时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:4人阅读
document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
今天阅读Ext的源码时发现Jack Slocum已经考虑到了这一点,在Ext.js中给出了他的实现,在其它Ajax框架中应该还没有这种类似的代码,从这一个细节上就能看出Ext的全面~
var isIE = ua.indexOf("msie") > -1, isIE7 = ua.indexOf("msie 7") > -1;
// remove css image flicker
if(isIE && !isIE7){
document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
今 天阅读幻宇的dreamplayer播放器源码时发现幻宇也针对IE的背景缓存进行了修复,只是他并没考虑到IE7中已经不存在这个现象了,这是 evml.js中的一段相关代码~(顺便嘀咕两句:这家伙,写JS从来不加分号的,以前是这样,现在还是这样,这样的话怎么进行压缩呀,汗~下面的代码按 照我的习惯都已加上分号,哪怕只有两三句而已~)
A while back a lot of people where covering how to work around the bug that IE always
reloads background images from the server, leading to your UI flickering.
Dean wrote one and lots of others wrote the same thing. Today, I saw this simple workaround
(from a fellow Googler who worked at Microsoft before):
document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true)
Much simpler but makes me wonder why this is not the default setting?
* 相关回复
* by Nicholas C. Zakas @2007-02-26
I've actually wondered about this "bug" for a while.
I'm sure somewhere along the line this decision was made for a logical reason…
maybe they didn't anticipate how much background images would be used, or maybe they thought
there was some use case under which it would be desirable not to cache the background image.
I'm generally not big on overriding things that seem to be design decisions (which this seems to be).
I've never really thought this was a "bug"…bugs don't usually have switches that say "turn off bug".