application services.     *     * @return void     */    public function register()    {        $this->app['toastr'] = $this->app->share(function ($app) {            return new Toastr($app['session'], $app['config']);        });    }    /**     * Get the services provided by the provider.     *     * @return array     */    public function provides()    {        return ['toastr'];    }}

$this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__ . ‘/views’, ‘Toastr’); 就是表示Toastr命名空间的视图文件冲当前目录的views目录中渲染,所以我们上面用 return view(‘Toastr::toastr’, compact(‘javascript’));

$this->publishes 在执行php artisan vendor:publish 时会将对应的目录和文件复制到对应的位置

10.测试下是否可行,修改 config/app.php 添加如下:

/*    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------    | Class Aliases    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------    |    | This array of class aliases will be registered when this application    | is started. However, feel free to register as many as you wish as    | the aliases are "lazy" loaded so they don't hinder performance.    |    */    'aliases' => [        ......        'Toastr' => Yuansir\Toastr\Facades\Toastr::class,    ],



到此结束,大功告成,这样一个Laravel 的 composer 包就开发完成了。 反正我测试是OK了,就不截图了!!

11.修改命名空间到包的composer.json,因为别人安装这个包的时候不可能也去改项目composer.json的PSR-4的autoload,所以我们把PSR-4的命名空间加到这个包的composer.json中去,修改packages/yuansir/toastr/src/composer.json 如下:

{    "name": "ryan/toastr-for-laravel",    "description": "toastr.js for laravel5",    "authors": [        {            "name": "Ryan",            "email": "yuansir@live.cn"        }    ],    "require": {},    "autoload": {        "psr-4": {            "Yuansir\\Toastr\\": "src/"        }    }}



$ cd packages/yuansir/toastr/$ git init$ git add .$ git commit -m "add package source files."$ git remote add origin git@github.com:yuansir/toastr-for-laravel5.git$ git push -u origin master$ git tag -a 1.0.0 -m "version 1.0.0"$ git push --tags
13.提交到Packagist,打开到 packagist.org,登陆后点击右边上角的 submit,并填入git的项目地址git@github.com:yuansir/toastr-for-laravel5.git 点击 check 就OK了

到此结束,大功告成,这样一个Laravel 的 composer 包就开发完成了。

这个教程的源码和这个包的安装使用方法详见github https://github.com/yuansir/toastr-for-laravel5

