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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:12人阅读

原文地址: https://www.sitepoint.com/localization-demystified-understanding-php-intl/

大多数应用程序执行场可以识别类似处理文本,日期,时区等的操作。而 PHP Intl 的扩展功能可提供一个良好的 API ,用以连接广为人知的 ICU 库的功能。


此扩展功能默认安装在 PHP 5.3 及以上的版本,你可以通过以下命令进行查找:

php -m | grep 'intl' 

如果此扩展功能不存在,你可以按照 安装指南 手动进行安装。如果你使用 Ubuntu,你可以直接使用以下命令安装:


如果你使用的是 PHP 7,你需要添加 PPA ( ppa:ondrej/php ),升级你的系统并且安装扩展功能 Intl。

# 添加 PPAsudoadd-apt-repositoryppa:ondrej/php-7.0# 升级索引库sudoapt-getupdate# 安装扩展功能sudoapt-getinstallphp7.0-intl 





var_dump(    MessageFormatter::formatMessage(        "en_US",        "I have {0, number, integer} apples.",        [ 3 ]    )); // output string(16) "I have 3 apples." 

传递提要给 MessageFormatter::formatMessage 的类函数如下:

  • 消息的语言环境
  • 消息字符串
  • 占位符数据

占位符 {0, number, integer} 会键入一个数——整数作为该数据库阵列的第一个项目(看看下面列出选项的表格)我们还可以在占位符中使用命名参数。下面的示例会输出同样的结果。

var_dump(    MessageFormatter::formatMessage(        "en_US",        "I have {number_apples, number, integer} apples.",        [ 'number_apples' => 3 ]    )); 


先前的示例指向 en_US 环境,让我们换成 ar 环境并看看有什么不同。

var_dump(    MessageFormatter::formatMessage(        "ar",        "I have {number_apples, number, integer} apples.",        [ 'number_apples' => 3 ]    )); string(17) "I have ٣ apples." 

让我们再换成孟加拉语情景( bn ).

var_dump(    MessageFormatter::formatMessage(        "bn",        "I have {number_apples, number, integer} apples.",        [ 'number_apples' => 3 ]    )); string(18) "I have ৩ apples." 


$time = time();var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(    "en_US",    "Today is {0, date, full} - {0, time}",    array( $time )) ); string(47) "Today is Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 11:21:47 PM" 

var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(    "en_US",    "duration: {0, duration}",    array( $time )) ); string(23) "duration: 405,551:27:58" 


var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(    "en_US",    "I have {0, spellout} apples",    array( 34 )) ); string(25) "I have thirty-four apples" 


var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(    "ar",    "لدي {0, spellout} تفاحة",    array( 34 )) ); string(44) "لدي أربعة و ثلاثون تفاحة" 



  • (number_apples = 0) : 没有苹果。
  • (number_apples = 1) : 一个苹果。
  • (number_apples > 1) : 多个苹果。

var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(    "en_US",    'I have {number_apples, plural, =0{no apples} =1{one apple} other{# apples}}',    array('number_apples' => 10)) ); 

// number_apples = 0string(16) "I have no apples" // number_apples = 1string(16) "I have one apple" // number_apples = 10string(16) "I have 10 apples" 

这种语法真的很简单直接,并且大多数包都包含这种语法。跟多细节请见 此文件 。

{data, plural, offsetValue =value{message}... other{message}} 

  • data :价值指数
  • plural :事件参数类型
  • offsetValue :可选的( offset:value )。它从值中减去偏移量。
  • =value{message} :测试等价性,信息在花括号之内。我们可以重复多次 ( =0{no apples} =1{one apple} =2{two apple} )。
  • other{message} :默认情况,比如在 switch - case 声明。 # 符号可用于键入 data 值。



var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(    "en_US",    'The value of {0,number} is {0, choice,                                        0 # between 0 and 19 |                                        20 # between 20 and 39 |                                        40 # between 40 and 59 |                                        60 # between 60 and 79 |                                        80 # between 80 and 100 |                                        100 < more than 100 }',    array(60)) ); string(38) "The value of 60 is between 60 and 79 " 

argType 在这里是为 choice 设定的,语法如下:

{value, choice, choiceStyle} 

ICU 文件 的官方定义如下:

choiceStyle = numberseparatormessage ('|' numberseparatormessage)* number = normal_number | ['-']  ∞ (U+221E, infinity)normal_number = double value (unlocalizedASCIIstring) separator = less_than | less_than_or_equalless_than = '<'less_than_or_equal = '#' |  ≤ (U+2264) 

注意: ICU 开发者不鼓励使用选择类型。


有时我们需要选择选项UI组件。个人资料页使用这种方法根据用户的性别等等更新 UI 信息。这里有一个例子:

var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(    "en_US",    "{gender, select, ".      "female {She has some apples} ".      "male {He has some apples.}".      "other {It has some apples.}".    "}",    array('gender' => 'female')) );string(19) "She has some apples" 


{value, select, selectStyle} // selectStyleselectValue {message} (selectValue {message})* 

message 提要会包括类似选项和复数的其他模式。下一个部分会解释一个被我们结合了多个模式的例子。


到目前为止,我们已经看过例如选择、多元化等等的简单示例。但很多情况会复杂的多。 ICU 文档 有一个很好的例子来说明这一点。为了便于理解,我们一段一段来看。

var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(    "en_US",    "{gender_of_host, select, ".      "female {She has a party} ".      "male {He has some apples.}".      "other {He has some apples.}".    "}",    array('gender_of_host' => 'female', "num_guests" => 5, 'host' => "Hanae", 'guest' => 'Younes' )) ); 

这是我们之前用的一个相同的例子,不同于之前使用简单信息,我们依赖 num_guests 值定制了下(讨论的是多元化的案例)。

var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(    "en_US",    "{gender_of_host, select, ".      "female {".        "{num_guests, plural, offset:1 ".          "=0 {{host} does not have a party.}".          "=1 {{host} invites {guest} to her party.}".          "=2 {{host} invites {guest} and one other person to her party.}".          "other {{host} invites {guest} and # other people to her party.}}}".      "male {He has some apples.}".      "other {He has some apples.}}",    array('gender_of_host' => 'female', "num_guests" => 5, 'host' => "Hanae", 'guest' => 'Younes' )) ); 

需要注意我们使用了 offset:1 从 num_guests 中移除一个 guest。

string(53) "Hanae invites Younes and 4 other people to her party." 


var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(    "en_US",    "{gender_of_host, select, ".      "female {".        "{num_guests, plural, offset:1 ".          "=0 {{host} does not have a party.}".          "=1 {{host} invites {guest} to her party.}".          "=2 {{host} invites {guest} and one other person to her party.}".          "other {{host} invites {guest} and # other people to her party.}}}".      "male {".        "{num_guests, plural, offset:1 ".          "=0 {{host} does not have a party.}".          "=1 {{host} invites {guest} to his party.}".          "=2 {{host} invites {guest} and one other person to his party.}".          "other {{host} invites {guest} and # other people to his party.}}}".      "other {".        "{num_guests, plural, offset:1 ".          "=0 {{host} does not have a party.}".          "=1 {{host} invites {guest} to their party.}".          "=2 {{host} invites {guest} and one other person to their party.}".          "other {{host} invites {guest} and # other people to their party.}}}}",    array('gender_of_host' => 'female', "num_guests" => 5, 'host' => "Hanae", 'guest' => 'Younes' )) ); 


// num_guests = 2string(55) "Hanae invites Younes and one other person to her party." // num_guests = 1string(34) "Hanae invites Younes to her party." // num_guests = 0string(28) "Hanae does not have a party." 



$messageFormater = new MessageFormatter("en_US", 'I have {0, number}');var_dump( $messageFormater->parse("I have 10 apples") ); array(1) {  [0]=>  int(10)} 

查看 文档 以获取更多关于信息解析的内容。


在这篇介绍性的文章中,我们了解了使用 PHP Intel 的扩展功能来本地化我们的信息。接下来的部分会涉及格式化数字和日期,以及日历的使用。如果你对以上内容有任何疑惑,请给我们留言。
