any area set aside for a particular purpose “the president was concerned about the property across from the White House” 同义词:place something owned; any tangible or intangible possession that is owned by someone “that hat is my property”; ” he is a man of property” 同义词:belongings | holding | material possession a basic or essential attribute shared by all members of a class a construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished “self-confidence is not an endearing property” 同义词:attribute | dimension any movable articles or objects used on the set of a play or movie 同义词:prop
重点看2、3、4条。 再看attribute:
attribute [ə'tribju:t, 'ætribju:t] n. 属性;特质 vt. 归属;把…归于 英英释义: n. a construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished 同义词:property | dimension an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity v. attribute or credit to ”We attributed this quotation to Shakespeare” 同义词:impute | ascribe | assign decide as to where something belongs in a scheme 同义词:assign
property,attribute都作“属性”解,但是attribute更强调区别于其他事物的特质/特性,而在这篇文章中也提交到attribute是property的子集。 而在JavaScript中,property和attribute更是有明显的区别。众所周知,setAttribute是为DOM节点设置/添加属性的标准方法: var ele = document.getElementById("my_ele"); ele.setAttribute("title","it's my element");但很多时候我们也这样写: ele.title = "it's my element";如果不出什么意外,他们都运行的很好,它们似乎毫无区别?而且通常情况下我们还想获取到我们设置的“属性”,我们也很爱这样写: alert(ele.title);这时候,你便会遇到问题,如果你所设置的属性属于DOM元素本身所具有的标准属性,不管是通过ele.setAttribute还是ele.title的方式设置,都能正常获取。但是如果设置的属性不是标准属性,而是自定义属性呢? ele.setAttribute('mytitle','test my title'); alert(ele.mytitle); //undefined alert(ele.getAttribute('mytitle')); //'test my title' ele.yourtitle = 'your test title'; alert(ele.getAttribute('yourtitle')); //null alert(ele.yourtitle); //'your test title'通过setAttribute设置的自定义属性,只能通过标准的getAttribute方法来获取;同样通过点号方式设置的自定义属性也无法通过 标准方法getAttribute来获取。在对自定义属性的处理方式上,DOM属性的标准方法和点号方法不再具有任何关联性(上诉代码在IE6-有兼容性 问题,后面会继续介绍)。 这种设置、获取“属性”的差异性,究其根源,其实也是property与attribute的差异性所致。 通过点号设置的“属性”其实是设置的property,如上所说attribute是property的子集,那么点号设置的property自然无法通过只能获取attribute的getAttribute方法来获取。