时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:10人阅读
<p class="jimu-crop-image" data-dojo-attach-point="cropSection"> <p class="viewer-box" data-dojo-attach-point="viewerBox"> <p class="viewer-content" data-dojo-attach-point="viewerContent"> <img class="viewer-image hide-image" data-dojo-attach-point="viewerImage" src=""> </p> <img class="base-image hide-image" data-dojo-attach-point="baseImage" data-dojo-attach-event="mousedown:_onViewerMouseDown,mouseup:_onViewerMouseUp"> <p class="controller"> <p class="zoom-out" data-dojo-attach-event="click:_onZoomOutClick">-</p> <p class="slider" data-dojo-attach-point="sliderNode"> <p class="button" data-dojo-attach-point="sliderButton" data-dojo-attach-event="mousedown:_onSliderMouseDown,mouseup:_onSliderMouseUp"></p> <p class="horizontal"></p> </p> <p class="zoom-in" data-dojo-attach-event="click:_onZoomInClick">+</p> </p> </p> </p>
startup: function() { var timeOut = /data:image\/(.*);base64/.test(this.imageSrc) ? 50 : 500; var tic = lang.hitch(this, function() { var imageStyle = html.getComputedStyle(this.baseImage); var imageWidth = parseFloat(imageStyle.width); console.log('image width', imageWidth); if (isFinite(imageWidth) && imageWidth > 0) { this._init(); } else { setTimeout(tic, timeOut); } }); setTimeout(tic, timeOut); }, _init: function() { debugger; var cropSectionStyle = html.getComputedStyle(this.cropSection); var cropSectionContentBox = html.getContentBox(this.cropSection); var imageStyle = html.getComputedStyle(this.baseImage); var imageWidth = parseFloat(imageStyle.width); var imageHeight = parseFloat(imageStyle.height); var imageRadio = imageWidth / imageHeight; this._maxImageWidth = imageWidth; this._maxImageHeight = imageHeight; if (imageHeight < this.realHeight && imageWidth < this.realWidth) { alert('image is too smaller to display'); return; } //create a box which keep the ratio of width and height to full fill the content of popup this.idealWidth = this.realWidth; this.idealHeight = this.realHeight; this.ratio = this.ratio ? this.ratio : this.realWidth / this.realHeight; if (this.ratio >= 1) { if (this.realWidth <= cropSectionContentBox.w) { this.idealWidth += (cropSectionContentBox.w - this.realWidth) / 2; } else { this.idealWidth = cropSectionContentBox.w; } this.idealHeight = this.idealWidth / this.ratio; } else { if (this.realHeight <= cropSectionContentBox.h) { this.idealHeight += (cropSectionContentBox.h - this.idealHeight) / 2; } else { this.idealHeight = cropSectionContentBox.h; } this.idealWidth = this.idealHeight * this.ratio; } html.setStyle(this.viewerBox, { width: this.idealWidth + 'px', height: this.idealHeight + 'px' }); var paddingTop = Math.abs((parseFloat(cropSectionStyle.height) - this.idealHeight) / 2); html.setStyle(this.cropSection, { 'paddingTop': paddingTop + 'px', 'paddingBottom': paddingTop + 'px' }); // keep original ratio of image if (imageRadio >= 1) { if (this.idealHeight * imageRadio >= this.idealWidth) { html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, 'height', this.idealHeight + 'px'); html.setStyle(this.baseImage, 'height', this.idealHeight + 'px'); } else { var properlyHeight = this._findProperlyValue(0, this.idealWidth, this.idealWidth, function(p) { return p * imageRadio; }); html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, 'height', properlyHeight + 'px'); html.setStyle(this.baseImage, 'height', properlyHeight + 'px'); } } else { if (this.idealWidth / imageRadio >= this.idealHeight) { html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, 'width', this.idealWidth + 'px'); html.setStyle(this.baseImage, 'width', this.idealWidth + 'px'); } else { var properlyWidth = this._findProperlyValue(0, this.idealHeight, this.idealHeight, function(p) { return p / imageRadio; }); html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, 'width', properlyWidth + 'px'); html.setStyle(this.baseImage, 'width', properlyWidth + 'px'); } } query('.hide-image', this.domNode).removeClass('hide-image'); imageStyle = html.getComputedStyle(this.baseImage); imageWidth = parseFloat(imageStyle.width); imageHeight = parseFloat(imageStyle.height); this._minImageWidth = imageWidth; this._minImageHeight = imageHeight; this._currentImageWidth = imageWidth; this._currentImageHeight = imageHeight; this._currentTop = -(imageHeight - this.idealHeight) / 2; this._currentLeft = -(imageWidth - this.idealWidth) / 2; html.setStyle(this.baseImage, { top: this._currentTop + 'px', left: this._currentLeft + 'px' }); html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, { top: this._currentTop + 'px', left: this._currentLeft + 'px' }); //sometimes zoomratio < 1; it's should be not allowed to zoom this._zoomRatio = this._maxImageWidth / this._minImageWidth; if (!this._latestPercentage) { this._latestPercentage = 0; } },
_resetImagePosition: function(clientX, clientY) { var delX = clientX - this._currentX; var delY = clientY - this._currentY; if (this._currentTop + delY >= 0) { html.setStyle(this.baseImage, 'top', 0); html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, 'top', 0); this._currentY = clientY; this._currentTop = 0; } else if (this._currentTop + delY <= this._maxOffsetTop) { html.setStyle(this.baseImage, 'top', this._maxOffsetTop + 'px'); html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, 'top', this._maxOffsetTop + 'px'); this._currentY = clientY; this._currentTop = this._maxOffsetTop; } else { html.setStyle(this.baseImage, 'top', this._currentTop + delY + 'px'); html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, 'top', this._currentTop + delY + 'px'); this._currentY = clientY; this._currentTop += delY; } if (this._currentLeft + delX >= 0) { html.setStyle(this.baseImage, 'left', 0); html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, 'left', 0); this._currentX = clientX; this._currentLeft = 0; } else if (this._currentLeft + delX <= this._maxOffsetLeft) { html.setStyle(this.baseImage, 'left', this._maxOffsetLeft + 'px'); html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, 'left', this._maxOffsetLeft + 'px'); this._currentX = clientX; this._currentLeft = this._maxOffsetLeft; } else { html.setStyle(this.baseImage, 'left', this._currentLeft + delX + 'px'); html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, 'left', this._currentLeft + delX + 'px'); this._currentX = clientX; this._currentLeft += delX; } },
var delImageWidth = this._minImageWidth * (this._zoomRatio - 1) * leftPercentage / 100; var delImageHeight = this._minImageHeight * (this._zoomRatio - 1) * leftPercentage / 100; var imageStyle = html.getComputedStyle(this.baseImage); this._currentLeft = parseFloat(imageStyle.left); this._currentTop = parseFloat(imageStyle.top); var delImageLeft = (Math.abs(this._currentLeft) + this.idealWidth / 2) * ((this._minImageWidth + delImageWidth) / this._currentImageWidth - 1); var delImageTop = (Math.abs(this._currentTop) + this.idealHeight / 2) * ((this._minImageWidth + delImageWidth) / this._currentImageWidth - 1);
其中_zoomRatio = _maxImageWidth / _minImageWidth; _maxImageWidth为图片原始大小,_minImageWidth是让图片接近裁切框的最小宽度。
//prevent image out the crop box if (leftPercentage - _latestPercentage >= 0) { console.log('zoomin'); html.setStyle(this.baseImage, { top: this._currentTop -delImageTop + 'px', left: this._currentLeft -delImageLeft + 'px' }); html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, { top: this._currentTop -delImageTop + 'px', left: this._currentLeft -delImageLeft + 'px' }); } else { console.log('zoomout'); var top = 0; var left = 0; if (this._currentTop - delImageTop >= 0) { top = 0; } else if (this._currentTop - delImageTop + this._minImageHeight + delImageHeight <= this.idealHeight) { top = this.idealHeight - this._minImageHeight - delImageHeight; } else { top = this._currentTop - delImageTop; } console.log(this._currentLeft, delImageLeft); if (this._currentLeft - delImageLeft >= 0) { left = 0; } else if (this._currentLeft - delImageLeft + this._minImageWidth + delImageWidth <= this.idealWidth) { left =this.idealWidth - this._minImageWidth - delImageWidth; } else { left = this._currentLeft - delImageLeft; } html.setStyle(this.baseImage, { top: top + 'px', left: left + 'px' }); html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, { top: top + 'px', left: left + 'px' }); }
/********** body: { imageString: base64 code maxSize: w,h cropOptions: w,h,t,l } ************/ exports.cropImage = function(req, res) { var base64Img = req.body.imageString; if(!/^data:image\/.*;base64,/.test(base64Img)){ res.send({ success: false, message: 'Bad base64 code format' }); } var fileFormat = base64Img.match(/^data:image\/(.*);base64,/)[1]; var base64Data = base64Img.replace(/^data:image\/.*;base64,/, ""); var maxSize = req.body.maxSize; maxSize = maxSize.split(','); var cropOptions = req.body.cropOptions; cropOptions = cropOptions.split(','); try{ var buf = new Buffer(base64Data, 'base64'); var jimp = new Jimp(buf, 'image/' + fileFormat, function() { var maxW = parseInt(maxSize[0], 10); var maxH = parseInt(maxSize[1], 10); var cropW = parseInt(cropOptions[0], 10); var cropH = parseInt(cropOptions[1], 10); var cropT = parseInt(cropOptions[2], 10); var cropL = parseInt(cropOptions[3], 10); this.resize(maxW, maxH) .crop(cropT, cropL, cropW, cropH); }); jimp.getBuffer('image/' + fileFormat, function(b) { var base64String = "data:image/" + fileFormat + ";base64," + b.toString('base64'); res.send({ success: true, source: base64String }); }); }catch(err) { logger.error(err); res.send({ success: false, message: 'unable to complete operations' }); } };