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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:23人阅读


$arr = array ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e');
foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
    $curr = current($arr);
    echo "{$k} => {$v} -- {$curr}\n";


0 => a -- b
1 => b -- b
2 => c -- b
3 => d -- b
4 => e -- b


0 => a -- a
1 => b -- b
2 => c -- c
3 => d -- d
4 => e -- e



$arr = array ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e');
foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
    $curr = current($arr);
    echo "{$k} => {$v} -- {$curr}\n";


0 => a -- b
1 => b -- b
2 => c -- b
3 => d -- b
4 => e -- b


0 => a -- a
1 => b -- b
2 => c -- c
3 => d -- d
4 => e -- e

这个问题我在bugs.php.com上回答过: https://bugs.php.com/bug.php?id=63752

1. at the beginning of foreach: ZEND_FE_RESET which increase the refoucnt of $a
2. then FE_FETCH, reset internal pointer of $a
3. then current, current declared to accept a reference, but $a is not a ref and refcount > 1 , then -> separation

PHP 的数组指针操作函数:

  1. pos() http://cn2.php.com/manual/en/function...
  2. end() http://cn2.php.com/manual/en/function...
  3. prev() http://cn2.php.com/manual/en/function...
  4. next() http://cn2.php.com/manual/en/function...
  5. each() http://cn2.php.com/manual/en/function...
  6. reset() http://cn2.php.com/manual/en/function...
  7. current() http://cn2.php.com/manual/en/function...
"Also note that foreach operates on a copy of the specified array, not the array itself, therefore the array pointer is not modified as with the each() construct and changes to the array element returned are not reflected in the original array."

foreach() 操作原始数组的一个拷贝,如果需要移动指针,使用 while 结构加上 each() 来实现。

$arr = array ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e');
while (list($k, $v) = each($arr)) {
    # 当前指针已经被指向了下一位
    $curr = current($arr);
    echo "{$k} => {$v} -- {$curr}\n";

参见 http://cn2.php.com/manual/en/function... 的 example #2。

php的所有变量实际上是用一个struct zval来表示的。

/* Zend/zend.h */
typedef struct _zval_struct zval;
typedef union _zvalue_value {
    long lval;                  /* long value */
    double dval;                /* double value */
    struct {
        char *val;
        int len;
    } str;
    HashTable *ht;              /* hash table value */
    zend_object_value obj;
} zvalue_value;

struct _zval_struct {
    /* Variable information */
    zvalue_value value;     /* value */
    zend_uint refcount;
    zend_uchar type;    /* active type */
    zend_uchar is_ref;

而数组就是其中的"HashTable *ht",实际上就是一个哈希表(Hash Table),表中的所有元素同时又组成一个双向链表,它的定义为:

/* Zend/zend_hash.h */
typedef struct _hashtable {
    uint nTableSize;
    uint nTableMask;
    uint nNumOfElements;
    ulong nNextFreeElement;
    Bucket *pInternalPointer;   /* Used for element traversal */
    Bucket *pListHead;          
    Bucket *pListTail;          
    Bucket **arBuckets;
    dtor_func_t pDestructor;
    zend_bool persistent;
    unsigned char nApplyCount;
    zend_bool bApplyProtection;
    int inconsistent;
} HashTable;

这里有一个 Bucket *pInternalPointer ,就是被reset/current/next等函数用来遍历数组保存位置状态的。Bucket的实现如下,可以看到这就是个赤裸裸的链表节点。

typedef struct bucket {
    ulong h;                        /* Used for numeric indexing */
    uint nKeyLength;
    void *pData;
    void *pDataPtr;
    struct bucket *pListNext;
    struct bucket *pListLast;
    struct bucket *pNext;
    struct bucket *pLast;
    char arKey[1]; /* Must be last element */
} Bucket;

而foreach的实现,则位于 ./Zend/zend_compile.h ,在解释期被flex翻译成由 zend_do_foreach_begin zend_do_foreach_cont zend_do_foreach_end 这三个函数(以及相关代码)组合起来。由于看起来比较晦涩,我就不贴出来了(实际上我也没看太懂),详情可以参考雪候鸟的这篇:深入理解PHP原理之foreach


number of ops:  12
compiled vars:  !0 = $arr, !1 = $x
line  # *  op                   return  operands
2     0  >   INIT_ARRAY           ~0      1         用1初始化数组
      1      ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT    ~0      2         添加个2
      2      ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT    ~0      3         添加个3
      3      ASSIGN                       !0, ~0    存入$arr
3     4    > FE_RESET             $2      !0, ->10  $2 = FE_RESET($arr), 失败则跳到#10
      5  > > FE_FETCH             $3      $2, ->10  $3 = FE_FETCH($2), 失败则跳到#10
      6  >   ZEND_OP_DATA                           
      7      ASSIGN                       !1, $3    $x = $3
4     8      ECHO                         !1        echo $x
      9    > JMP                          ->5       跳到#5
     10  >   SWITCH_FREE                  $2        释放$2
5    11    > RETURN                       1         返回
