时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:16人阅读
oListManager.GetFolderRowHtml = function( folderName, folderPath, folderUrl ) { // Build the link to view the folder. var sLink = '' ; return '' + ' ' + sLink + ' <\/a>' + '<\/td>
' + sLink + folderName + '<\/a>' + '<\/td> - Delete <\/tr>' ; }
2, fckeditor\editor\filemanager\browser\default\frmresourceslist.html, 编辑:PHP code
oListManager.GetFileRowHtml = function( fileName, fileUrl, fileSize ) { // Build the link to view the folder. var sLink = '' ; // Get the file icon. var sIcon = oIcons.GetIcon( fileName ) ; return '' + ' ' + sLink + ' <\/a>' + '<\/td>
' + sLink + fileName + '<\/a>' + '<\/td> ' + fileSize + ' KB' + '<\/td> - Delete <\/tr>' ; }
3, fckeditor\editor\filemanager\browser\default\frmresourceslist.html, 增加:PHP code
function DeleteFile( fileName, fileUrl ) { if (confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete ' + fileName + '?')) { oConnector.SendCommand( 'DeleteFile', "FileUrl=" + escape( fileUrl ), Refresh ) ; } } function DeleteFolder( folderName, folderPath ) { if (confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete \'' + folderName + '\' and all files in it?')) { oConnector.SendCommand( 'DeleteFolder', "FolderName=" + escape( folderPath + folderName ), Refresh ) ; } }
4, fckeditor\editor\filemanager\browser\default\frmresourceslist.html, 编辑:PHP code
oHtml.Append( oListManager.GetFolderRowHtml( sFolderName, sCurrentFolderPath + sFolderName + "/", sCurrentFolderUrl ) ) ;
5, fckeditor\editor\filemanager\connectors\php\commands.php, 添加:PHP code
function DeleteFile( $resourceType, $currentFolder ) { $file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$_GET['FileUrl']; if (is_file($file)) { unlink($file); } else { echo ''; } } function DeleteFolder( $resourceType, $currentFolder ) { $folder = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$_GET['FolderName']; if (is_dir($folder) ) { DELETE_RECURSIVE_DIRS($folder); } else { echo ' '; } } function DELETE_RECURSIVE_DIRS($dirname) { // recursive function to delete // all subdirectories and contents: if(is_dir($dirname))$dir_handle=opendir($dirname); while($file=readdir($dir_handle)) { if($file!="." && $file!="..") { if(!is_dir($dirname."/".$file)) { unlink ($dirname."/".$file); } else { DELETE_RECURSIVE_DIRS($dirname."/".$file); } } } closedir($dir_handle); rmdir($dirname); } 人气教程排行
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