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Yii2的深入学习--yii\base\Event 类

根据之前一篇文章,我们知道 Yii2 的事件分两类,一是类级别的事件,二是实例级别的事件。类级别的事件是基于 yii\base\Event 实现,实例级别的事件是基于 yii\base\Component 实现。

今天先来看下类级别事件的实现,代码是 yii\base\Event 类。

phpnamespace yii\base;/** * Event is the base class for all event classes. */class Event extends Object{    /**     * @var string the event name. This property is set by [[Component::trigger()]] and [[trigger()]].     * Event handlers may use this property to check what event it is handling.     * 事件的名字     */    public $name;    /**     * @var object the sender of this event. If not set, this property will be     * set as the object whose "trigger()" method is called.     * This property may also be a `null` when this event is a     * class-level event which is triggered in a static context.     * 触发事件的对象     */    public $sender;    /**     * @var boolean whether the event is handled. Defaults to false.     * When a handler sets this to be true, the event processing will stop and     * ignore the rest of the uninvoked event handlers.     * 记录事件是否已被处理,当 handled 被设置为 true 时,执行到这个 event 的时候,会停止,并忽略剩下的 event     */    public $handled = false;    /**     * @var mixed the data that is passed to [[Component::on()]] when attaching an event handler.     * Note that this varies according to which event handler is currently executing.     */    public $data;    /**     * 存储所有的 event,因为是 static 的属性,所有的 event 对象/类都共享这一份数据     */    private static $_events = [];    /**     * Attaches an event handler to a class-level event.     *     * When a class-level event is triggered, event handlers attached     * to that class and all parent classes will be invoked.     *     * For example, the following code attaches an event handler to `ActiveRecord`'s     * `afterInsert` event:     *     * ~~~     * Event::on(ActiveRecord::className(), ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_INSERT, function ($event) {     *     Yii::trace(get_class($event->sender) . ' is inserted.');     * });     * ~~~     *     * The handler will be invoked for EVERY successful ActiveRecord insertion.     *     * For more details about how to declare an event handler, please refer to [[Component::on()]].     *     * 为一个类添加事件     *     * @param string $class the fully qualified class name to which the event handler needs to attach.     * @param string $name the event name.     * @param callable $handler the event handler.     * @param mixed $data the data to be passed to the event handler when the event is triggered.     * When the event handler is invoked, this data can be accessed via [[Event::data]].     * @param boolean $append whether to append new event handler to the end of the existing     * handler list. If false, the new handler will be inserted at the beginning of the existing     * handler list.     * @see off()     */    public static function on($class, $name, $handler, $data = null, $append = true)    {        // 去掉 class 最左边的斜杠        $class = ltrim($class, '\\');        // 如果 append 为true,就放到 $_events 中名字为 $name 的数组的最后,否则放到最前面        if ($append || empty(self::$_events[$name][$class])) {            self::$_events[$name][$class][] = [$handler, $data];        } else {            array_unshift(self::$_events[$name][$class], [$handler, $data]);        }    }    /**     * Detaches an event handler from a class-level event.     *     * This method is the opposite of [[on()]].     *     * 移除一个类的事件     *     * @param string $class the fully qualified class name from which the event handler needs to be detached.     * @param string $name the event name.     * @param callable $handler the event handler to be removed.     * If it is null, all handlers attached to the named event will be removed.     * @return boolean whether a handler is found and detached.     * @see on()     */    public static function off($class, $name, $handler = null)    {        $class = ltrim($class, '\\');        if (empty(self::$_events[$name][$class])) {            // 不存在该事件            return false;        }        if ($handler === null) {            // 如果 handler 为空,直接将在该类下该事件移除,即移出所有的是这个名字的事件            unset(self::$_events[$name][$class]);            return true;        } else {            $removed = false;            // 如果 $handler 不为空,循环 $_events 找到相应的 handler,只移除这个 handler 和 data 组成的数组            foreach (self::$_events[$name][$class] as $i => $event) {                if ($event[0] === $handler) {                    unset(self::$_events[$name][$class][$i]);                    $removed = true;                }            }            if ($removed) {                // 移除之后,使数组重新变成一个自然数组                self::$_events[$name][$class] = array_values(self::$_events[$name][$class]);            }            return $removed;        }    }    /**     * Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the specified class-level event.     * Note that this method will also check all parent classes to see if there is any handler attached     * to the named event.     * 检测在某个类或者对象是否具有某个事件     * @param string|object $class the object or the fully qualified class name specifying the class-level event.     * @param string $name the event name.     * @return boolean whether there is any handler attached to the event.     */    public static function hasHandlers($class, $name)    {        if (empty(self::$_events[$name])) {            // 不存在,直接返回            return false;        }        if (is_object($class)) {            // 如果是一个 object,就获取其类名            $class = get_class($class);        } else {            // 如果是一个类名,就去掉 class 最左边的斜杠            $class = ltrim($class, '\\');        }        // 如果该类中找不到,就去父类中找,直到找到或者没有父类了为止        do {            if (!empty(self::$_events[$name][$class])) {                return true;            }        } while (($class = get_parent_class($class)) !== false);        return false;    }    /**     * Triggers a class-level event.     * This method will cause invocation of event handlers that are attached to the named event     * for the specified class and all its parent classes.     * 触发某个类或者对象的某个事件     * @param string|object $class the object or the fully qualified class name specifying the class-level event.     * @param string $name the event name.     * @param Event $event the event parameter. If not set, a default [[Event]] object will be created.     */    public static function trigger($class, $name, $event = null)    {        if (empty(self::$_events[$name])) {            return;        }        if ($event === null) {            // 事件不存在,就创建一个 Event 对象            $event = new static;        }        // 设置event对象的属性,默认是未被处理的        $event->handled = false;        $event->name = $name;        if (is_object($class)) {            if ($event->sender === null) {                // 如果 $class 是个对象,并且是 sender 为空,就将 $class 赋给 sender,即 $class 就是触发事件的对象                $event->sender = $class;            }            $class = get_class($class);        } else {            $class = ltrim($class, '\\');        }        // 循环类的 $_event,直到遇到 $event->handled 为真或者没有父类了为止        do {            if (!empty(self::$_events[$name][$class])) {                foreach (self::$_events[$name][$class] as $handler) {                    // 将参数赋到 event 对象的 data 属性上                    $event->data = $handler[1];                    // 调用 $handler 方法                    // 在方法中,可以用 $this->data 取到相应的参数                    // 也可以在其中设置 $this->handled 的值,中断后续事件的触发                    call_user_func($handler[0], $event);                    // 当某个 handled 被设置为 true 时,执行到这个事件的时候,会停止,并忽略剩下的事件                    if ($event->handled) {                        return;                    }                }            }        } while (($class = get_parent_class($class)) !== false);    }}

通过上面代码可以看出,类级别的 Event,其本质就是在 Event 类中的 $_events 变量中存储事件,触发事件的时候,只需将其取出,执行即可。


[    'add' => [        'Child' => [            [function ($event) { ... }, $data],            [[$object, 'handleAdd'], null],            [['ChildClass', 'handleAdd'], $data],            ['handleAdd', $data]        ],        'ChildClass' => [            ...        ]    ],    'delete' => [        ...    ]]


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