时间:2021-07-01 10:21:17 帮助过:10人阅读
context "a new user" do
setup { User.new }
asserts("that it is not yet created") { topic.new_record? }
context "a new user" do
setup { User.new }
asserts("that it is not yet created") { topic.new_record? }
Riot.run(function() {
context('basic riot functionality', function() {
given('some simple equality tests', function() {
asserts('a simple truth test should return true', true).isTrue();
asserts('isNull is null', null).isNull();
given('another context', function() {
asserts('equals should compare strings as expected', 'test string').equals('test string');
given('a context concerned with functions', function() {
asserts('asserts() should allow functions to be compared', function() {
return 'test string';
}).equals('test string');
given('yet another context', function() {
asserts('equals should compare strings as expected', 'test string').equals('test string');