'{title}' +
{date} by {author} | {comments} Comments
{description}' +'
时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:14人阅读
<% ..... //下列服务端代码为ASP using JScript(依然是JS,I'm a big JS Fan^^) var str =""; str+=" "; str+=rs("title")+"<\/div>"; str+=""; str+="<\/td>" Resposne.Write(str); ..... %>
//新建一个Template对象 var tpl = new YAHOO.ext.Template(
'' +
'{title}' +
'{date} by {author} | {comments} Comments
{description}' +
); tpl.compile(); //compile()的方法,可带来DOM性能的增益 var moreView = new YAHOO.ext.JsonView('entry-list', tpl, { jsonRoot: 'posts' }); //又或者隐式创建Template对象 var view = new YAHOO.ext.View('my-element', '{2} - {1}', // auto create template dataModel, { singleSelect: true, selectedClass: 'ydataview-selected' });
view.load({ url: 'your-url.php',
params: {param1: 'foo', param2: 'bar'}, // 可以是URL encoded字符
callback: yourFunction,
scope: yourObject, //(optional scope)
discardUrl: false,
nocache: false,
text: 'Loading...',//loading之提示文字
timeout: 30,//超时
scripts: false
});只有url参数是不可缺省的,其它如 nocache, text and scripts都是可选的。 text和scripts是与UpdateManger实例关联的参数
- params : String/Object
(optional) The parameters to pass as either a url encoded string "param1=1¶m2=2" or an object {param1: 1, param2: 2}- callback : Function
(optional) Callback when transaction is complete - called with signature (oElement, bSuccess)- discardUrl : Boolean
(optional) By default when you execute an update the defaultUrl is changed to the last used url. If true, it will not store the url.JSONView使用点滴
1.改变jsonData属性; 2.Call refresh(); 见http://www.yui-ext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1968b.分页
JsonView extends View. View supports using a JSONDataModel. It won't render a paging toolbar for you, but it will loadPage() and standard DataModel functionality. The view will automatically update when you load new data. If you want named template parameters (like JsonView), you will need to remap the indexes (DataModel style) to named parameters. See the YAHOO.ext.View docs for more info on that.
http://www.yui-ext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2340c.如何JSONView的获取整个DataModel而不是字段?我每次用alert(mainView.jsonData); 结果是“undefined”
如果是获取DataModel,那应该用View对象。出现undefined的原因是load()是异步的,你必须先等待数据load完。如:mainView.el.getUpdateManager().on('update', function(){ alert(mainView.jsonData); });详见http://www.yui-ext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1209
d.学习例子。范例Image Chooser本身就是一个好的学习例子
JSON Format
{"user": {"username": "Bob", "birthday": "1976-11-08", "join_date": "2006-08-01", "last_login": "2006-12-03"}}是正确无误的。但不对,它是不能被处理的。正确的格式应该是:
{"user": [{"username": "Bob", "birthday": "1976-11-08", "join_date": "2006-08-01", "last_login": "2006-12-03"}]}注意方括号内声明的是数组类型,View渲染方式实际是与DataModel一致的
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