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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:5人阅读

货币换算 Currency conversion using php and Google calculator api


Google is a wonderful ! While most of us use it for searching the web for information , few are aware that it has an inbuilt calculator which can also be used for converting a currency into another . Doing so is really simple , you just type ” AMOUNT CURRENCY_CONVERTING_FROM in CURRENCY_CONVERTING_TO ” and search , the inbuilt calculator will give you the result .For example , if one wants to convert 1 U.S Dollar into Euro , he shall type “1 USD in EUR” .


Now lets get to the topic of this post , Google also has a secret calculator API ( http://www.google.com/ig/calculator ) that is usually used for iGoogle gadgets , but since its free and open , anyone can use it .


So if you want to convert a currency into another using the API , your callback URL would look like :




// 1 USD in EUR example



In the above example , you get a string which looks like "{lhs: "1 U.S. dollar",rhs: "0.838574423 Euros",error: "",icc: true}" . You can easily explode() the string using php and extract the required data .


To make things easier for you , here is a simple php function that converts a currency into another using the Google calculator API . This example uses cURL , so you have to have it enabled for this code to work .



To make things easier for you , here is a simple php function that converts a currency into another using the Google calculator API . This example uses cURL , so you have to have it enabled for this code to work .






The value returned by Google usually has 9 decimal places , you can round it off to a no. of digits after decimal of you choice using the round() function . By default the above function rounds the value to 3 digits after decimal .


Now here is how you can use the function in your scripts







Hope this has helped you with converting currencies using php on your website















