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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:5人阅读

小型 Twitter 的系统 源碼+註釋,PHP


今天重新吧 小型twitter系統的源碼 認真研究了一邊 算是熟悉php把?








Microblogging Application

see list of users

" . $_SESSION ['message'] . ""; unset ( $_SESSION ['message'] );}?>




Sorry, could not connect to database.
Please contact your system's admin for more help\n"; exit ();}mysql_select_db ( $DATABASE );?>


Microblogging Application - Users	

List of Users

$value ) {//=>指的是获取数组内某一个单元内的元素的内容, echo "\n"; echo "\n";//顯示id echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } ?>
" . $key . "" . $value;//顯示id對應的值也就是value if (in_array ( $key, $following )) {//檢查key是否在following中 然后根据状态显示不同的值显示不同的信息 生成不同的指向action的链接 echo " unfollow "; } else { echo " follow "; } echo "

There are no users in the system!



 0) {		$extra = "limit $limit";	} else {		$extra = '';	}		$sql = "select user_id,body, stamp from posts 		where user_id in ($user_string) 		order by stamp desc $extra";	echo $sql;	$result = mysql_query ( $sql );		while ( $data = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ) {		$posts [] = array (				'stamp' => $data->stamp,				'userid' => $data->user_id,				'body' => $data->body 		);	}	return $posts;}/** * 显示用户 * 如果user_id =0,直接显示所有用户 * 如果user id >0,显示改用户follow的用户id * @param unknown_type $user_id * @return multitype:|multitype:NULL */function show_users($user_id = 0) {	if ($user_id > 0) {		$follow = array ();		$fsql = "select user_id from following				where follower_id='$user_id'";//從follow中選出該id的follower		$fresult = mysql_query ( $fsql );						while ( $f = mysql_fetch_object ( $fresult ) ) {//把結果作爲一個對象傳入					array_push ( $follow, $f->user_id );//把f中的user_id字段放到follow中		}					if (count ( $follow )) {			$id_string = implode ( ',', $follow );//以","作爲分割符來加工這個字符串,爲了拼接後面的sql			$extra = " and id in ($id_string)";					} else {			return array ();		}	}		$users = array ();	$sql = "select id, username from users 		where status='active' 		$extra order by username";//從user表中選出follower的 id 和 name		$result = mysql_query ( $sql );		while ( $data = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ) {		$users [$data->id] = $data->username;//想user中填入用戶名	}	return $users;}/** * 搜索出用户follow的用户的id * @param unknown_type $userid * @return multitype: */function following($userid) {	$users = array ();		$sql = "select distinct user_id from following	where follower_id = '$userid'";	$result = mysql_query ( $sql );		while ( $data = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ) {		array_push ( $users, $data->user_id );	}		return $users;}function check_count($first, $second) {	$sql = "select count(*) from following	where user_id='$second' and follower_id='$first'";	$result = mysql_query ( $sql );		$row = mysql_fetch_row ( $result );	return $row [0];}function follow_user($me, $them) {	$count = check_count ( $me, $them );		if ($count == 0) {		$sql = "insert into following (user_id, follower_id)		values ($them,$me)";				$result = mysql_query ( $sql );	}}function unfollow_user($me, $them) {	$count = check_count ( $me, $them );		if ($count != 0) {		$sql = "delete from following		where user_id='$them' and follower_id='$me'		limit 1";				$result = mysql_query ( $sql );	}}?>



