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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:6人阅读

PHP 和cli 有什么关系 ,运行一个PHP文件 报错
这是报错信息 This example script is written to run under the command line ('cli') version of the PHP interpreter, but you're using the 'apache2handler' version

下面是我运行的php 文件 内容
if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") { //应该是这句话 是不是要配置某个选项 支持 cli啊
print "This example script is written to run under the command line ('cli') version of\n";
print "the PHP interpreter, but you're using the '".php_sapi_name()."' version\n";

include "xapian.php";

if ($argc != 2) {
print "Usage: {$argv[0]} PATH_TO_DATABASE\n";

try {
// Open the database for update, creating a new database if necessary.
$database = new XapianWritableDatabase($argv[1], Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN);

$indexer = new XapianTermGenerator();
$stemmer = new XapianStem("english");

$para = '';
$lines = file("php://stdin");
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$line = rtrim($line);
if ($line == "" && $para != "") {
// We've reached the end of a paragraph, so index it.
$doc = new XapianDocument();


// Add the document to the database.

$para = "";
} else {
if ($para != "") {
$para .= " ";
$para .= $line;

// Set the database handle to Null to ensure that it gets closed
// down cleanly or uncommitted changes may be lost.
$database = Null;
} catch (Exception $e) {
print $e->getMessage() . "\n";

command-line interface 命令行界面
用命令行工具运行它 linux命令行,或win的cmd都可以
意思是说,你的这段代码是设计运行在CLI模式下的,但是你现在用的是apache web服务器, 所以这段代码不能运行.
CLI 是命令行模式,例如在winXP 的命令行窗口cmd 里边,php my_script.php 使用php.exe 直接运行php代码,相当于控制台应用。
真需要的话,改成 web服务器上运行的版本就可以。$argv[0] 是从命令行获取的参数,改成用变量设置或$_GET或$_POST 获得
