当前位置:Gxlcms > JavaScript > DOMAssitant最新版DOMAssistant2.5发布_js面向对象


时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:13人阅读

一个google code上的project
号称又要做一个大而全的js的库,要和jQuery, prototype, YUI, Ext对抗的,哈哈
With this release of DOMAssistant, I feel that it can seriously compete
with the major JavaScript libraries on the market. It has a very easy
syntax to select or manipulate elements, and with the core
functionality anyone needs, without having to worry about web browser
简单看了一下语法,其实他能做的YUI应该基本也都能做,不过Enhanced performance and extra checks for memory leaks这个ms比较强,有空看一看。


Full CSS1-3 selector support 完全的CSS1-3选择器支持
New AJAX methods: load and get 新增的load和get方法
Enhanced performance and extra checks for memory leaks 增强的性能和额外的内存泄露的检测
XPath Support Xpath选择器支持
DOMAssistant now creates its own scope to make use of private properties 创建了自己运行域保护自身的所有属性
Also, in terms of code quality Robert has taken the extra step to ensure that the whole library is JSLint validated.

The main purpose of DOMAssistant is to provide a solid foundation to build upon without all of the extras sometimes included in other libraries. As such, DOMAssistant focuses on:

Element selection (through CSS selectors or enhanced methods). 元素选择(通过CSS选择器或更强大的选择方法)
CSS handling (adding and removing CSS classes). CSS属性操作(添加或删除CSS Class)
Event handling (adding and removing events). 事件操作 (添加删除事件)
Content manipulation (add or remove elements). 页面内容操作(添加删除页面元素)

AJAX interaction (getting content from other sources, and adding it to the document).
Ajax交互 (从外部获取内容并添加到页面指定位置)

DOM loaded (calling functions when the DOM is loaded, as opposed to the document with all dependencies).
DOM加载完成 (当页面DOM加载完成后回调一个函数,而不是等待页面内容加载完毕)
