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时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:246人阅读




我其实很想丢一句 「你给我去搜索啊啊啊!」 就不管你了 ...

但考虑到搜索的结果水平良莠不齐 ... 有些还错误百出 ... 误导你不好 ... 还是给你写一个吧 ...

再说这问题放一天了没人理怪可怜的不是 ... 恩 ... 代码如下 ...

  function( $action ) { 
    return <<< UPLOAD_FORM
Upload Example - 
  Step 1 - Choose File


/* a simple error page ... */
'UPLOAD_ERROR'      =>  function( $message ) {
    return <<< UPLOAD_ERROR
Upload Example - 
  Step 2.1 - Error Occurs When Uploading



UPLOAD_ERROR; }, /* simple upload result page appears BEFORE file moved ... */ 'UPLOAD_RESULT_1' => function( array $info ) { return <<< UPLOAD_RESULT_1 Upload Example - Step 2.2 - Show Uploaded File Info

Basic File Info

Name :
Type :
Size :
Path :
UPLOAD_RESULT_1; }, /* simple upload result page appears AFTER file moved ... */ 'UPLOAD_RESULT_2' => function( array $result ) { return <<< UPLOAD_RESULT_2

Final Processing Result

From :
Move To :
Status :
UPLOAD_RESULT_2; } ]; /* show the page off ... */ echo isset( $html[$name] ) ? $html[$name]($param) : ''; return; }; /* define where uploaded file should stored in ... */ define( 'UPLOAD_PATH', 'upload' ); /* simple way to judge whether we got a file or not ... */ if ( ! isset( $_FILES['file'] ) ) /* no file ..? time to upload ... */ $template( 'UPLOAD_FORM', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ); /* well ... it seems that we have something to do ... */ else { /* let us rock ... */ try { /* make an alias and make sure our file uploaded normally ... */ if ( UPLOAD_ERR_OK === ( $error = $_FILES['file']['error'] ) ) { /* hooray ... show the result and make another alias ... */ $template( 'UPLOAD_RESULT_1', ( $file = $_FILES['file'] ) ); /* this is not the end ... we need to confirm this file ... */ $checker = function( $file ) { /* you can deny a file if it too large ... */ if ( $file['size'] > 1234 ); /* you can also deny a file if you do not want it ... */ if ( ! in_array( $file['type'], [ 'image/jpeg', 'image/png' ] ) ); /* you can even specify the file name ... */ if ( 'Sunyanzi.zip' !== $file['name'] ); /* in a word ... do everything you want here ... */ return true; }; /* initialize the result array ... */ $result = [ 'from' => $file['tmp_name'], 'to' => $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . UPLOAD_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file['name'], 'status' => 'Failure' ]; /* is the file passed our examination ..? */ if ( true === $checker( $file ) ) { /* prepare store path ... */ if ( ! is_dir( UPLOAD_PATH ) ) mkdir( UPLOAD_PATH, 0755, true ); /* move file to the right place and keep its name ... */ if ( move_uploaded_file( $file['tmp_name'], UPLOAD_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file['name'] ) ) /* change status to success ... */ $result['status'] = 'Success'; } /* show the final result and we have done ... */ $template( 'UPLOAD_RESULT_2', $result ); /* something wrong with it ..? */ } else { /* failure ..? what happened ..? let us find it out ! */ $error_messages = [ UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize ' . 'directive in php.ini.', UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE => 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE direct' . 'ive that was specified in the HTML form.', UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => 'No file was uploaded.', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => 'Missing a temporary folder.', UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE => 'Failed to write file to disk.', UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION => 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload.' ]; /* throw the error out ! */ throw new Exception( isset( $error_messages[$error] ) ? $error_messages[$error] : 'Unknown Error' ); } /* something wrong ..? */ } catch ( Exception $ex ) { /* show it out ... */ $template( 'UPLOAD_ERROR', $ex->getMessage() ); } }

没写什么花哨的东西 ... 整个流程很简单 ...

最开始是定义所有用到的 html 页面 ... 然后是定义上传路径 ... 然后就是上传的部分 ...

看一下有哪里不明白可以再问 ...

以及说 ... 我的 $checker 只是用于演示 ... 所以写的很简单 ...

但事实上开放用户自由上传是一个 很危险 的行为 ... 如果你确定要用 ... 一定要再三确保安全 ...

恩就是这样啦 ...
