当前位置:Gxlcms > JavaScript > jQuery插件bgStretcher.js实现全屏背景特效


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:4人阅读

bgStretcher 2011 (Background Stretcher)是一个jQuery的插件,可以为你的网页添加多张背景图,且多个背景图能够自动切换,同时背景图大小可以自适应浏览器窗口的大小。背景图的切换效果有淡入淡出,滚动,幻灯,其中选用滚动和幻灯时,可以选择方向,上下左右,或者左上右下,右上左下。图片切换顺序也可以设置正向,反向或者随机。更多选项就看你自己慢慢研究了。







<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./main.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../bgstretcher.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../jquery-1.5.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../bgstretcher.js"></script>

接着把下面的代码,插入到上面代码之后,来初始化 bgStretcher 插件,要告知插件在哪个元素上起作用,同时可以配置插件的选项。同样,注意代码中的图片路径不要出错。

<script type="text/javascript">
  // Initialize Backgound Stretcher 
 images: ['images/sample-1.jpg', 'images/sample-2.jpg', 'images/sample-3.jpg', 'images/sample-4.jpg', 'images/sample-5.jpg', 'images/sample-6.jpg'],
 imageWidth: 800, 
 imageHeight: 400, 
 slideDirection: 'N',
 slideShowSpeed: 1000,
 transitionEffect: 'fade',
 sequenceMode: 'normal',



配置选项 缺 省 值 选项说明
imageContainer bgstretcher bgStretcher will automatically build structure for the images list in a DOM tree. This parameter is ID for the images holder. Try inspecting the tree with a FireBug to get an idea how it's constructed.
resizeProportionally true Indicates if background image(s) will be resized proportionally or not.
resizeAnimate false Indicates if background image(s) will be resized with animation. (Be careful, this may slow down some PCs if your images are large.)
images empty An array containing list of images to be displayed on page's background.
imageWidth 1024 Original image's width.
imageHeight 768 Original image's height.
maxWidth auto Maximum image's width.
maxHeight auto Maximum image's height.
nextSlideDelay 3000 (3 seconds) Numeric value in milliseconds. The parameter sets delay until next slide should start.
slideShowSpeed normal Numeric value in milliseconds or jQuery string value (‘fast', ‘normal', ‘slow'). The parameter sets the speed of transition between images.
slideShow true Allows or disallows slideshow functionality.
transitionEffect fade Transition effect (use also: none, simpleSlide, superSlide).
slideDirection N Slide Diraction: N – north, S – south, W – west, E – East (if transitionEffect = superSlide use also: NW, NE, SW, SE).
sequenceMode normal Sequence mode (use also: back, random)
buttonPrev empty Previous button CSS selector
buttonNext empty Next button CSS selector
pagination empty CSS selector for pagination
anchoring ‘left top' Anchoring bgStrtcher area regarding window
anchoringImg ‘left top' Anchoring images regarding window
preloadImg false For Preload images use true
stratElementIndex 0 Start element index
callbackfunction null Name of callback function


方法名称 方法说明
$(objID).bgStretcher.play()                 Resume background slideshow
$(objID).bgStretcher.pause()              Pause background slideshow
$(objID).bgStretcher.sliderDestroy()   Destroy background slideshow


MS Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9
Mozilla Firefox 2, 3, 4
Opera 9+
Apple Safari
Google Chrome

