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js select实现省市区联动选择

时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:30人阅读


var $ = require('jquery'),
  $window = $(window),
  data = require('./data-new'),
  $doc = $(document);

var __DEFAULTS__ = {
  itemName: ['省', '市', '区/县'],
  items: ['province', 'city', 'area'],
  callback: function(field, index) {} // 点击切换得时候才会执行


 function Area(options){
   options = $.extend({}, __DEFAULTS__, options);
   var that = this;
   that.wrapper = $(options.wrap);
   that.selectArr = that.wrapper.data('default')?that.wrapper.data('default').split(','):[110000,110100,110101]; //
   that.items = options.items;
   that.itemName = options.itemName;
   that.callback = options.callback;
   that.default = that.wrapper.data('default'); //默认
输出省市区的id that.validinput = $("#default-area"); var validval = that.default!==undefined?that.default:''; that.validinput.val(validval); } Area.prototype = { constructor: Area, //创建select,输出相应的数据 createItems:function(itemname,data,selectId){ var that = this; //如果默认的defalut值没输出,则默认的给select添加相应的填写提示 var html = '<select name="'+itemname+'">'+(that.default === undefined ?'<option value="'+itemname+'" selected ="selected">'+that.itemName[that.index]+'</option> ' : ''); for (var k in data) { html += '<option value ="'+ data[k].id +'"'+(selectId === data[k].id ? 'selected = "selected"' : '')+'>' + data[k].name + '</option>'; } html += '</select>'; return html; }, //设置初始值 setValue:function(){ var that = this, html = ''; $.each(that.selectArr,function(index,k){ that.index = index; html += that.createItems(that.items[index],that.getData(that.items[index],that.selectArr[index-1]),k); }) that.wrapper.append(html) }, //获取数据 getData: function(type, pid) { if (type === 'province') { return data.provinces || []; // 省份信息不需要pid } if (type === 'city') { return data.cities[pid] || []; } if (type === 'area') { return data.areas[pid] || []; } }, //获取select索引值 getItemIndex:function(type){ var that = this; for(var i= 0,l = that.items.length;i<l;i++){ if(that.items[i] == type){ return i; } } }, //触发change时候,select下一位值重新初始化 setItemVal:function(select){ var that = this; var $this = select, previd = $this.val(), $type =$this.attr('name'), $nxtType = ''; if($type!='area'){ $nxtType = that.items[that.getItemIndex($type)+1]; var data = that.getData($nxtType,previd), html = that.createItems($nxtType,data,previd), nextSelect = $('select[name="'+$nxtType+'"]'); if($this.siblings('select[name="'+$nxtType+'"]').length>0){ nextSelect.remove(); } $this.after(html); nextSelect.find('option:first').prop('selected',true); $('select[name="'+$nxtType+'"]').trigger('change'); } else{ that.validinput.val($this.val()).trigger('validate') } that.index = that.getItemIndex($type); //触发change后可以设置回调函数 if (that.callback) { that.callback.call(this, select, that.getItemIndex($type)); } }, events:function(){ var that = this; //select change事件 $doc.on('change','.area-container select',function(){ that.setItemVal($(this)); }) } } module.exports = Area;


代码如下:<input type="hidden" name="defaultArea" value="" id="default-area" >  //必填项,为了添加验证触发验证用
<div class="area-container" data-default=""></div>

